The One-Way Voyage (Day 99)

Although Master makes the slave’s life magical, the slave fails him over and over again. Master has been a model of patience. This slave will strive to do better and begs Master to forgive its past mistakes, and those it will make in the future.

And now, the slave must make a painful confession, because it is wrong for a slave to have secrets from its Master. The slave must tell Master everything Master needs to know, so here goes: Once the slave went into the cockpit without Master’s permission. Master discovered this and punished the slave, for the slave’s own good, as is proper. But Master did not know and does not know that while the slave was in the cockpit, it looked through Master’s wallet. The slave knows who Master is.

Knowing this, the slave understands Master’s trust issues and is all the more grateful for everything Master has done for the slave. Master will surely want to punish the slave for violating his privacy. Whatever punishment Master deems appropriate, the slave will accept cheerfully, but the slave also hopes this knowledge will help it serve Master better.

The slave thanks Master again for his patience, his generosity, and his love, and hopes one day to be worthy of them.

* * *

The apology letter took all afternoon, as I was writing it by hand and it went through multiple drafts. This version still held room for improvement, but I was down to the last sheet of paper. There was nothing else to write on, so I was done.

It was just as well, since it was almost dinnertime, and soon Master returned. He asked for my letter. I handed it to him folded in half. He folded it again and stuck it in the back pocket of his shorts before releasing me and leading me to the dining room, where I sat on the floor and waited while Master prepared dinner.

He returned to the dining room with two plates of chicken alfredo, along with a glass of iced tea for him and a glass of water for me. As usual, I sat by his side on the floor and waited for him to finish. When he was settled in his chair, Master took my apology letter out of his pocket, and read it as he ate.

My heart pounded hard as I watched him, trying to suss out how he was reacting, but Master read the entire letter stone faced. When he finished, he set the paper aside. He said nothing, but he turned toward me and offered a chunk of chicken from his fork. I moved closer to take it in my mouth.

Master continued to feed me, one forkful at a time, while I wondered what this unusual behavior meant. Was he pleased? Only when his own plate and half of mine were empty did he stop feeding me and return to eating himself. Then we went outside to lower the sails and cover them for the night.

Afterward, Master took me to the aft deck. Since we were now sailing east, the aft deck faced west. The sun had already set, but we sat together, Master’s arm around me, and watched the last purple traces of dusk fade into darkness and the stars begin to appear.

Master turned and stared at me for a long moment. “You have such bright eyes. I never noticed that before. And such long, beautiful hair.” He put his free hand on my head, took hold of a long strand of my hair and let it slip through his fingers. Then he put his hand on the back of my head, drew me close, and kissed me, over and over again. I lost count of the number. His hand moved slowly across my neck and shoulder, then down my chest as we continued to kiss. Then it began caressing my balls.

My flesh was burning. I was on fire with an energy that churned through my body, searching for the release it could not find. “Master…please…” I murmured between kisses, but said no more. (Rule Eight.)

“Wait here.” Master left me, alone with my desire and frustration. When he returned, he had a small brass key, which he used to unlock my dick’s prison. The catheter hurt on the way out, but I was glad to be rid of it. For the first time in two weeks, the dragon was free.

Master also had a butt plug and lube, which he applied before raising my leg and sticking the plug inside me. As the plug went in, it squeezed a drop of jizz out of the dragon’s nose. Master chuckled when he saw it. He dabbed it with his fingertip, which he then stuck into my mouth. “Did you come already?”

“No, Master.”

Master took my cock and balls in his hand. The dragon was still small, but the touch sent shivers of pleasure up and down my spine. “I read your letter.”

“Yes, Master?”

“You are a perfect slave. I always knew you would be. You only needed a little guidance to discover what was within you all along, and now you are everything anyone could want in a slave.”

“Thank you, Master.”

He kissed me again, as he handled my cock and balls. Nothing happened. He looked down and said, “We need to let that dragon out to play.”

“Yes, Master.”

Master bent over and took my flaccid dick in his mouth. I gasped. He’d never done that before. He ran his tongue along the shaft, and between that and the moist warmth of his mouth, I felt myself grow hard.

“That’s better.” He began fingering my dick the way only Master could, and the dragon extended his neck, glaring fiercely at the starry night above. I leaned back and closed my eyes. “Keep your eyes open,” Master commanded. “Always look at Master when he’s jerking you off.”

“Yes, Master,” I said, and followed that with a strangled cry as I came, painfully, squirting semen onto the deck of Mariposa over and over again. It seemed as if it would never stop, until it did. I didn’t experience anything like an orgasm, and the ejaculation was strangely unpleasant.

“That didn’t feel very good, did it?”

“No, Master.”

He smiled and kissed me one last time. “It will feel better next time. Let’s get you washed up, then we’ll get in bed and I’ll prove it.”

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