The Summer We Discovered Sex – Chap 3

xxx gay stories: The Summer We Discovered Sex – Chap 3

I got it, Gracie said, grabbing Jimmy’s dick. “Sit down again.”

He slipped in more easily this time. As I settled into his lap the pleasure came back, even stronger. I hummed, high, and closing my eyes, I rocked around on him, feeling, enjoying. Jimmy grabbed my hips. I cocked an eye open. His eyes were closed and his mouth hung open. Knowing that I made him feel good made it feel even better for me.

I ground my butt in his lap. We both made little grunts and moans. Our eyes flew open again. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to hold each other while he was inside me like we did when I was inside him. Carefully, I leaned forward. Jimmy pulled up his knees behind my back and he stayed inside as I rested my hands on his shoulders and bent for the kiss I wanted.

Our mouths met and opened. His hands swept up my sides and over my back, and the way he felt over my body made me feel good.

But I had to sit up to get the deep angle again. When I did, the tops of his thighs against my bare made a backrest for me. I grabbed back under his thighs, holding the tops of his thighs to my back, and ground down.

I discovered I loved riding Jimmy’s bock. My insides tingled from my balls to down the insides of my legs. I ground my perineum on the hardness of his pubic bone and it was like scratching a deep itch.

I made it to another dry come right before Jimmy did. I ground deliriously, whimpering like a hurt puppy. My sphincter clenched and clenched and Jimmy tensed, grabbing my legs hard and doing some high whimpering of his own.

We slowed. Our bellies and chests were heaving. Our eyes met, and Jimmy’s head slowly rolled left and right. “We’re gonna do this again,” he said.


You like it better than me? Gracie asked, sounding slightly hurt.

I had forgotten about her. She was sitting cross-legged, rubbing the front of her panties. They were still wet, or wet again.

Not better, I said.

No, not better, Jimmy quickly agreed.

Gracie seemed satisfied.

My eyes met Jimmy’s and we both knew, we liked it.

His dick slipped out. Like mine, finally growing soft for the moment. I leaned back comfortably against the tops of his thighs. I had the comfortable the feeling like boys get when they throw an arm over a buddy’s shoulders or a buddy lays his head back on your stomach or butt to watch TV. Only, more so. Jimmy reached between my legs and lifted my dick on his fingers. It was comfortable. It seemed natural.

You could try a sixty-nine now, Gracie suggested. “You can clean each other off that way.”

What? I howled.

No way! Jimmy exclaimed.

Why? Gracie asked. “It’s only Crisco.”

And butt stuff, I said.

Suit yourself, Gracie said, getting up off the bed. She grabbed up the tea cup. “Take the towel with you,” she said, “and remember to straighten up Mama’s bed.”

She left and I lay down beside Jimmy. He rolled up on his side to face me and we intertwined legs. I laid a hand on the side of his waist and he laid one on my shoulder.

We’re like the best friends ever, I told him.

Ever, he agreed.

We held each other’s gaze, and the affection young boys sometimes share, passed between us. We pulled together into a hug, pressing the sides of our cheeks. When we leaned back, Jimmy gave me a grin and a shove, and I grinned and shoved back. We got off Mama’s bed, straightened it, put on our clothes, and left.

For the rest of the day between us, everything was like normal again. But before he went home late that afternoon, he led me back behind the garage.

You still gonna wanna, you know, do what we did? he asked. “Because we can go back to just wrestling if you want.”

I like wrestling, I told him. “But I liked what we did, you know, this morning. Maybe we can tomorrow.”

He grinned. “Maybe you could come over and spend the night.”

Yeah, I agreed enthusiastically. “That’d be great!”

We looked left, then right, then with my back to the wood siding of the garage, Jimmy leaned in and we kissed.

Us boys slept at night on the sleeping porch, and I was usually last to get up in the morning. That next morning, my older brother was already out of the house and my younger brother was outside playing when Gracie shook me awake.

What? I asked crossly, then remembered the day before. Did she want more sex? I sat up.

Come with me, she said, so I got up and followed. I slept in only shorts, so I was already dressed for the day. Gracie was wearing the same light cotton sundress.

Where is everybody? I asked.

Mom’s at the store. Jenny and Charlie are in the backyard playing with the Taylor boys. Everyone else is gone except for and me and Beth. Beth was my next oldest sister after Gracie. She looked a lot like Gracie, but had filled out slightly more (maybe B cups at that point, but probably C’s – we were all skinny kids). She was maybe an inch taller than Gracie and was the quiet one in the family. Beth didn’t say much because she was shy, but she wasn’t any dumber than the rest of us.

So where’s Beth? I asked.

In her and my room, Gracie said. She stopped and turned back to me. “I told her what we did and that she can do stuff with you and Jimmy without worrying about gettin’ pregnant. I could told her she can see what it’s like, and she wants to do it – she didn’t say for sure, but I can tell.”

My dick started to rise. At that age, stiffies spring up fast. I felt my dick lengthen and slide to the side and then upward inside my shorts. Gracie glanced down at the movement and a smiled played on her lips. “Come on,” Gracie said, turning to lead the way again.

I followed her upstairs to the room she and Beth shared. Gracie let me go in first and closed the door behind us. Beth was sitting cross-legged on her bed reading one of the fan magazines Mom carried at the ice house. Beth was wearing snug cotton shorts which she had pressed. Her sleeveless gingham shirt was also pressed. Beth always kept her clothes nice, even at home in the summer.

I brought, Scotty so you can give it a try, Gracie said encouragingly. “Look at his shorts. He’s ready.”

Beth’s eyes dropped to the front of my shorts. She quickly turned back to her magazine and flushed red.

Come on, Gracie said encouragingly as she stepped up beside Beth’s bed. “Put the magazine down.”

Beth shook her head.

Gracie motioned me over stand beside her at Beth’s bed.

Look, Gracie said. She pulled my shorts down, revealing my naked stiffy pointing skyward. Beth’s gaze shot to it from the corner of her eye. Gracie closed two fingers around my dick. “Feel it,” she offered. “The skin is really, really soft, but underneath, it’s real stiff, like a stick.”

Beth watched from the corner of her eye as Gracie moved the skin up and down my dick, but Beth made no move to touch me herself. In the meantime, since it was Gracie who was fondling my dick, I turned my attention to her. “We could show her,” I suggested to Gracie. I wrapped my arms around Gracie’s shoulders and pressed my nude body to the front of her thin sun dress. Gracie let go of my dick and closed her hands around my butt and pulled my stiffy firmly against her own pubic mound. I grabbed her face and pressed my mouth to hers. Our mouths opened, and our tongues slid on each other. Gracie moaned softly.

I pulled up Gracie’s sun dress and grabbed her butt like she had mine, only to discover that she had no panties on. I pulled up her dress in front and she widened her stance, pulling on my butt to press my stiffy to her naked labia. I’m sure we looked nasty the way only two kids can.

I pulled her dress above her head and she only let go of my butt long enough for me to pull the sun dress off her. Then her hands were back on my butt, pulling my hips between her legs while she ground her pussy on my stiffy. My hands went to the two firm mounds of her breasts. I caressed them and I leaned in to kiss again.

Gracie and I were nearly fucking standing up. She moaned and I was making little grunts in that alto-pitched boy’s voice I had back then. I felt moisture on my ballsack. Gracie was getting damp again. She turned on pretty quickly back then, though I think she was primed before she ever came to my bed.

Let’s fuck, I told her.

Gracie grabbed my hand and led me to her bed. She bounced up onto it, laid her head back on her pillow and spread her long, slightly-bent legs. I climbed up onto the foot of the bed on my knees, and Gracie’s eyes locked on my stiffy. It wouldn’t be the first time a girl’s eyes locked on my dick as I got between her legs, but it was the first time that I had gotten it, and the look tightened my pelvic floor. I remember my body’s reaction and how the way she looked at my dick made it even harder. I was learning the way of a girl and a boy.

My eyes fell to her labia. They were wet and slightly parted at the bottom. Gracie slid her hands down on either side of her pussy and spread her lips. I could see moist pink membrane at the entrance off her vagina. Gracie, too, was learning the ways of a boy and a girl. My dick jerked.

With no more preamble than that, I scooted up on my knees and pointed my stiffy down at her entrance. Gracie pulled her knees up to make it easier and she lifted her head to watch.

I eased in until we flattened together and the sheath of her snug vagina held my stiffy possessively. I ground in and Gracie reached down for my butt with both hands. I fell forward onto my hands, and used my right hand to caress her left breast admiringly.Gracie ground her pelvis hungrily up onto me. Bending, I planted my lips on hers and our mouths opened once again to one another. We kissed and ground.

I thrust into her grinds and broke the kiss to look down between our bodies. Gracie looked, too. Then our eyes met, and Gracie pulled me down onto her and wrapped her arms and legs around me, pulling me tight. I laid my head on her shoulder and wrapped my arms under her. My face was toward Beth. Gracie and I humped, and I watched Beth.

Beth was still sitting cross-legged on her bed, but facing us now, with her back against the wall. Their room was small, and their two beds were close together, so Beth was only a couple of feet away. She had set the magazine aside and was rubbing between her legs.

Gracie and I ground more than thrust. My stiffy wasn’t long enough to do the hard pounding I could later after it grew. Still, it was fucking, and after watching Jimmy with Gracie, I knew how hot it could look, especially with Gracie’s hands clutching my butt and grinding us together. I turned from watching Beth to suck on Gracie’s neck, then covered her mouth again with mine.

The next time I looked at Beth, she had shed her shorts and backed to the wall again. Her hand was inside her panties.

Scotty! I heard Jimmy call from downstairs. “Scotty, you here?”

I raised my head and called out. “Yeah, up here.”

Beth gasped. Gracie groaned as I got up from her and went to the door. Opening it, I leaned out just as Jimmy, barefoot and in shorts, reached the top of the stairs. “Come here,” I told him.

He hurried to me and I let him into the room, closing and locking the door behind him. His eyes went right to Gracie’s open legs and pink vagina.

You take Gracie, I told him. “I’ll take Beth.”

Jimmy’s shorts were already tenting. He jerked them down and dropped them to the floor, on the run. He climbed onto Gracie’s bed and dove into her embrace.

I turned to Beth. She had frozen with her hand inside the front of her panties. Her eyes met mine and she swallowed hard. I went to her bed and got onto it on my feet, facing Beth, showing her my dick, wanting her to look at my boner the way Gracie had. I stepped up to my sister’s crossed legs, and planting my feet wide apart and I bent my knees to show give Beth a close-up view of my stiffy.

Without even glancing up at my face, Beth reached tentatively for my dick and pressed my erection up against my belly with her fingers, feeling the spring of its stiffness. She slid the skin on it, up and down. She pulled it down from my belly, examining it. She swept her fingertips under my little ballsack softly. Then she did something unexpected. She kissed the end of my dick. Next she did something totally unexpected. She swallowed my boner into her warm, wet mouth. My knees nearly buckled.

Beth sucked and I felt her tongue work the underside of my dick. I grasped her head and my hips nearly bucked. She grabbed me by the hips, but kept sucking. She seemed to be getting just about all of my dick in her mouth.

Some girls — and some guys — like sucking a dick, at least a young dick. Beth did. She sucked with growing enjoyment and enthusiasm and I almost doubled over on her head as she held me by the balls and sucked hard. Her mouth and tongue moved boldly. She took her pleasure. It was Beth’s first sex with a boy, and since it was her little brother, it wasn’t like she had to worry about anything.

When something she did brought a response from me, she repeated it. That’s why she pressed her fingers up under my perineum more firmly. I shuddered with a sudden dry orgasm.

Her sucking became too much. I pulled my hips back, but Beth seemed reluctant to let me go. When she finally did, I collapsed onto my knees, and then onto my butt inside her crossed legs, extending my legs out over her thighs right and left. That put my stiffy right against her panty-covered pussy – remember, stiffies don’t always go down quickly when you’re too young to shoot cum. Beth dug her heels into my butt and pulled us tighter. My eyes fell to Beth’s chest. She was breathing pretty hard. I started unbuttoning her sleeveless blouse. She rested her hands on my shoulders and watched.

When I had undone the last button, I opened her shirt and she forward from the wall to take it off behind her. Before her arms came back around, she undid her bra. I saw it go loose. She took it off and cast it aside and raised her chest to show me her breasts. I was mesmerized by them, and I was probably looking at them the way Gracie had looked at my boner.

Beth had real breasts. Not the mounds that Gracie had, but proud little breasts with upward pointing nipples. Beth swam a lot with one of her friends, and they wore two-piece swimsuits (those came before bikinis). Her breasts were creamy white against the tan of her shoulders and belly. Beth shoulders were wider for her body than Gracies, and her high breasts were spaced wider apart. They were beautiful twins. Even as I watched them, her nipples tightened and hardened.

Like a lot of boys that age, I had big hands. I remember the sight of my hands under her white breasts as I lifted them on my fingers for the first time. I slid my palms under them to caress the soft skin. I molded my palms to them to feel their shape. They excited me. I think breasts excite even the youngest of boys, even before pussies or asses do. Beth’s quarter-size nipples fascinated me, and I obeyed an impulse that must have been similar to Beth’s impulse when she pressed her lips to my dick; I covered her right nipple with my closed lips, trapping her hard little nub between them. I sucked it between my lips and when Beth groaned softly, I let my lips part and sucked in her entire nipple. Beth tensed. When I felt over her areola with my tongue, she tensed even more, cupping the back of my head and neck with her hands. So I lathed it thoroughly with my tongue. Beth gasped. And then she moaned.

She obviously liked my appreciation of the breasts adolescence had given her, so I did to the left breast what I had done to the right. I used my mouth and my tongue. I used my fingers and my palms. And Beth caressed the back of my head like a young nursing mother.

I played and sucked, and then I noticed how wet her panties had become where my stiffy rested on them. I leaned back from her to look. We were pressed together down there and it almost looked like my stiffy was pointing up from Beth’s panties. Through the wetness, I saw black pubic hair like I’d seen on my mom and dad when I was little. I pulled down the front of Beth’s panties. Her pubic patch was much smaller than my parents. Her patch had the small tight shape of a boy’s or girl’s first true pubes.

Beth lifted her hips to allow me to pull her panties down, so, backing, I pulled them off her and knelt up between her open legs. She pulled her knees up and apart to show me her pussy. Her labia were thicker, puffier than Gracie’s. They were pink like my dick and just as bare and smooth. She rubbed the top of her slit with a finger on either labia, and when she rubbed, I saw a lighter nub of skin appear between them. It looked hard and stationary between her moving labia.

But Beth was still backed to the wall and not easy for me to get to. “Lay down,” I told her.

Beth scooted around, and I scooted with her, until she lay her head back on her pillow and I was on my knees between her legs, getting that eye-lock on my cock from Beth that had excited me from Gracie.

Remember, Gracie’s strained voice came from the next bed. “It hurts a little at first but gets better.”

Beth and I glanced over. Gracie was still on her back with her legs spread, but Jimmy wasn’t on top off her. Instead, his mouth covered Gracie’s pussy and she had her hands clamped on the back of his head. He looked almost like he was devouring between her legs.

Well, I hadn’t tried that yet. So I bent down to Beth’s pussy. And, wow! The smell!

Once Jimmy hit puberty, I loved the smell between his legs, and my favorite scent will always be young Asian male. But that morning, the vague smell of sex in the room that had barely registered on my consciousness, now grabbed me from my nose down to my prepubescent balls the moment I stuck my face between Beth’s legs. It was like some electric drug shot straight in through my nostrils. It wasn’t overpowering; Beth was still young. But its effect was powerful.

I basically fell face-first into her pussy. Beth squirmed and grabbed the back of my head as I nuzzled and took another deep breath. My mouth opened, all on its own, and it was like pure reflex for me to start licking. I licked her juices and her opening. I licked up her slit which tasted faintly of girl piss. Then I hit that hard little nub I had seen earlier with my tongue it was like pushing a Beth button. She jumped.

I licked on it, and she quickly directed me to lick around it, alongside it, lightly on it, just not hard licking on it. Her clit was obviously sensitive. I licked, she moaned and thrashed. For the first time, I used my fingers and tongue to explore a girl’s anatomy thoroughly, and Beth enjoyed the examination. She thrashed and writhed and moaned, and her movements excited me. I wanted on top of her.

So I moved up, stopping when my face met pleasantly with her breasts. I nuzzled between them and my dick poked between Beth’s legs. She pulled her knees up and it felt like the end of my dick slipped inside her without me having to direct it. I pushed my hips and felt my dick slide in, hit resistance, and slide through. Beth must have had a paper-thin hymen. She yelped, though, as I landed balls deep inside her.

Her thighs grabbed my hips in a vice and her arms clamped over me in a bear hug. So I didn’t try moving until I sensed her relax. Slowly, I ground in.

Beth moaned softly. Because of our height differences (she was still taller than me at that age) my forehead was at the level of her jaw in that position. I could go for breasts or neck. Grabbing the fronts of her shoulders, I went for the neck first. Beth had a graceful neck. I sucked the nape of it and began to thrust.

Beth’s knees came up and her hands felt over my back before drifting down to my butt — we’re a family of butt grabbers. We’re all long armed and it’s sort of natural for us. Later, my little sister Jenny grabbed my butt exactly the same way without any of us showing her first. I never had sex with my oldest sister, but all three of the others loved to pull their knees up, grab my butt, and pull with my grinds and thrusts. Same with my little brother Charlie and them, later, before I got out of high school.

Anyway, that morning, I discovered that Beth loved fast fucking. Her hands on my butt pulled faster and faster, and the faster I went the more noise she made and the more she thrashed. I discovered that fast-fucking a girl into a climax, especially a noisy girl whose juices flood at climax and whose pussy clutches, was hugely exciting. It was the first time I climaxed at the identical moment — a dry one for me of course, not that we would have noticed with all the juices Beth put out.

Beth purred happily after, hugging onto me and grinding lazily up against me, but I was getting soft.

Did you like it? Gracie asked from the next bed.

We looked over and Jimmy was on top of Gracie again, but they weren’t moving. They looked like they had finished as well.

Yeah, Beth said in thick, contented-like voice, stroking my back.

You want to try Jimmy next? Gracie asked.

Beth’s eyes went to Jimmy’s body on top of Gracies. “Okay she said.”

Jimmy and I got up, and he knelt up between Beth’s legs, rubbing under his stiffy while he paused to survey Beth’s body. Her eyes did the eye-lock on the dick thing with him, too. Then Jimmy took the plunge and I sat on the edge of Gracie’s bed.

Gracie sat up and eyed my limp dick. “I didn’t know you didn’t have a stiffy any more,” she regretfully.

I shrugged. Sorry.

Gracie wasn’t about to take that as an answer, though, she reached between my legs to fondle me, and when that started to get a rise, she got onto all-fours on the bed with her face over my lap and her hand between her own legs, fingering. She sucked me up until she got me hard.

Lie down on your back, she told me. “I want to do it that way again.”

Even as I scooted up on the bed to lie down, Gracie was getting into position over me. She was ready. A moment later, she was rocking in my lap, eyes closed, rubbing the mounds of her breasts, and moaning.

I want to try it that way, I heard Beth say from the next bed.

Soon, Beth was riding Jimmy on their bed the way Gracie was riding me on ours.

Gracie made me dry-orgasm again before she got off. Jimmy and I left their room with very limp willies in our shorts. Even prepubescent boys have their limits. I’m not sure about my sisters, though. When we left their room, they were still naked and Gracie had climbed onto Beth’s bed with her.

I was gonna ask you to spend the night at my house, Jimmy said as we walked down the stairs, “but I’m sort of tired of fucking now. You know what I mean?”

Yeah, I agreed. “If they want to do it again tomorrow, we can tell them when we want to stop.”

Yeah, Jimmy agreed. He threw an arm over the backs of my shoulders when we reached the bottom of the stairs, and we went outside.

I did sleep over at his house that night. We had recovered, and nobody, including my two sisters, kissed like Jimmy.

Neither of our families ever moved away from our home town. Eventually Jimmy took over his family farm, bought others, and prospered. I went into medicine and managed to stay close to home for college and even medical school (Tulane, over in Louisiana). I returned home to set up practice — never had anything else in mind.

Jimmy and I were roommates through college. Then, while I was in med school, he and I took frequent “hunting” and “camping” trips together. The first moment we were alone would always be spent in a long, hard hug. Even after we married and had children we continued our hunting and camping trips. Because, you see, no one ever did manage to kiss better than Jimmy.

There are other stories I could write about all of that. Perhaps, some other time I will.

These days, Jimmy and I are old and don’t kiss anybody much any more– at least that kind of kissing. We still go on hunting trips, but now-a-days, those trips end up on soft beds in motels or hunting lodges with a supply of Viagra. Most of the time, though, my wife and I will go over to his house, and while wives and kids are all inside (often my kids, too, because our families grew up together), Jimmy and I will sit on his porch and chat. At some point, he’ll smile at me and wink one of those wrinkled almond-shaped eyes at me, and that will be enough.

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