Puppy Love Ch. 05

“This doesn’t bother you?”

“Jack, authors use pen names all the time… this is mine for three books. When I’m more established I’ll begin writing as Luke Larson. Dove is saving Luke for other things.”

“So, why Lily Kelly?”

“Not my idea… Marketing chose it. They thought the book was so cute it should have been written by a non threatening young woman, not a 24 year old guy” Luke gave a fake pout “I’m not threatening am I?” he laughed.

Jack didn’t relinquish his anger “And you’re OK with this? You’re initial book being ‘written’ by someone else?”

Luke looked straight ahead and stared into Jack’s eyes “First off, this isn’t my first published book. Don’t forget, I’ve written for other publishers who’ve printed my work. Second, if this takes off I’ll be set here for a while… and now I don’t have a reason to take off chasing someone else’s dreams anymore. I can settle down for once.” Luke winked “Maybe find some cute guy I can fall for.”

Jack beamed thinking about a ‘maybe’ with Luke.

“So, the more important, more pressing issue at hand, is what does Bob think about us? Did he seem concerned?” Luke asked anxious.

“No, just the opposite… he seemed genuinely happy. He said it was nice to see me ‘shining’ again.”

Luke offered a small smile “I’m glad he doesn’t think it poses an issue, but how did he find out? I was so sure we were being discreet.”

“Bob has a sixth sense I think” Jack laughed “he knows all and sees all.”

“He should probably be careful of that ‘sees all’ power… he might not have wanted to see all of what happened last night” Luke laughed. “Bob does have a point though, you’ve really changed from the shy, head-looking-at-his-feet, blend-into-the-wall guy I first met.

“I guess I hadn’t noticed.”

Their food arrived and conversation paused for a moment for a few quick bites of burgers and fries. Eventually things slowly drifted back to work.

“So, about the cover Lily, do you have any thoughts?” Jack laughed as Luke kicked him under the table.

“That’s up to you… you’re Art, I’m just the author.”

“Well, obviously a boy, a girl and at least one dog. I could do a stylized cover… maybe an illustration of some sort.” Jack plotted out the details in his mind as he spoke.

“How about a photo” Luke asked “maybe 2 actual teens, dogs… maybe a graphic of a heart over their heads?

“I like that!” Jack’s eyes widened “I like that a lot! We could shoot it at the shelter, maybe use a dog from there.”

Luke closed his eyes, deep in thought “just an idea, but what if we used Theo and Olive? They were both shelter dogs.”

“That works! Now I just need to line up someone to shoot content. I’ll ask Reve… she’s a professional photographer. I’ve used her on other projects… she’s excellent.”

“I’m loving how this is coming together!

Jack looked ecstatic “Now all I need to do is cast the models. That could be a slight issue with such a short turn around, but I’ll call some agents.” He leaned into Luke and laughed “you know, if this writing thing never pans out you’d be a good artist.”

Luke leaned across the table and gave Jack a playful slap on the shoulder “let’s hope it never comes to that.”

Back at the office, first thing Jack did was call Reve

“Jackson Five! How are you sweetie?”

“I’m great thanks. Hey, I have a job offer for you… depending on your schedule. I need a few photos for a new book cover I’m working on. It will only be one day taking pics at the animal shelter. New book called ‘Puppy Love’. I’m booking a teen boy and girl, plus using Theo and Olive as my dogs. I just need some shots of the dogs, each model individually and maybe some group shots… giving me some flexibility for layout.” He paused for Reve to think about it “you’d get photo credit of course.”

“How soon?”

“Within the next two weeks. Depending on how quick I can get models.”

“Sign me up! I’ll work around my schedule to get you in. Anything for you, you know that.”

“You’re a sweetheart… thanks.”

As soon as he hung up with Reve, Jack started calling modeling and casting agencies he’s worked with in the past. Surprisingly, it was easier to line up prospects than he thought on such short notice. Within a week Jack would have interviews with his potential teens. He called Second Chance Sanctuary to find out if using their facility would be possible. He could probably stage what looked like a shelter for shooting in Reve’s studio, but he liked the authenticity of doing it on location. Plus, he liked the shelter would be paid a nice amount of money for their time.

Once five o’clock rolled around, Jack and Luke headed for the car for a quick swing by to Luke’s house… checking for the progress of the repairs with the hope of running water. The street was lit up by large, bright flood lights as a city crew worked to restore water…the street in front a his house a mess of trenches and craters. Not good signs of working plumbing.

Luke approached a worker standing at the end of the block, not far from his house “excuse me”, the guy turned to face him “I live on this block. Any idea of when water will be restored?”

The worker took off his helmet, sliding his hand over his balding head “tomorrow afternoon maybe. We still have to finish replacing piping and test for leaks. The road will still be closed but the block will have water.” Looked like he’d have one more night at Jack’s. He smiled to himself, never being so happy to be inconvenienced.

Walking back to Jack, Luke shook his head “tomorrow. I won’t have water until maybe tomorrow. Think you could have me for one more night?”

Jack let out a loud laugh, then leaned in and whispered to Luke “I’d be happy to have you… over and over and over. C’mon, let’s’ get going and let the dogs out.”

As they headed back to Jack’s house they talked more about Luke’s book. Jack was still a little concerned with the way Luke was handling being removed from his own book. Once the car was stopped at a traffic light Jack turned to Luke.

“Are you sure about this whole ‘Lily Kelly’ thing?” Jack furrowed his brows “I know if someone took credit for my work I’d be flipping out.”

Luke smiled reassuringly “you understand that I don’t own any of the content I create at Dove, right?” he reached over and placed a hand on Jack’s knee “that’s how it works when you write under contract with a house. Besides, ‘I’ know I wrote it. Plus, even though I don’t get the author credit, if I leave I can still take that book with me for my portfolio. I’m basically a ghostwriter.”

“Are you thinking about leaving?!”

“NO! NO! Oh my god no! It’s just something I learned after many years of being a nomad. Old habits are hard to break I guess.”

Jack left out an audible sigh of relief.

“I promise I have no intention of leaving Dove… or Philadelphia for that matter. I’m under contract for another two books – that’ll secure me another year-and-a-half at least. I’m not going anywhere” Luke sighed “Besides, I have a reason to stay now.” He leaned over and placed a kiss on Jack’s cheek.

Back at the house, they let the dogs out for a run and a ‘bathroom break’.

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