Apocolypse chapther 3+4 by fairieboi69


Hehehe. Lucky did kind of interrupt us didn’t he.” He said giggling.

By the time I had laid him back on the bed my cock was alive again and his was stirring to. I kissed him gently on the lips and slowly slid down his body with my tongue stopping to pleasure his left nipple. I licked and sucked it for a few seconds till he couldn’t take any more.

“Oh, god suck it Derrik please.” He moaned softly. I worked my way down to his throbbing little cock and slid it through my lips.

He instantly sighed in bliss from the feeling he was getting from his little dick. I wiggled my tongue around the tip of his little head driving him wild, “Oh yeah that feels soooo good!” he moaned.

I then sank down on him till I had him all the way in my mouth and began sucking like no tomorrow. He began bucking his hips up and down forcing himself deeper into my mouth. It didn’t take very long until I felt his small cock flex on my tongue and his body went rigid as he inhaled sharply and held it.

I knew he was having his orgasm and loving it. A few seconds later he let out the breath and his body went semi limp as he began to breath shallowly but deeply. For good measure I gave hi one final good hard suck as I slid his cock from my mouth.

That made his whole body jerk violently, one final thrill for him. “How’d you like that?” I asked as I slid up next to him on the bed.

“Oh my gosh I loved it. I never knew getting sucked feels as good as you make it feel.” He said with a smile.

“Glad I could please.” I said grinning. “Not to ruin your moment, but I think my little friend down there needs some attention to.

” I told him. He looked at me and smiled and then got up and sat on my belly straddling me. He bucked back and forth on my stomach smiling at me as he teased me.

He then slowly slid himself downward towards my dick as he lifted himself off my body. Once he was in position he spread his cheeks and I aimed my cock for his young love tunnel. He lowered himself slowly so that neither of us got hurt or felt any pain.

At this point my cock was still small enough when it was hard to almost slide right into him. He lowered himself onto my rod as it slid in with very little problem. He slid all the way down it till he was again sitting on my midsection, but this time with me inside him.

Next he positioned himself to ride the bronco. He leaned forward and placed his hands on my shoulders propping himself up. His knees were at my sides with his feet next to my thighs.

The classic jockey riding position. Riding is exactly what he started doing then. He rose up on my pole then sank back down slowly.

The feel of his tight tunnel drove me wild. “Come on Chris bounce on it. Ride it hard!

Ohhhh!” I moaned. He then increased his pace as his tight smooth buns started to bounce up and down faster and faster.

Before I knew it I felt my orgasm building, but just before I was ready to tense up I felt his small hole clamp around my cock as he began to tense up again and moan loudly. “Oh my goshhhh!!

!” he almost screamed. At that exact point I felt the rush hit me like it had at no other time in my life.

“oh my god! Oh Yes! Ride it!

OH!” I screamed as he was having his second orgasm with out even having his cock touched since the first one at the same time I was having mine. As second later he literally collapsed onto my chest in a heavy breathing heap.

I still had my cock I him so I pumped it in and out a few more time to get that final little bit of pleasure. Now we were both flying high in the clouds enjoying the warmth and feel of each other. We were also a huge sweating mess now.

Minutes went by as he just lay on me with my rapidly deflating little cock in his ass. We were both enjoying the moment as he finally lifted his head from my shoulder and with a huge smile kissed me deeply, as deeply as an 11 yo could. “I never felt nothing like that before.

It felt sooo good!” he said softly. “I agree.

You got off that time and I never touched your dick.” I said as I slid my now limp cock out of him. “I know but it felt so good when it was in me.

When ever I went down it hit this spot in me that just felt so good.” Chris explained. We lay there just cuddling and kissing for a short time.

“Ok you great fuck you lets get dressed and cleaned up then go explore the area for a while.” I told him. About a half hour later we were dressed and leaving the mine to check the outside world.

We brought 2 guns, some food, a couple flash lights, and some other possible necessaries we might need while we were out. I tied a make shift leash around the dogs neck and we were off leaving the mine for now. We decided to go further up the mountain to see if there was any thing possibly to find up there.

We walked for hours being as quiet as possible as the dog seemed to piss on every other tree that we walked past. Close to 1 pm we came across a truly beautiful site. One of those sceneries you would see on a post card or something like that.

It was a small waterfall collecting into a small pond at the base of a cliff. “Oh man check it out.” Chris said in awe.

“check it out is exactly what I’m going to do.” I said as I handed him the gun and the leash to the dog. I ran full speed towards the water stripping off my clothes as I went.

By the time I got to the pond I was but naked and jumping through the air into the water. Chris stood hold the guns and restraining the dog and laughing at me. “Come one I know you want to get naked to.

” I yelled to him. He walked over to the edge of the small pool and set his back pack and the guns on the ground. He let the dog go and it jumped right in the water with me.

We both laughed and Chris then stripped off and jumped in to. We frolicked and played in the pool that was only about 4 feet deep long enough to relieve us from the mid day sun. As we played I thought I heard something off in the distance.

“Shh Chris be quiet for a minute stop splashing.” I ordered we stood there in the cool water and I heard the noise again. “Oh fuck you hear that?

It’s one of their ships. We need to find a place to hide NOW!” I said excited.

We got out of the water as fast as possible and grabbed our clothes and supplies then grabbed the dogs leash and looked for cover. Only problem was there was none close. “What are we going to do?

” Chris started to cry. “Quick lets try behind the waterfall.” I said as we raced towards the cliff face.

Behind the falls was a small ledge that led back into the side of the hill. “Look a cave get inside.” I told him.

We entered and squatted down inside as we heard the ship getting closer and closer. Pretty soon it sounded like it was right over us. It was so loud it shook the ground and made our ears hurt.

E then looked through the falls to see what seemed like a bright blue light sweeping over the whole area. We sat there holding our ears as the sound of the ship vibrated our naked bodies while the light swept all over the place outside. The dog was surprisingly quiet and still during this whole time.

A few minutes passed and the ship passed on leaving the area as the sound dissipated. “Shoo. That was a close call.


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