Against All Odds Ch. 18 by Chancem77

McElroy listened, made more notes, and at one point attempted to question Cassie but that proved fruitless. Cassie muttered something about Noah’s mom attacking her but that was it. Anything else she said didn’t make much sense. She was still too rattled and upset to really answer any questions so questioning her further was pointless. McElroy turned his attention back to Noah, completely ignoring Riley.

“Is there anything else you’re not telling me?” McElroy asked with a dramatic sigh.

Noah shook his head. “No, I told you everything.”

“Really?” McElroy cocked an eyebrow. “Look, I’ll be honest with you. I think your story is BS. I think more went on here than what you’re telling me and frankly, it doesn’t add up. Your mother’s injuries aren’t consistent with what you’re saying happened and there are holes in your story big enough to fit the titanic through. I’ll give you one last chance to tell me the truth before I…”

“With all due respect officer, McElroy.” Noah cut him off sharply. “It’s been a long night. We’ve all been through a lot. My fiance is pregnant and needs to rest. I’ll be happy to have my lawyer contact you with a full statement in the morning if that will help but other than that, we’re done here.”

McElroy grit his teeth and nodded, but his contempt for Noah was clear. “I’ll be in touch if I have more questions.” He told Noah. “And I’m sure I’ll have more questions.”

“That’s fine.” Noah told him. “I’ll be here.”

McElroy took one final glance around the property then turned and headed back toward his car. He followed the ambulance off the property and when both vehicles were out of sight, Noah turned his attention to Cassie.

“You lied to him.” Cassie stated. Her voice was weak and lacked conviction as she spoke.

“Not entirely.” Noah said. “I told him my mother attacked you. I just didn’t tell him that my mother’s a ghost. As for the rest of it, I think we all know that there was some truth to what I told him. Riley explained to me what happened. What you said that set El off, and honestly I’m not really surprised. I mean, I should have realized before just what you were up to, I just never thought that you, of all people, would stab me in the back.”

“Noah, I swear…”

“Save it.” Noah snapped. “I’m done. Done with you and done with this whole mess. You’ve destroyed my trust in you, Cassie. I think it’s time for you to leave. I’ll give you time to pack your things but then, I want you out.”

Cassie’s eyes widened and she began to shake her head, frantically. “Noah, no. I can’t go back into that room. I can’t…I won’t.”

“Fine.” He told her, his tone cold and unsympathetic. “I’ll have your things sent to your parents house then, but I want you gone.”

“Where am I supposed to go?” Cassie cried. Noah could hear the desperation in her voice but he wasn’t moved by her sobs.

“Honestly, I don’t care.” He said. His eyes stared down at her with an icy glare. “You’re not my concern. You never were. Maybe your parents will take you back, though I seriously doubt it.”

Cassie broke down, her sobs echoed in the night air, but Noah didn’t waver, his decision was final. “You can wait for the cab inside,” he told her, his voice devoid of any emotion.

She again shook her head, pulling the blanket that the paramedics had given her tightly around her shivering body. She wondered then if maybe she should have agreed to go to the hospital when it was offered. She’d declined at the time thinking there was no way that Noah would actually throw her out and besides, she couldn’t really afford to pay for an ambulance ride or a visit to the hospital and there was no way that she’d ask her parents for help. She began to think that she’d made a mistake, but it didn’t matter now. The ambulance was gone and she was left with no other options. “No, I’ll…I’ll stay out here.” She said finally, resigned to her fate.

Noah shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He placed a hand on Riley’s back and the two of them turned and headed toward the door when Cassie called out to Noah, one last time.

“For what it’s worth,” she said, her voice shaky and full of regret. “I’m sorry. Please, believe me. I never wanted anyone to get hurt, I just wanted you to love me, not him.”

“Too little too late.” Noah said. “I told you once before, if it ever came down to you or Riley, I’ll always choose Riley. Always.”

Noah turned his back on Cassie and he and Riley stepped back into the mansion, closing the door behind them, and effectively closing the chapter on Cassie for good.


The dark walls of Reaney Hall seemed more oppressive now as Noah and Riley reentered the mansion, more constrictive. It almost felt as though the mansion itself were closing in on them. Reaney Hall, once Noah’s home, felt more like a tomb, sealing him in for all eternity. Noah’s mind was a whirlwind of emotions, torn between the shock of seeing Lilian being carried away on a stretcher and the burning questions about Eleanor Reaney that still haunted his thoughts. He clenched his fists at his sides as he tried to steady his breathing, but the emotions he felt were too tangled, too painful. His nerves were stripped bare and exposed to all.

Riley stood at Noah’s side and gently slipped his hand into Noah’s tightened fist. Noah relaxed some then looked down at Riley and smiled, warmly. “How are you feeling?” He asked.

Riley shrugged. “I’m okay. Exhausted, but okay.”

“Maybe we should call it a night.” Noah suggested. His concern for Riley and their child showing through as he looked the omega over carefully as though assessing him for injuries or fatigue.

Riley’s first thought was that they should attempt to clean up the Rose Room some before retiring for the night but then he remembered that Noah had servants for that kind of thing. It still seemed a daunting task though, even for paid help, and Riley would have been more than happy to assist though he was almost certain that Noah would disprove. He’d been so protective of Riley lately and frowned on him doing anything that might add extra strain or stress.

Riley sighed internally as he wondered if perhaps he could convince Noah to hire more help. It couldn’t hurt really, to have more people around. The mansion was so large and seemed so cold and void of life. Especially now. Tina would have gone home for the night. Maggie was probably still around somewhere though Riley wasn’t sure where. Baxter typically worked late into the night, leaving around ten but he rarely left the kitchen. Thomas, who knew were Thomas was. He could usually be found lurking around somewhere. Riley didn’t know if Thomas left at night or if he lived somewhere on the estate grounds. Probably the latter as he always seemed to be available when needed, no matter the time or day.

With Lilian and Cassie gone though, and the staff off doing whatever it was they did in the evening, it left the mansion feeling empty and less welcoming than normal. It was like being in an abandoned house or building, treading carefully as you explored, not knowing what was lurking in hidden corners. Riley suddenly had an overwhelming desire to flee and go someplace less…menacing. How Noah could stay there, cooped up in that house, year after year, Riley didn’t really understand. After just a few days of being there Riley began to feel restless. He wanted to go out, do things, and be around people. Of course, those were all things that Noah avoided doing so, in a way, Riley guessed he could understand. It was what Noah was used to and what made him feel safe. Unlike Riley who was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic.

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