Headset Headset – by Daisy x

He fought an internal battle for a moment, what to say, what to do, but eventually he tore his eyes from the credits, and looked down at his fidgeting hands and muttered.


Luke said nothing for a long time, so long Danny felt like he was going to explode with it. He was so calm and so sure of himself, Danny meanwhile was floundering in an ocean of confusion and pain.

“Do you…” Luke paused, frowning slightly “like me?”

“Obviously I like you, you’re my mate,” Danny said his voice gruff with strangled emotions.

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

“I…” Danny began but his voicebox had been paralysed by fear.

Luke’s hand reached slowly for his, the moment his fingertips brushed his he let out a sharp breath. Luke slowly interlaced his fingers with his and squeezed his hand tightly.

Danny heard his throat make a strangled noise half way between a sob and a laugh and felt his eyes burn.

“Ah fuck,” he said brushing the tears away with the sleeve of his other hand. Luke still said nothing, he was watching his reaction, drinking it in, but Danny didn’t dare look at him. For fear that if he did he would be lost forever.

“How long?” He asked.

“It’s all very sudden. Before this week, before I watched the video I don’t think I’d ever…”

“Maybe it’s just a short term thing then. Maybe it’s just because you watched me and it’ll pass?”


“Or maybe it’s more than that,” he said quietly.

“Maybe,” Danny sighed. “I don’t know.”

Luke let go of his hand and Danny let him, looking down at his empty hand. He swallowed finally summoning the strength to meet Luke’s gaze. His expression was soft, understanding, a small smile on his face.

He felt himself slipping.

“You aren’t grossed out or mad?” he asked.


“We’re still friends?”

“Of course.”

Danny felt a cool relief calm his raging hot emotions, Luke’s calm expression and reaction was a balm to his aching heart.

“So what now?”

“I’m not sure,” Luke laughed, “I guess… We have a beer and stick something on Netflix?”

Danny felt his smile break and nodded. “Yeah, that’d be great.”


Danny headed to bed that night feeling a lot lighter than he had in a long time. He lay down on his pillow and felt something hard. He pulled the headset from under the pillow.

He figured he should return it to Luke, padding barefoot out into the hallway and down to Luke’s room. He knocked.

“Come in,” he said, and he opened the door. Luke was topless, ready for bed. He looked surprised but there was something in his expression that he couldn’t place.

Before Danny could say anything Luke moved across the room, and pushed him back against the door. Danny was about to protest but then Luke put his hands gently on his cheeks. Danny’s heart sped up in excitement, looking at Luke’s face as it examined his. His eyes had that look, the look he had dreamed about. He knew what he was going to do a moment before he did it.

Luke’s lips were warm and firm against his own. The kiss was tender and yet insistent and Danny found himself kissing back, noticing the differences to kissing a girl.

Luke was more forceful than a girl, his chin had a slight stubble that rubbed against his face, and he smelled like Luke. His best friend since he was a kid, Luke, was kissing him. And he liked it. A lot.

When he finally pulled away Danny felt breathless and dizzy. He felt the dazed smile on his face but couldn’t brush it away.

“Is that what you came here for?” Luke asked, his face a little smug.

“Actually, I was just returning this.”

His expression faltered slightly as he saw the headset in his hand.

“And there was me thinking you were making a bold move,” Luke said, rubbing his neck embarrassed.

“No… that was all you. Not that I’m complaining. I didn’t expect…”

“I guess I was curious to know what it would be like, and when you came to my door I thought you must feel the same.”

“I didn’t even think it was an option,” Danny laughed awkwardly. “Until now.”

“You liked it?”

“Of course I did. I’ve been thinking about it non stop for over a week.”

“So maybe I could do it again then?”

Danny felt his stomach tighten, “I might need another drink first.”

“Yeah,” Luke laughed. “Same. But… you liked it?”

“Yeah,” Danny smiled and he felt his cheeks redden slightly. “Did you? Like it, I mean?”

“I must admit, I’ve kissed guys before plenty of times, but I’d never thought about kissing you before today. But, it felt great.”

Danny blinked, “you’ve kissed guys before? I never knew that?”

“Come on,” Luke said gently holding out his hand. “The night doesn’t need to be over yet, let me make us some drinks and we can… chat some more.”

There was that glint in Luke’s eyes again. He didn’t understand how or why things had changed between them, but it was clear things had changed. This scared him. What if this was the end of their nearly life long friendship? Should they risk it for some sudden bizarre lustful feelings? Yes. It was worth the risk for Danny. But did Luke feel the same way?

Luke’s fingers twitched slightly, and Danny realised he had been staring at his outstretched hand for longer than he thought, wrestling with his battling head and heart. Then with one heavy, unsteady breath he took Luke’s hand.

Luke smiled, entwining his fingers gently through Danny’s before pulling him towards the kitchen.

To be continued…? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading x x

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