Anything for money (2) by ed12


A gay adult story: Anything for money (2) by ed12 , All characters in this story are 18 years or older. The next week Simon eagerly returned, the promise of the 70 dollars occupying him all day.When he entered the studio, Steve handed him an envelope with the money, which the boy gladly accepted. “I … Read more


CandyCane Dreams


A gay story: CandyCane Dreams We had been communicating for months and months through an Erotic web site and after finding out that we were thousands and thousands of miles apart it seemed we’d never meet! You in England, me in the United States! We had to come up with a plan to finally meet! … Read more


Pete by Sara724


A gay adult story: Pete by Sara724 , Pete never thought about his dad would cheat on his mother but it turns out he did and that’s not even the biggest surprise. Find out what happens when Pete’s father shows him why he cheated. Pete couldn’t hold it in anymore, his cum squirted in his … Read more


Zack and John by Fiero


A gay adult story: Zack and John by Fiero , Zachary waited eagerly for his new babysitter to arrive. He always played pranks on the new babysitter in order to get rid of them. He was already 13 years old and believed he could take care of himself but his parents wouldn’t allow it and … Read more




A gay story: Kevin I have never really considered the male body to be a thing of beauty. Until now that is. The vision in front of me lying on my bed naked, in the foetal position, sleeping his chest gently moving with each breath looked so beautiful. I look harder taking in feature storing … Read more


Our Summer Rhapsody Ch. 01


A gay story: Our Summer Rhapsody Ch. 01 Disclaimer: This story is primarily set in Greece and features several Greek-speaking characters. Their lines are meant to illustrate what the language and words sound like from the main character’s perspective, an outsider. It’s not meant to be a proper translation or an accurate depiction of the … Read more


Into the Woods Ch. 02


A gay sex stories: Into the Woods Ch. 02 I woke early the next morning with a raging hardon relaying the events of last night in my head. The sight of Tony naked with his glorious erect cock then fucking him on all fours on the soft woodland floor, I held my cock as these … Read more