The Right Way to Begin

A gay story: The Right Way to Begin

Cory arrived at the camp just as the sun was making its way down beneath the horizon. He’d had plenty of other summer jobs before, but the opportunity to spend two and a half months away from all the chaos out here in the woods was the best one yet. Especially since this would be his last year before he left for university.

There were seven other councillors besides Cory. Four girls and three boys. They were all standing in front of two cabins that were separated from the children’s living quarters by a small field. One cabin for the girls and one for the guys. The camp coordinator was standing with the other councillors. His job would be finished by the end of the day and he didn’t look too happy that the last of his summer councillors was late. All he’d have to do is show them all the ropes, which they had all basically been through last week, then he could get on back to town.

Cory walked up to the group and was pointed without a word toward the cabin on the left by the coordinator. He walked up to the door, trying not to let his heart sink. The bitter old man would be gone soon, and although Cory didn’t know any of his fellow councillors, he was sure it wouldn’t take him long to get acquainted.

When he had thrown his bags down on the only remaining bed in the cabin, he hurried back out to the waiting group and joined them for their final orientation.

* * *

Later in the evening, the four boys lay in their beds. There were two sets of bunk beds in the small building. Cory was on the bottom bunk on the set of beds facing the front door. Above him was Lawrence, a short athletic guy with a buzz cut hairdo. The other set of bunks was on the perpendicular wall. On the top bunk was Joe, a tall, dark haired guy that looked like he was trying to get in for auditions for some stupid teen football movie. He was the kind of guy that seemed to do no sports or activities but somehow stayed in great shape. Finally, on the bottom bunk of the second set of beds was Shawn. Cory couldn’t figure out how Shawn had managed to get a job at the camp. He hadn’t said a word the whole evening. He just watched and listened to everything that was going on, but didn’t seem eager to take part. He was about Cory’s size, but Shawn had scruffy brown hair and thick glasses. He was real thin, too. Not exactly the summer-camp-councillor type.

The conversation was basically happening between Lawrence and Joe. They really hadn’t been paying attention to the coordinator’s babbling either. They’d been too interested in the four female councillors that were staying in the cabin next door.

“You get a load of Janine’s tits?” Joe said.

“I remember when she was flat as a board,” Lawrence replied. “Didn’t take long to fill out though.”

“Just in time for the year book pictures. Even under that gown she looks amazing.”

“Sherry’s looking good, too.”

“What?” Joe said. “She looks like somebody just flicked some orange paint on her face. I don’t like freckles.”

“Why the hell not? She’s cute,” Lawrence defended. “She looks kinda like Lindsey Lohan.”

“Yeah, without the implants.”

“Hey, maybe someday.”

Joe laughed. Lawrence quickly did the same.

There was a brief pause in the conversation. Lawrence shifted in the bed above Cory.

“All summer here with Janine,” Joe said, almost philosophically.

“You say that as if you think you got a chance with her,” Lawrence replied.

“I don’t see why not. The only other options she’s got here are you three and I don’t see her choosing any of you.”

“What makes you stand out? You’re not exactly a charmer.”

“I don’t see the point wasting any time doing any charming. A woman who looks like that knows what she wants. It ain’t you.”

“Oh,” Lawrence said, sarcastically, “so you’re gonna give it to her.”

Before Joe could say anything in response, Lawrence said, “I don’t think you’ve got anything to give.” He laughed.

“No? So you think she’s gonna come running to you? Come on little man, you’re probably too little where it counts.”

“You know what they say about guys with big feet.”

“You don’t have big feet.”

“Not really, but all I need is feet bigger than yours.”

Cory couldn’t believe Joe’s next move. Before Lawrence could get anything else out of his mouth, before any of them knew what was happening, Joe hooked his thumbs into the waistline of his pajama bottoms and pulled them down over his hips. In a split second, they were all looking at his large-end-of-average penis, nestled against his left leg. The organ was soft, but they could all see what it would be had it been erect. It lay proudly just outside of a tuft of curly, jet black pubic hair.

“When it comes to girls like Janine, this is all that matters.”

As Joe tucked his pants back up, all eyes turned to Lawrence. He didn’t seem aware of what they were doing at first. At first, he just thought the conversation had come to an amusing, and slightly weird punch line. Then it hit him.

“You don’t want to get into a pissing match.”

“Come on,” Joe said, “you were the one saying that the hot chick with the big tits wasn’t gonna want me. What do you have that’s gonna make her pick you?”

Lawrence hesitated for a long moment. Then he laughed and pulled down his pants. He did it slower than Joe, obviously not nearly as comfortable with this game as Joe was. Lawrence didn’t have anything to be ashamed of, though. His penis may not have been as big as Joe’s, but it was still on the big side of average. His pubic hair was more sparse then Joe’s was, and because he was not totally flaccid, it made him look about as big as Joe had looked.

“Even you think I’m hot!” Joe laughed.

“Don’t flatter yourself. You’re the one that started talking about Janine. Maybe I should ask you why you’re not hard at all.” Lawrence quickly covered himself back up.

“Sore loser.” Then they both started laughing.

For a second there, when Joe had exposed himself, Cory had thought the argument was becoming real. Now he started to calm down a bit. That is, until he realized the room had become completely silent. He looked slowly out at the two boys on the top bunks, but to his great relief, they weren’t looking back at him. His relief didn’t last too long though, because they had decided to target Shawn.

Cory immediately felt terrible. The guy hadn’t said anything all day, so what made these two macho jerks think he wanted to play their stupid game. They didn’t seem to care at all. They just kept looking at Shawn, as he looked quietly back up at them.

Cory saw actual fear in his eyes. It was the kind of fear that, in small children, soon leads to tears. Even though Shawn, like all of them, was a recent high school graduate, he still possessed that look of being near tears.

“Come on man,” Joe said.

Shawn didn’t say anything. He only averted his eyes.

“Not fair, us showing you ours and you not showing us yours,” Joe prodded.

“Yeah, man. Gotta play fair,” Lawrence added.

It felt like forever. Shawn had finally lifted his eyes back up to the guys on the top bunks. Then, his hands started their agonizingly slow descent to the waistline of his pajama bottoms. The thumbs fumbled with the elastic for a second, then found their grip. He pulled the fabric slowly away from his skin, then down, toward the foot of the bed. The whole process took several seconds to accomplish, but he did manage it.

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