The Customer (Dexter’s Saga) Ch. 06


Dexter lay on the bed exposing his rear end for Sultan’s examination. “Don’t be such a mammy. I’m O.K., just a little sore. He really didn’t hurt me that much. He was rough, but not too bad. I should be fine in a day or two.”

“Then what the hell was all that screaming about last night? It sounded like he was killing you. I had Yussef stay by your door last night – just in case. I was almost going to bust in and throw out that son of a bitch. From now on we will have to set up a code word you can yell if a customer is getting too rough.”

“What the hell did you expect? Hey, I was just doing what you taught me to do. You said to scream and act like he was killing me. Make the client think you have never seen such a big cock. Act like a pure, sweet and untouched virgin. Those were your very instructions.”

“Well that was some acting then. You sure scared the piss out of everyone here.” Sultan slapped Dexter’s ass, turned him over and took him in his arms and kissed him. “You sure you are OK? You’re not just saying that just to please me are you?

“And why should I want to please you? He could have killed me for all you care!”

“I do care, you are my little moneymaker. You did well, and look, you earned a $500 tip to boot. I told you, you were going to be a big moneymaker for us. And it looks like I was right. Now I want you to rest a day or so, then we can put you back ‘on line’, babe.”

“You going to give me a room of my own or will I have to move into the dormitory.”

“No, baby, for the time being, you stay right here in my room when you’re not working so I can keep an eye on you. I don’t want you associating with the riffraff. We have to keep you high class. No telling what them common whores will teach you. Besides there is still much I haven’t taught you.”

So for the next few days, Dexter rested up. Sultan hovered over him like he was guarding his life. He kept him a virtual prisoner in his room. Dexter was going stir-crazy.

“You really should let me get some fresh air and sunlight. I am going to waste away up here. I need some exercise.” Dexter complained. “I’m really feeling good now.”

“I don’t want the sun to tan you, my love. The whiter your skin is, the more I like it. And what’s more important is the fact that my customers prefer you light skinned and blonde. They love to see their dark skinned cocks sinking into that white ass of yours. I, myself, get a charge seeing my black hands moving over that smooth white body of yours. You know it is true what they say about us blacks; we are bigger and hornier than whites. And we do love blondes. Especially good-looking ones like you. Look at all those black athletes. They can have their pick of any black beauty they want and there are plenty of them that would love all that money and sex. But do they? No they don’t. Are they not always screwing blondes? Light skinned beauties like you look so vulnerable, so sexy; we feel the need to protect you. I, myself, feel that you are like some delicate white lily in a field of dark weeds that are threatening to engulf you and you are screaming for protection,” Sultan said as he ran his fingers over Dexter’s skin, his fingers rubbing over his chest and resting on his nipples. And then lowering his mouth to the young man’s pink lips, he kissed him and enfolded him in his arms and let out a big sigh. “Ahhhhh! What a waste! This face, this body, and what have I turned you into? A whore. And not just a common prostitute, but also one every man in this town would love to take to bed. Perhaps you were right, Dexter, I should let you go.”

“But you won’t, will you? Why not?” Dexter asked. “It is not just the money, is it?”

“Don’t get the wrong idea. Yes it is the money! Damn it! I’m a greedy Whore Master and you are going to be my chief moneymaker. If you think I love you, you are wrong. If it’s one thing I know – it’s that I’m not in love with you. I can’t fall in love with you.”

He took Dexter’s face in his hands and kissed him gently on the lips again and then, as the young lips parted, he inserted his tongue and searched the inside of his mouth. He ran his tongue tip over the guy’s teeth and plummeted his mouth with his probing tongue. Then, pulling away from him, he looked deeply into his eyes and said, “Damn you, I can’t afford to be in love with you, but I am. I am in love with you! What the fuck am I to do now?”

“Free me!” Dexter whispered. “If you did love me, you would free me.”

“You know I can’t do that. I know as soon as I did that you would be out of here and on your way out of the county and I would never see you again.”

“I just might want to stay here with you. But you have no way of knowing that, until I am free and able to make my own decisions.”

“No, you little vixen, I am not going to chance that. Do you really think I’m that much of a fool?” said Sultan grabbing and holding him close and sucking on his earlobe. “Why would I? What the hell is love anyway? I can have you anytime I feel like it and you will have to like it or I will beat the hell out of you. But I won’t do that, because while I love to think of myself as compassionate, I really am a cold hardnosed businessman. Now stop this shit about freedom. You are my slave and you will remain so until either I or my customers get tired of you. Forget it, It’s time for you to get back to work. Let’s put that white ass of yours to work making us lots of money.”

Seeing no way out of his dilemma, Dexter returned to work and began earning money hand over fist. The wealthy men of the town all asked for him when they showed up at Sultan’s. They were the only ones that could afford his services. Although his nightly fees did go down a bit, he still commanded and got rather substantial fees. They had leveled off at about $2500 to $3000 for a night. Men still wanted him as it was said that he only improved as time went by.

In order to keep the town’s cock hungry men interested, now and then Sultan would take Dexter with him when he went shopping. He had a metal neck collar placed around his neck and when weather permitted he would strip Dexter to the waist and lead him around the bazaar on a dog chain. Dexter knew it was all for show as there was no way he could escape. He knew that if he did try to run, he would soon be rundown and raped, if not by the towns sex hungry men then by the cops. Sultan told him it was good for business. It was like advertising. Men would come up and run their hands over his chest and some even went so far as to feel his ass. There was little Dexter could do as Sultan, who would always carry a small ‘cat of nine tails’ would wave it at the drooling men and tell them, “You can only look. If you want more – it is going to cost you.” And as usual they would either smile and lower their hands or show up at Sultan’s with money in their hands as well a nice tip for Dexter.

Some of them even sent additional personal gifts. A few of the more prosperous clients sent expensive clothes for him to wear during their next visits. One even presented him with a very expensive silk harem outfit, embroidered with gold and silver threads. The silk was so sheer that it appeared to be transparent. He insisted Dexter wear this flowing outfit while dancing before him. To provide musical accompaniment the client had hired live musicians to play that sensuous and enticing Arabic belly dance music. While Dexter danced, the client helped the near nude dancer remove one piece of clothing at a time, slowly and seductively, while his eyes, his fingers, his tongue and his mouth devoured every newly exposed inch of naked skin. Rich men fell over themselves making appoints for Dexter’s evenings. Sultan had been wrong. He had hoped to have one rich man as Dexter’s ‘sponsor’, but instead he now had all of the rich men of the county wanting him as a lover. Dexter was worth a fortune to him and the two of them were raking in the money to such an extent that “Sultan’s House of Delights” became not only the best brothel, but, it’s owner became the richest and most powerful man in town.


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