The Customer (Dexter’s Saga) Ch. 06


“That’s it babe. That’s what I want to hear. Scream! Scream, you no good whore.” Whispered Mike into Dexter’s ear, “that’s what I want to hear. Scream!” he said over and over again, raising his voice and then he lowered his mouth to the exposed nap of Dexter’s neck and bit him hard and shook his head back and forth just as a wild Panther does when he takes possession of his mate. Holding Dexter’s neck in his mouth and using his strong arms to keep him in place, the cop humped, pumped and pounded Dexter’s body wildly. He continued to do so even as the young man ceased struggling and passed into that dark, deep hole of near unconsciousness. Mike fucked the comatose body over and over until he sprayed his seed deep into the anal cavity of the now numb body beneath him and then he rolled off his exhausted prey. “You no good whore, you passed out on me. I’m not finished yet. I want more!” He flipped him over on his back, lifted his legs to his shoulders and punched his cock repeatedly into the now well spermed hole and fucked him again and again.

Hearing the scream in his office, Sultan sitting at his desk, bolted up, knocking over his chair, and ran to the door. Flinging the door open, he almost ran into Yussef. “What the hell was that?” he asked him.

“Must be Dexter, Mike must be riding him like he rides that motorcycle of his.”

“I told you to warn him that I wanted Dexter back alive. We got to stop him. He will kill him.” Sultan said.

“No you don’t. Leave them alone. It’s good for business. You trained Dex well, but you know how Mike is. If he comes out of there smiling and not asking for his money back – we have it made. Every man in the county will want a night with your blonde sexpot. You know how our clientele loves to brag. They will all want to try to make Dexter say they made him scream as much as Mike did. Money, money, we will be rolling in it. Go back in your office and stuff your ears with cotton or something. I’ll watch.”

“Ok. But just in case, I want you to stay near that door. If it gets too loud, or if you feel he is in real danger, you are to bust in there and stop that son of a bitch before he kills my prize whore. I don’t care if he is the fucking Chief of Police. That bastard can’t kill one of my whores.” Sultan instructed him. “A dead whore is of no use to us if we can’t continue to rent him out. I already had to pay medical bills to repair that boy’s ass hole. And I’m not going to make that fucking doctor richer every time some client plows that blonde’s asshole! ”

Yussef ran and posted himself at the door of the room. His ear to the door, he listened and soon heard the renewed sounds of the bed bouncing up and down. Dexter must have recovered. Now and then he heard Mike laugh and tell Dexter what a great fuck he was. He relaxed when he heard Dexter begin to beg Mike to fuck him harder. Then there were quiet times when he heard just the sounds of kissing and sucking; these were followed by short periods of silence. Finally, Yussef thought he heard Mike laughing and then say at last that Dexter was a great fuck and he was satisfied for the time being.

“I broke my record. I came six times in one night! You were worth every cent I paid for you. Don’t tell Sultan I said that. Now let’s both try to get some sleep.” The chief bragged, “maybe we will continue in the morning.”

By that time it was about five AM. It became still in the room and then the only thing the Arab servant could hear was snoring. Thank God he thought and then he, himself, went to sleep.

Later that morning Yussef arose and prepared breakfast, which he served to both Dexter and Mike in bed. Upon entering he was glad to see Dexter was still alive. Mike sat up and ate like a horse, Dexter like a bird. Yussef left the room and after, eating Mike again wanted to fuck Dexter. He would have, too, but the pounding on the door stopped him. “It’s 10:30 AM and your time’s up. You’ve had your breakfast and more than your money’s worth.” Shouted Sultan as he forced his way into the room.

“Well you can’t blame a guy for trying. He was worth every cent of it too.” Mike said patting Dexter on the ass and getting out of bed. “You wouldn’t think of selling him to me, would you?” He asked as he pulled on his pants.

“Well, perhaps I might. But first I’ll have the doctor look him over and assess the damage you’ve done to him. You and that big cock of yours may have ruined him. He may not be worth keeping now.” Sultan cried, “He was worth three quarters of a million. But that was before you got your filthy hands on him. Now, I’m lucky if I can get a half million. It all depends on his healing ability. If he heals quickly, I may be able to use him as a house servant, like Yussef, for a while. I think I will be able to absorb the loss for a few days. However, if he doesn’t heal fast, I will be forced to sell him and you may have him for two hundred and fifty thousand.” Then to Dexter he said, “You, you worthless piece of shit, get your sorry ass out of bed and report to Yussef, upstairs.”

After Dexter left, Mike handed Sultan $500. “Give this to the kid, he was great in bed. You better treat him well because if you don’t, you’ll have me to answer to. I would like to buy him from you. Right now I’ll give you one hundred thousand. That would make you a very nice profit. From what I hear you almost stole the kid from that slime ball, Achmad. You would be well advised to take it. You might not know it, but the kid is planning on escaping. The fool even begged me to help him. I refused to help in any way. There is no need for me to give him any assistance. I’m sure he will try soon and I don’t need to remind you that when he does, he leaves your protection and enters mine. When that happens, you can be sure, I will get my hands on him and you will never see him again. There will be no jail for that one as the others I’ve recovered for you. Hell no! I’ll not let my deputies or the prisoners near him. I’ll keep him locked up in my house and you and everyone else in this fucking town can go to hell if you think I’m going to let you or anyone else touch him!”

Sultan chuckled and said, “hmmm, one hundred thousand – was he that good? Maybe I’ll try him myself. Don’t worry, Chief, I’ll take good care of him. This one won’t get away from me! Even if I have to chain him up. Now you finish dressing and get back to protecting our little town. Next time you come here I might even give you a discount on any other whore you might want, but Dexter is not included in that deal.”

The Chief left the building in a happy mood, mounted his motorcycle, started the engine and with a mighty roar that reverberated throughout the parking lot, left the area. Sultan smiled, knowing that the entire town would soon be informed that their Police Chief had a very successful night at ‘Sultan’s House of Delights’. He watched, smiled and shaking his head, ran upstairs to the apartment to check on Dexter.

“How are you feeling? Did that bastard hurt you? Come, lay on the bed and let me exam you.”


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