Against All Odds Ch. 18 by Chancem77

Against All Odds Ch. 18 by Chancem77

Discover the thrilling passion in 'Against All Odds Ch. 18,' a captivating gay erotic sex story that dives deep into love, desire, and unexpected encounters. Join our characters as they navigate their feelings and unleash their deepest fantasies. Perfect for fans of LGBTQ+ romance and steamy storytelling. Read now!<br/> It’s never easy, watching someone you love go through something traumatic, but as Noah watched Lilian being loaded into the ambulance, he wasn’t sure how to feel. He’d never wish what happened to Lilian on his worst enemy, and he didn’t want her to suffer or die, but any sympathy he might have had for the woman was quickly waning. He was still in shock after finding out that Lilian wasn’t his birth mother, but more so discovering that Eleanor, the woman who had given birth to him, was dead–and Lilian had known it all along.

The ambulance lights, mixed with the flashing red and blue lights from the police cars, cast an unsettling glow over the Mansion’s stone facade, turning the familiar into something ghostly and strange. Noah’s heart was pounding in his chest, his mind racing with the implications of what had just occurred. He felt a pang of guilt and fear, but he buried it, knowing he needed to stay composed. Riley stood beside him, his face pale, his eyes wide and glassy as he stared at the scene unfolding before them. Absently, he placed a hand on his stomach, as if to shield the child growing inside him from the chaos of the night.

They had all just witnessed something beyond comprehension, something that defied logic. Noah could sense Riley’s unease, his internal struggle to process what had happened, but there was no time to dwell on it now. The police were closing in, ready with their questions, and their suspicions hung in the air like a storm about to break.

A uniformed officer, middle aged, with fiery red hair, a stern face and calculating eyes, approached the trio and slowly glanced over each of them, sizing them up as he assessed the situation. Riley took a step closer to Noah. He lowered his head and dropped his gaze to the porch. Riley had never been comfortable around cops. They weren’t his friends. Most police looked down on omegas, seeing them as nuisances or trouble makers. Omegas were always the first to be blamed and the last to be taken seriously. It wasn’t fair, but that’s just how the world worked. Cops would sooner arrest an omega just for existing than actually try to help them.

Noah wrapped an arm around Riley and held him protectively close, earning him a puzzled look from the officer.

“So,” The cop, who had identified himself as Officer Kurt McElroy [MacO’roy], pulled out a small note pad and pen. He flipped the pad open then looked Noah dead in the eyes. “Who wants to tell me what happened here tonight?” There was a hint of irritation in his voice as spoke, and a very tired look on his face that told Noah the man was overworked and worn out. He’d probably rather had been anywhere else but where he was, taking statements from the three witnesses before him.

Again, he glanced between the three of them, impatiently waiting for a response. Riley kept his head down and his mouth shut, clinging nervously to Noah. Cassie, who was sitting on the top step of the porch, raised her head and stared back at the cop with a vacant and confused expression.

“Anyone?” Officer McElroy asked again.

Noah took a deep breath to steady himself then glanced briefly down at Riley before speaking. “There was an argument.” He began, his voice calm but laced with underlying tension that he did his best to hide. “It started between the four of us, My mother, Lilian, Cassie, Riley and myself. Things escalated though. Cassie stormed off to her room, my mother followed her and then…something happened.”

“Something?” McElroy looked up from his pad, his pen held, poised, above the page, ready to jot down notes as Noah spoke. He raised an eyebrow as he held Noah’s gaze. “What exactly do you mean by ‘something happened’? Be more specific.”

Noah hesitated as he tried to think of what to say next, something that wouldn’t make him sound like a raving lunatic. He couldn’t tell this man the truth. There was no way that he’d believe a ghost had attacked them and caused Lilian’s injuries. Finally he just shrugged and, rubbing at the back of his neck, said, “I really don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” The officer repeated. “Well, Mr. Reaney, why don’t you tell me what you do know.”

Again Noah sighed. He was ready for this interview to be over with but he couldn’t afford not to cooperate with the police. Especially when the events of the night had been so harrowing. There were just too many questions left unanswered and others that were impossible to answer. At least truthfully. “I wasn’t there for the start of the incident. I’d heard screaming and ran to see what was going on. I walked into a scene that…” He paused a moment and let out a deep breath. “Well, it was bad. Something I hadn’t expected. My mother had some kind of a manic episode and trashed Cassie’s room and then attacked Cassie. I rushed into the room and dragged Cassie out then went back in to help my mother. That’s really all I can tell you.”

“What was this argument about?” McElroy asked. “Initially?”

Noah toyed with the idea of telling the truth but then decided against it. Revealing too much information about his sordid family history would open up a whole new can of worms and Noah just couldn’t deal with that at the moment. “It was nothing at first, really. Mother just felt that Cassie was taking advantage of our hospitality and had overstayed her welcome. Things just got out of hand, they began yelling at each other and then Cassie stormed off. I guess Mother wasn’t done talking to her though and followed her upstairs.”

McElroy quickly wrote a few notes in his note pad and looked up again. “And, where did you say you were while the fight in the bedroom was going on?”

“In my room.” Noah told him. “When Cass and Mother began arguing with each other I left the room.”

“And Mr. Hicks?” The officer asked, “Where was he?”

“With me.” Noah quickly answered.

McElroy raised an eyebrow at Noah’s answer. “In your bedroom?” He asked, a bit skeptically.

Noah nodded. “He’s my fiance, we share a room.”

McElroy looked between Noah and Riley and the disgusted look on his face told the couple exactly what he thought of their relationship. “Okay.” He shook his head as he jotted down more notes. “When you first heard the screaming, what did you do?”

Noah furrowed his brow and crossed his arms over his chest. “I ran to Cassie’s room to see what was going on, what else would I do?”

McElroy looked up then and cocked his head to the side. “You can leave out the attitude.” He said while tapping his pen on the side of his note pad. “What about the omega? What did he do?”

Noah pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes. “His name is Riley, and he ran out after me. We were both very concerned with what we heard and wondering what was going on.”

“Alright, so once you made it to Miss Lauder’s room, what did you see. Walk me through it.”

Noah ran a hand through his hair then did his best to give an account of the night’s events, leaving out anything paranormal. His explanation basically had Lilian and Cassie fighting over Cassie’s unwillingness to leave the mansion unless Noah himself told her to go. She questioned Lilian’s authority and then Lilian, having some form of mental breakdown, flew into a rage and attacked Cassie. The two of them fought, injuring each other, and then Noah rushed into the room, broke up the fight, and pulled Cassie out and into the hallway.

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