My Dumb Jock Co-Worker by CalMaple


My Dumb Jock Co-Worker by CalMaple <br/> Author’s Note(s): I don’t recall when I first stumbled upon the story “Dumb Jock Roommate” on this website, but I remember quickly reading it several times after I found it. I became enthralled with the idea of the “dumb jock” archetype that SluttyNaughtyJock so expertly brought to life. … Read more


Workplace Hookup


Workplace Hookup by LiamCox,LiamCox It was just a part time job for me. Actually, my friend suggested me that job, as his uncle owned a moving business. It was like any other day, the house-owner named Marcus was moving to a new place and we had to put his stuff in the truck and drop … Read more


Working Late


A gay story: Working Late “James, don’t stay too late, Okay? It’s a Friday and I already feel bad about you coming in today to help me,” Alex said as he walked towards the door leading to the lobby. “First, coming in wasn’t a big deal. Second, it’s not like I have any real plans … Read more


My Co-worker/Craigslist


A gay story: My Co-worker/Craigslist These are the bygone days of Craigslist, but always being secretive about my sexual yearnings, Craigslist was a great avenue for finding men, especially being married to a woman. I had some memorable encounters. Some more memorable than others. There is one I will never forget. One day I am … Read more