Summer First Time


A gay story: Summer First Time The Megastore’s sound system dragged my memory back 50 years. The moment I heard that song again, I was instantly transported back to that magical summer of 1973. David Bowie singing Time from his hit album Aladdin Sane produced an immediate, embarrassing and slightly discomforting rock hard, raging boner … Read more


Forth of July Fun Ch. 02


A gay story: Forth of July Fun Ch. 02 After last year, I was looking forward to going back to my parent’s house and enjoying the 4th of July festivities, and for my cousin Josh to visit. I was hoping he was we would be paired up again in my old room again. Everyone started … Read more


The Summer of 2004 Ch. 05


A gay story: The Summer of 2004 Ch. 05 I drove home exhausted from the sexual intensity and violation of the day. My clothes, skin and taste buds were sticky and reeking from our commingled ejaculate, juices and raw funk. But I was hard and loving it. As I pulled into my driveway, dad was … Read more


Our Summer Rhapsody Ch. 01


A gay story: Our Summer Rhapsody Ch. 01 Disclaimer: This story is primarily set in Greece and features several Greek-speaking characters. Their lines are meant to illustrate what the language and words sound like from the main character’s perspective, an outsider. It’s not meant to be a proper translation or an accurate depiction of the … Read more


Beach House Sleepover by Boobrat


A gay adult story: Beach House Sleepover by Boobrat , Hi, I’m Chris. I’m a 17 year old boy. I’m reasonably tall and skinny but I have a fair amount of muscle. I have blond-ish hair and green eyes. I like to think of myself as straight but I do occasionally fantasize about guys too, … Read more