My Dumb Jock Co-Worker by CalMaple


My Dumb Jock Co-Worker by CalMaple <br/> Author’s Note(s): I don’t recall when I first stumbled upon the story “Dumb Jock Roommate” on this website, but I remember quickly reading it several times after I found it. I became enthralled with the idea of the “dumb jock” archetype that SluttyNaughtyJock so expertly brought to life. … Read more


The Office Visit


A gay story: The Office Visit He agreed to arrive at my second floor office a 2:00 in the afternoon. The office door would remain unlocked in the hours leading up to his arrival. Unable to put it out of my mind, I stripped so that any work done over the next two hours would … Read more


A Business Meeting To Remember!


A gay story: A Business Meeting To Remember! It was an amazing busy period, my appointment diary had been filling up steadily and new clients were coming at us thick and fast, this particular event happened whilst on a trip to Liverpool on a bright autumnal Friday morning. The previous day was also in the … Read more