The Customer (Dexter’s Saga) Ch. 06


The Customer (Dexter’s Saga) Ch. 06

Dive into Chapter 06 of "The Customer" from Dexter's Saga, a captivating gay erotic sex story that explores passion, desire, and unexpected connections. Join our protagonist as he navigates intense encounters and emotional highs in this sizzling chapter. Perfect for fans of LGBTQ+ romance and erotic fiction—click to read more!<br/> Disclaimer: This story may contain scenes of a graphical nature that may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18, or if material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. By reading on, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story.

This story is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental, and no harm or slanderous intent is implied or intentional.

Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is both your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to contact me – all e-mails will be answered to the best of my ability.

End of Part #5

Laughing, the cop taunted him, “NO not yet! You are not screaming enough YET! This is only the preface, the foreword, and the preliminary. The main event is about to begin.”

Part #6

Holy shit, thought Dexter, I’ll never last the night. This guy is worse than an animal. He is going to rip me apart. That cock of his is going to slash through me like a hot knife cuts through a tub of butter and come out my mouth. I’ll never survive. If I do get out of this alive, I’m going to kill Sultan. The thought of Sultan made him think back to their training sessions together. Over and over the big Sudanese’s words came back to him reminding him that the key to surviving a rape or violent sex, is learning to relax.

“If there is one thing you have to remember it is this,” he said. “If the guy is bigger and stronger than you, there is little you can do to prevent the rape. You are bound to lose anyway and by fighting it, you only delay the inevitable and add to your pain and suffering. Most of our clients are not really looking to hurt you. They are only looking to have a good time. For that good time they are paying a very high price. They expect to get their money’s worth. All of them have fantasies and you are their means of fulfilling some of their fantasies and erotic dreams. They are role-playing and mean you no harm. Once you get to know them, you might even enjoy their antics. I will do my best to keep out the real nut cases. However, as much as I try to weed out the real psychopaths, there are a few clients that for political and other reasons, I just can’t stop from coming here.

I must be careful with those bastards. I have to walk a fine line. Some of them, like the Police Chief, are powerful enough to close me down. They are just looking for any excuse to do it. If they do manage to put the lock on the door – then you and all my ‘goods’ would have to go on the block. If that happens, your ass goes to the highest bidder and as I’ve told you before – you don’t want that to happen. Who is going to want you? There are not too many out there that could afford you? With the exception of maybe a few rich men or some ugly rich cock hungry female, the only people that could afford you at a public action, would be the drug dealers and users who run the lower class brothels in town. Believe me, you don’t want to wind up in their hands.”

The best advice Sultan could give him was to enter this world of role-playing together with the client. Make a game out of it. But never, let on that you are doing this. If they suspected you are faking they might really hurt you. One good way to do this is to learn to act. Make like you are resisting him and scream. I know this is difficult to understand, but you have to get your body to relax. By relaxing you can take the biggest cocks, and survive the roughest of rapes without serious injury to yourself. For some reason, screaming helps you to relax. Tension is your enemy. It causes your body to become stiff. Flexibility is what you want and to get this, you must relieve the tension. The more tense your body, the more you will be hurt. So, as silly as it may sound, you should always remember to scream. Not only will screaming help you relieve the tension, but it will also make the customer think he is getting more than what he paid for. Seduction, so they think is for sissies, rape is for real men and being a real man is what they are pretending to be. Making your clients feel like they are real men is what makes a common prostitute into a courtesan.

All these and other thoughts passed through his blonde head as the cop positioned him on the bed. He knew he had been trained to take huge cocks. Sultan had repeatedly inserted several dildos, starting with a small size and working up to that last humongous dildo. That last dildo, so Sultan had told him, made him open his backside to the point where it was almost capable of accommodating a cock the size of Sultan’s big manhood. Now, over and over, Dexter kept telling himself that the Police Chief could never measure up to that last imitation dick. This cop was nowhere as big as Sultan, few men were, but he was mean, rough, and obnoxious. And he was capable of doing him great harm. For all Dexter could remember, this cop might even be smaller than that bastard, Achmed, the one that had got him into this mess to begin with. Remembering that slob brought tears to his eyes. If it hadn’t been for that filthy shopkeeper he would not be on all fours now waiting for this so called law officer to shove his dick up my ass.

Dexter now felt the cop’s strong body slithering and pawing his way up his back, mounting him like some wild beast in rutting season. It was as if the cop was a heavy hairy ape who had carried him to his nest and now was about to take possession of his being. He could feel the tip of his raging cock acting like a probing master key, rubbing against his ass, searching for the keyhole to open the lock. He felt the cop’s strong hairy arms encircled his mid-section as the cop adjusted his body and got into position to penetrate the gates with his steel lance. Harder and harder Mike squeezed the blonde; pulling and yanking his body back against his cock. Grabbing Dexter’s long blonde hair and using it as horse reins he pulled his head back, arching his body as his dick pushed and forced its way into his ass.

Son of a bitch, Sultan was wrong – this bastard was hurting his ass. The cop yelled at him, “take my cock, babe. I’m going to rape that sweet ass of yours and rip it to shreds if you don’t let me in! Didn’t that black bastard teach you anything? I know you’re not a virgin, but you sure are tight.” Then it happened the head pounded against the locked door and the gate opened a faction. Suddenly the hard dry cock head burst into his boy pussy as the cop pushed in, like a voracious thief in search of booty. In it went almost in one forceful smash. Forcing its way all the way in until there was nothing left to plunder. Dexter screamed bloody blue murder. The sound hit the ceiling reverberating and bouncing from one wall to another. Most of the Clients and whores that were in the establishment stopped what they were doing for a few seconds, and wondered what the hell was going on. For a moment or two, some of them thought that perhaps the Police were raiding the establishment. But then they remembered that the police chief was himself a customer tonight and that the screams were most likely coming from that new whore for which he had paid that ridiculous sum of money. Laughing, they thought that Mike was just being Mike, and was just living up to his reputation.


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