My Baseball Buddy Ch. 04


A gay story: My Baseball Buddy Ch. 04 Boy… what a difference 24 hours makes. Yesterday morning, the day after my first encounter with Nate, I was in the throes of an existential identity crisis. I woke up confused, terrified, and more than a little bit guilty about what we had done. Wondering what our … Read more




A gay story: Pranked Jimmy stood up above the red and white diner table and began gasping for air. His face had turned a dark purple, and his hands were wrapped tight around both sides of his neck. I quickly got up from cramped table and wrapped my arms tightly above his waist. After placing … Read more


Beach House Sleepover by Boobrat


A gay adult story: Beach House Sleepover by Boobrat , Hi, I’m Chris. I’m a 17 year old boy. I’m reasonably tall and skinny but I have a fair amount of muscle. I have blond-ish hair and green eyes. I like to think of myself as straight but I do occasionally fantasize about guys too, … Read more