Bedroom Bully


As soon as his shivers subsided, James shoved me backwards. They chortled all over again. I wanted to run and hide, but they didn’t let me go. They made me crouch like a footrest late into the night while they necked beers and ordered pizzas and watched lame movies; and never tiring the whole night of joking how gay I was. It was so idiotic and fucking boring. I fumed silently, my hatred for James intensifying beyond measure.

“Fuck! There’s 772 likes on that picture!” he chirped, checking his facebook later that night and reading his favourite comments out. The meanest came from my own friends.

“Amazing! I’m uploading that video of you sucking on my dick…”

My heart sank.

As the night drew on they put their shit UK Garage music on loud. James hadn’t bothered to get dressed again, and still slouched in only his polo and one sock. And my Brother got naked at some point too, standing in nothing but his gold chain necklace (which he never removed). With both their giant dicks dangling, and their pits, they stank the whole place out. That and the skunk they were smoking. I’d seen them like this before; like they’d got so high they were in some primal male bonding trip or some shit. Ben even answered the door to the pizza guy like that, totally fucking naked. The nervous teen was speechless; his jaw hung at the sight of me with James’ feet up on my back.

I lost track of time, but it was close to dawn when my Brother finally passed out on the couch. James must have been waiting for this moment, because (after testing Ben with a few regular slaps on his face) he came for me directly. Marching me down the hall to my room, he didn’t bother putting any lights on, but pushed me straight onto my single bed. Somehow, after everything, I still had a bit of fight left me.

“Just get the fuck off me now, James!” I rattled, but he didn’t listen.

Throwing me flat on my back, he toppled the full weight of his huge Jock body down on top of me. Next he was kissing me, his cocky tongue rolling with mine, his big hands sliding up under my vest and over my butt. He ripped my pants away and (after a long day of sexual abuse) I was finally naked. My little willy nestled up against his massive dick as his passions overtook me.

“Come on, gay boy.” he whispered close into my ear, fondling my balls as he spoke.

It felt so weird. I definitely hated him more than ever, but this was also really nice. I let him have his way. The sky grew lighter outside as he flipped me over, little aeroplanes making trails as he eased his long shaft up between my cheeks. He was actually going to fuck my ass! What the fuck was I doing?

Man it hurt. That idiot Jerk-off got to work pounding me sweet and slow in his claret polo. I put my face in my pillow and clenched my teeth. I couldn’t see first time around how anyone was supposed to find anal pleasurable, but I let James finish. When he was done heaving and huffing we crashed out together in his smug stink, my head on his broad pecs.

If I dreamt in the night that James might be sweet with me the next day, I was painfully wrong about it. He slumped away to shower as if nothing special had happened, and by lunchtime he was bullying me worse than the day before.

I guess Ben didn’t know me and James had slept together. He got up later than everyone else as usual, but he joined in the new day’s persecutions just as eagerly as before. They began with all the typical insults, and soon they were slapping me about. I managed to get away this time, and went to sulk about it in the garden. I slumped in the hammock to look at my phone. My facebook was fizzing with negative activity. James did put that video up. Everyone had seen me gulping on his fat dick and it was the all-time funniest thing they’d ever seen. I wanted to cry.

Just then a sudden blast of warm water struck me across the face, bursting uncomfortably into my ear. James howled as he worked the pump of my Super-Soaker for another attack. Then the smell hit me.

“Is this fucking piss!” I whined, finally noticing the yellow tint of the rinse in my white t-shirt.

James literally screamed with laughter, dousing me with a second blast. I wanted it to be Ben’s pee, but of course it was James’. My Brother just stood and watched as James chased me back into the house. I thought I’d be safe in there, but James came in right after me, firing jets of piss all across the walls and carpets.

“My Mum’s gonna fucking kill you!” was all I could think to scream back at him.

He didn’t care though, kicking my bedroom door wide open before I got a chance to shut myself in. I tried to hide in my bedsheets but James just hosed me down. He was back on my mattress, unscrewing the bottle on his gun.

“You are definitely going to taste my piss, gay boy!

Ben came in to hold me down so James could pinch my nose and pour his foamy piss in my mouth with one big generous splash. I spat most of it out. But (I’m not gonna lie) I kept back some of it, and I drank it. It was bitter and warm, and it gave me a boner. Then James finished me with an epic wedgy.

They went out some place after that. Ben made himself all fit and peng, splashing Cologne, because his new girlfriend was coming. He thinks I’m just a dirty pervert, but I really did love him so much.

Obviously James didn’t have a girlfriend. He was such a fucking loser, no girl would put up with his idiotic pranks and bad smells. Even if he did have an amazing body. He just tagged along with Ben wherever he went. Maybe he was a bit in love with my Brother too.

“Clean up all this piss, or I’ll tell Mum you did it,” was Ben’s parting shot.

At least I could get some peace now they were gone. I put my bedsheets in the wash. I scrubbed the walls and daubed James’ urine out of the carpets. Thankfully they stayed out late, and (after eating a pizza and watching a movie) I got down to bed in a quiet house. Under clean sheets I got my phone out to watch that facebook video in the dark.

I still hadn’t responded to any of the stupid abuse. It had racked up hundreds of views.

Red in the face, choking on James’ girth in the flashlight of his iphone, my discomfort and shame was there for all to see and delight in. There was something so nice about it though. And there were even a couple of cool comments in the thread. Among all the insults a couple of guys said “hot” or “sick” with flame emojis. God knows who they were (James’ video was public) but checking their profiles they seemed cute. I was in a sex tape just like the ones I’d jerk off to on tumblr, and random guys were getting off on it. It made me smile, and I finally decided to comment. I replied to one of the cute boys with some emojis.


I got a like back, and put my head down to sleep.

I wasn’t dreaming long before the Lads got home. They made a ruckus coming in, and put all the lights and loud music on. Soon I could make out Ben’s voice,

“Just fuck off Man, get out of here…”

I’d heard him talk to me like that so many times, and I knew he was sending James away so he could fuck his girlfriend on the sofa. Picturing James’ stupid, rejected face made me laugh. But just then the bedroom door swung open.


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