Apocolypse chapther 3+4 by fairieboi69


A gay adult story: Apocolypse chapther 3+4 by fairieboi69

, ok so if u like this rate it positive if not ratre it negative and please leave a comment so i know why or why not u like it This is a fictional story that is in no way true. If you are offended by gay teen and preteen boys in sexual situations and acts then stop reading and leave now. If you like that then read on.

This is a story I have been kicking around in my head for a while. I drew parts of it from a lot of different things lets see if you can figure what they are. I kind of like to set the theme for the story and get it going first before I get to the good parts with the boys.

Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you like the story. Moonweezle9@aol.com.

Chapter 3 Some days went by much the same as it had, us hanging around our hide out and surviving on the food we scavenged from tow. Soon we would have to make a trip back to town for food since there was no reason to let the food in the grocery store go to waist. We knew at some point we may have to start trapping food, but that time wasn’t now.

“Hey Chris how about we make a trip down to the store and restock our food supply.” I suggested. Chris was in full agreement and even had a good idea.

“Sure, but why don’t we bring a big cooler back with us this time. We can keep stuff cold that way. And we can have meat and stuff then to.

” He said. Damn good idea I thought. We decided to leave around noon so we could get the trip over with before night fall.

We hadn’t heard any sign of the aliens I a few days so we figured it was say for now, but for safety sake we both took a gun with us just incase. When we got into the towns limits we decided to check around a little more for any signs of life. We checked a few houses on the way to the grocery store being as cautious as possible.

We proceeded into each house with guns at the ready. In the end we checked out 4 houses from top to bottom and found nothing. No life at all, not even fish were still in a running fish tank we found.

We then proceeded on to the store for out provisions. As soon as we entered the store we were overcome with a stench of something that could only be described as dead. “Oh my god!

What the hell is that smell?” Chris asked pinching his nose shut. “I got a good idea but I’m not positive yet.

” I told him. I went on towards the back of the building with Chris following close carrying the 22 rifle. When we got to the area where the coolers were my theory was confirmed.

“Oh fuck! That fucking stinks!” I said almost gagging from the smell.

It was the rotting corpse of the alien we had found in the cooler days before. He was starting to decompose and the smell proved it. “Fuck we have to get him out of here.

We gotta do something with him. We sure can’t just leave him laying in here. We’ll never be able to come back here if we don’t.

This place will reek bad if we don’t get him out.” I said taking shallow breaths so I didn’t puke. It took us a few minutes to figure out how to get him pout of the building.

We wrapped a rope around its neck and dragged it out of the back door. Surprisingly it didn’t weigh a whole lot for its size. “Let’s burn it.

” Chris suggested. “No way, if any of those things are around here they’ll see the smoke for miles around. If they see smoke they’ll know where to find us.

Lets just get it up into that dumpster and we’ll just close and seal the lid tight on it.” I said. Soon we had the monster in the dumpster and we shut the lid as tightly as possible to keep the smell contained.

We then went back inside to gather up supplies and food to take back with us. This time we gathered 2 full carts of food and amenities to bring to the mine. “Ok let’s leave it by the door like last time and we’ll go to wal mart again and get a few things.

We need to snatch a few big coolers.” I said. Chris seemed to be a much brighter kid than I gave him credit for.

He proved this when we went to wal mart for the second time. “Hey I got an idea. Lets go to the electronics department and grab a few psp’s (play station prtables) and some games for them.

I mean like you said nobody’s going to miss them now.” He suggested. I smiled and was in full agreement to his idea.

It sure would pass the time a bit faster to have the games. The only obstacle was that there would be no way to charge them back up since the electricity was knocked out by the aliens. That’s when we came up with the idea of using a car battery and power inverter to make the chargers work.

Then we realized that if that would work for the psp why not use it for powering other things. The possibilities were endless as long as the battery held out. But for now we got what we origionally came for plus the games and a battery to keep us occupied.

We piled 2 large coolers in the back of the atv and went back to the grocery store. We raided the bread isle and grabbed several loaves of bread then we were off to the coolers. We grabbed a few packs of lunch meat that were still chilled and packed them and the bread into the coolers and poured what ice was left in the freezer in as well.

We packed our supplies and the coolers back on the atv and headed back to our mine to safety. On our way back to safety we heard what could only be explosions in the far distance. We looked up to see a trail of smoke rising into the sky.

“Holy shit do you see that?” I asked surprised. Chris nodded yes.

“That looks like its coming from over near St. Louis (Missouri). You think the army is fighting them or something?

” Chris asked. “I don’t know. I just hope they don’t piss them off then they head back this way.

” I said. We watched the smoke rise for a few minutes more till I realized how late I was getting. “Shit it’s almost 6 o clock.

We need to get a move on.” I said knowing we were still miles away from the mines. We decided to take a slightly different route back to the mine each time so that we didn’t leave a noticeable trail back to the mine from town.

About a half hour later we arrived back at the mine entrance and backed the atv inside to hide it. As I backed the vehicle in the mine I noticed it was low on fuel. “We’ll need to fill this thing up the next time we go to town.

” I told Chris. We unloaded the heavy coolers and dragged them into our room and stowed them off to the side. We were starting to get a good base of operations going to survive.

We had food, clothes, supplies, and protection to last us a few weeks now. Chris and I had gotten to know each other a little more over the last few days. I found out he had a younger brother that was 9.

He found out how I avoided death by hiding in the furnace when the invasion happened and other minor personal things about each other. The 1 thing that ate at both our minds was if the other really liked other boys. I had known for years now that I liked other boys.

I just wondered if Chris felt the same way. When he undressed I couldn’t take my eyes off him and he seemed to think the same about me. Neither of us said it out right, but we both had an idea of each other.


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