Apocolypse chapther 3+4 by fairieboi69


He reminded me kind of what could be a brother to Jimmy Bennett an actor I liked before the world ended. His short brown hair, his cute boyish face was causing me to imagine what our friendship will be like in the future. “Derrik!

Hey the mines this way. It’s up that hill I remember where we are now.” Chris reminded snapping me out of my day dream as we trudged back home.

Minutes later we arrived at the entrance to our mine. “Quick Chris go inside and bring a lantern out so we can see what we’re doing.” I told him as the sun had just set over the peak of the mountain to the west.

It would be getting dark out here really quick and we needed to get inside for the night. In a flash he ran inside and emerged with a lantern burning bright. “Turn that thing down lower.

We don’t want to be seen out here.” I told him making him turn the brightness down to a low dim. “Ok we need to get these nasty clothes off him before we go inside I think he pissed himself in the hole.

They really stink now and they’re filthy.” I said as I unbuttoned his shorts. Chris and I gently pulled the shorts off him being extra careful not to aggravate his injured ankle.

Just as I had thought he did piss himself in the hole was proven by the yellow stain on the front of his briefs. We also gently slid those down of his body exposing his small hairless boy cock to the world. He looked to be no bigger than Chris in his cock size which was perfect to me.

We then slid his t shirt over his head and off making him completely naked now before we carried him inside. I scooped his slender nude body up and carried him to our safe room as Chris led the way with the light. Once inside our room Chris turned the lantern to full brightness.

I lay the naked unconscious boy on a blanket we spread out for the dog so he didn’t cover our bedding with filth off his dirt body. “Chris stay with him. I’m going outside to pick up the clothes we took off him and bring the dog in so there’s no evidence outside.

” I said. A short time after I returned with his filthy clothes and Lucky by my side. I placed his clothes in a plastic bag we had and tied it shut to seal the stench inside.

He was still out cold as I checked him over a bit closer. He had a few open wounds and scrapes on him so I decided to take care of those first. “Chris give me the first aid kit and the bandages we robbed from wal mart please.

” I said. I cleaned the open cuts and scrapes as best I could then covered them with clean bandages. While I was tending to his wounds Chris was preparing an extra bed for him right next to ours.

Once I had al the minor injuries handled it was time to bathe him a little. I took a gallon jug of our bathing and a clean rag and a whole lot of soap and went to town cleaning his dirty smelly naked body. The dirt seemed to dissolve from his face revealing a truly beautiful angle in disguise to us.

“Wow he is cute isn’t he?” Chris said admiring his looks. “He sure is.

Got a nice pecker to don’t he?” I responded making Chris smile evilly. As I washed him more it was apparent he must have been a truly beautiful boy making any one who saw him envious of his looks.

The small cut on his cheek didn’t even subtract from his beauty. “Where do you think he came from? He didn’t go to our school.

” Chris said. “I don’t know. I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough though.

” I answered. Just as I got to washing the best feature of his naked ness he began to stir. Just as I started to wash his limp 2 inch dick he opened his eyes.

“Wha, what are you doing? Where am I? Why am I naked?

” he mumbled quietly. “Just lay still bud. You’re hurt and dirty.

We needed to get you cleaned up and get your wounds taken care of. Don’t freak out because your naked ok, it’s kool with us. We had to get your old clothes off they were nasty and they stunk badly.

Trust me you’ve got nothing to be embarrassed over.” I reassured him as he regained more of his wits. “Ow god my foot hurts.

And my fingers to.” He said as he began to whimper. “It’s ok dude trust me.

I know it hurts now, but you’re going to be ok now. You’re safe here. We’re gonna take care of you till you’re better.

” I said trying to comfort him. He then smiled through his tear soaked cheeks. “I’m afraid I gotta make you hurt just a bit more to make you all better ok.

I need to put your fingers and your ankle in splints so they can heal. I’m sorry if I hurt you but we have to do it ok.” Knowing I was right and only trying to help he nodded in agreement.

I took one of the large wooden pop cycle sticks from the first aid kit and placed it under his finger that was hurt. As it flattened his finger out straight he grunted in agony but never let it out. I could tell it was great pain for him though.

I wrapped it as quickly as I could tying it together with the next finger over to stabilize it. When I was done with his finger he was breathing heavy and had soaked cheeks. “I’m so sorry dude.

I didn’t want to hurt you, but it would ever heal right if I didn’t.” I said feeling bad for hurting him. “It’s ok.

I know your helping.” He said through his sobs. I didn’t really want him to cry much since I knew he was dehydrated from being in the hole for so long with no food or water.

“I whipped the tears from his cheeks and he tried to half smile at me. I looked to Chris who was also teary eyes. “What’s wrong with you?

‘ I asked. “It’s just seeing him in pain like that sucks. And everything that’s all happened to us.

It all sucks! It fucking sucks!” he said as he broke down in full tears.

I draped my arm around him to console him in his time of need. “Bud I know it hurts. We all lost everything we had.

But now we have each other and that’s better than nothing. You have to go on with life. All we can do now is survive.

I’m here for both of you guys, and you’re both here for me to.” I said trying not to cry myself. Both younger boys needed to hear exactly that right now.

They both stopped their sobs and smiled a bit. “Now come on lets get him well so he can have a chance to live to.” I said rubbing Chris’ back.

I continued with splinting the boys foot then. Really it was just some tent poles and a lot of medical tape to make his foot stay I position. I then took some ice that was left in our cooler and put it in a bag and placed it on his ankle.

Minutes ticked by like hours as I cleaned and attended to the injured boy I found today. I tired my best to keep him awake by making small talk and tried my best to avoid staring at his perfect boy cock. I learned he was an only child and lived in the next town over from us.

He said the aliens attacked his town and he ran to keep from being killed by them. He told me they chased him into the woods in the dark and that’s when he fell into the hole. He didn’t even know how long he had been in there and was shocked to find out exactly how long.

He was so weak and dehydrated from the summer heat that he had little energy to do much. I checked my watch and it was now nearly midnight. Chris was looking like he was about to fall asleep sitting up.


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