Bedroom Bully


James let himself in, and quickly shut the door again. Stinking of booze he was all over me just like the night before.

“I saw your comment on that video, gay boy,” he murmured, “I know you want it.”

He was my most hated enemy, and yet I sank down on him like a secret admirer. This time (without Ben’s hand to force me) I was free to lick and lap as I pleased, exploring every contour of James’ mighty shaft. He just laid back in a drunken stupor, putting his arms behind his head so we could both smell his sweaty pits. He looked magnificent, slouched in that same polo, bigging himself up in sexy whispers,

“You’ve been dreaming about me for years, jerking off when you think about my smelly dick! I’ve seen the way you look at me, every time I come over. Since you were little, you’ve always wanted me!”

Just then he let out a noisy fart. How could such a total loser turn me on like this? I really never did want him before, but I wanted him now. It took longer to make him cum this time, but I didn’t rush. And soon I found ways to get little shivers out of the Jock, and I felt chuffed with myself for pleasing him so well. His cum was wetter than before, and I drank it with some self-satisfaction. We slept in his body warmth a second night.

Next morning he was grouchy AF – just hungover, and he pushed me peevishly off the mattress. There was no way of getting close to him again, so I decided to get up and shower. In the front room the curtains were drawn, but in the shade I could see that my Brother and his girlfriend were still sleeping on the couch. Their naked arms clutched a woollen blanket. And in a beam of sunlight a deflated condom sparkled on the carpet. These girls were all so lucky! I slept under the same roof as this Adonis every night. All he’d have to do is cross the hall with his packet of condoms. I’d be there for him. I was there, ready and waiting with a love better than any random girlfriend could ever give him. All the adoration, all the hero worship, all the idolatry of a little brother. He could do whatever he wanted with me.

“Get out!” he moaned from under his blanket with a cough.

I went to take my shower.

When I got back to my room James was awake. He was reading from a sheet of paper with a mean grin on his face. The blood drained from my gut as I realised he had opened my bottom draw and found all my secret shit. Love letters mostly, written to my Big Brother Ben and hidden shamefully away. I even stole photos of him, and made little drawings and things. Love hearts and the most embarrassing confessions.

I dropped my towel, fighting butt naked to get the pages back, but James was expecting me. He only had to hold them higher than I could reach.

“These are fucking priceless!” he gloated.

“…please James,” I begged, more sincerely than I’d begged for anything in my life.

But James was never going to pass up on this.

“Lets see what Ben thinks about this!” he cried triumphantly, darting into the hall with my deepest secrets crumpled in his fist.

Wearing only his polo, and with his fat dick slapping off his thighs, he went right into the living room to shout about what he found under my bed. Ben and his girlfriend sat up groggily, listening in total confusion. James could read only snatches of the letters as I reached pathetically to tear them back, but everyone understood their meaning.

“If you only knew how I love you!” he guffawed, “You are everything I long for…”

Ben was profoundly unimpressed with the both of us – brawling naked in front of his girlfriend like a pair of regular perverts.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

He hit the roof Benjamin style, screaming at James to get out the house, to go home and take me with him.

“You two fucking faggots deserve each other,” he fumed.

James pulled his shorts and trainers on and got in his car. I wish he had taken me with him. Now he’s gone I miss him so much.

I’ve been waiting for Ben to ask him over again, but he hasn’t. Mum came back and life’s back to normal, but all I want is for that dickhead Jock to come over and bully me some more, and make me suck on his massive cock.

It wasn’t long before James put my letters on facebook and now everyone knows I was in love my own Brother. But I’m not in love with Benjamin anymore, I’m in love with James. What a shocking defeat!

I’ve typed messages countess times, but I know if I send them and tell James how I feel he’ll only show it to everyone and humiliate me. But maybe, after our mates have had their laughs, he’ll take me up on it?

“Please let me come over, you’re so sexy, I want to suck your dick so bad…”

I don’t care who sees it, so long as James Stansbury fucks me again. He’s everything a real Man should be.

Hit send.


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