Rio Ex-Pornstar Pt. 16

As Jay told the tale, Britney laughed in all the right places. Jay knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that if he and Rio weren’t together, he’d be with Britney. She was the perfect girl for him. Perfect in every way.

After a few more drinks, they moved a little closer to each other. Their body language became more obvious, they were touching more than usual. They gazed into each other’s eyes.

Rio had never, ever expected Jay to restrict himself sexually. He knew that Jay and Britney had regular sex at work. He knew Jay lusted after the female frame just as much as the male. And he knew that Britney was exactly Jay’s type.

Jay remembered Rio’s most recent text message: ‘fuck her brains out’. Green lights don’t get much greener than that.

He’d never been to Britney’s apartment before, but tonight, it felt like all he had to do was ask. “Just gonna go to the bathroom, Britz,” he said. He unzipped and flopped his dick out. He was already hard enough that it was difficult to piss. With great concentration and after inhaling a few deep breaths of stale air, he got a stream going.

He finished, zipped up and washed his hands before returning to the bar. Britney had already paid the check and was standing up, ready to leave. “Let’s go,” she said.

“Where are we going?”

“My place.” She kissed him on the cheek. “You wanna hang out some more?”

Jay hugged her, squeezing her chunky ass. His dick was hard again. “I didn’t even have to ask?”

“Nup,” she grinned.

They headed out into the street and Britney hailed a cab. Jay had no idea where they were headed, but while they waited, he took the opportunity to text Rio. ‘Hey I’m going to Britney’s place, any chance you could send me the link to the scene?’

Two minutes later, a URL appeared in response. ‘Have a blast… tell me about it tomorrow,’ texted Rio.

Jay chuckled to himself.

Britney and Jay piled into the backseat as the driver sped off. Britney’s hand rested on Jay’s inner thigh. Jay’s dick was as stiff as a board.

The driver glanced in his rearview mirror.

“I’ve got a housemate,” Britney confided. “Just letting you know.” Her hand moved to the top of Jay’s pants.

The driver glanced back again.

“She’s a bit of a stoner, but other than that, she’s cool.” Britney’s hand moved towards Jay’s zipper.

“Hey!” screamed the driver, nearly crashing the car. “No fornicating in my taxi! You will go to hell! Please kindly keep your hands to yourselves!”

Jay and Britney glanced at each other for a split second before bursting into laughter.

The rest of the ride was tense for the driver, but for his passengers, it was hilarious. The car screeched to a standstill outside Britney’s apartment block and the back seat emptied. Jay threw the driver a few bills.

“Fuck off, you prude,” Britney yelled, middle fingers extended as the car sped away. She turned towards Jay. “Where were we, before we were so rudely interrupted?”

Jay grinned. “I think you were about to give me a sneaky handjob on the back seat.”

“I totally was. But there’s no need to be sneaky anymore,” Britney replied. “This is my building. Come in.”

Britney swiped her access card for the building entrance and the elevator. She unlocked her apartment door and invited Jay inside. Her housemate was on the couch, controller in hand, playing a video game. The room was full of smoke. It was a minor miracle the fire alarm hadn’t gone off.

“Hey Britz,” Naomi exhaled, resting the bong on the coffee table. Her eyes were glued to the screen.

“Good to see you’re enjoying your Friday night to the fullest. By the way, this is Jay.” Naomi paused her game. “The guy I was telling you about, from the library.”

Naomi was so high that her conversational protocols failed. “Is this the dude you fuck at work? The guy who’s sleeping with a male pornstar?”

“Fuck, bitch,” Britney seethed. “Shut the fuck up.” In a state of extreme embarrassment, Britney turned to face Jay. “I’m really sorry. First impressions, huh? Naomi and I talk about a bunch of stuff, but as you can see, she’s clearly smashed.”

Naomi paused her game. She stood and approached Jay as the awkwardness of her first social interaction with Britney’s special friend hit home. “She’s right. I’m so fucking high right now. Fuck, I’m so sorry.” Jay noticed that Naomi’s eyes were bloodshot. Must’ve been because she was concentrating so hard on her game.

Jay could barely see through the smoke. “All good,” he said. All he wanted to do right now was get Britney undressed.

Naomi crash-tackled him to the ground. “I’ve heard so much about you. I’m so happy to meet you. Britz fucking loves you, and I feel like a small part of my life is complete now.”

Jay raised his head up off the floor and glanced nervously at Britney. This wasn’t what he expected. He was hoping they’d be alone. He wondered if they should get a hotel room to get some privacy, but he wasn’t sure how to broach the subject.

Naomi stood up, releasing Jay. “Imma leave you two alone now,” she declared. “You two need to get your naked shit on, and I’ve got a video game to finish.” She packed another cone and ripped it, smoke spiralling out towards the ceiling.

“Nice to meet you too,” said Jay.

Naomi’s eyes were already back on the screen.

Britney grabbed Jay’s waist. “Get in here,” she said, dragging Jay into her room.

She closed the door and began ripping Jay’s clothes off.

Jay interrupted. “Wait, Britz. First, can I stay here tonight?”

Britney was surprised. “You wanna sleep here? Tonight? With me? Of course!”

Jay nodded, and his fingertips danced across the screen of his phone. “Just letting Rio know not to wait up for me.”

Britney wanted to get down to business, but first, she wanted to know where she stood. She didn’t want to cause any friction. “He’s OK? With this?”

“You mean Rio?”

“Yeah. Is he OK with this? I mean, with you spending the night here?”

Jay laughed. “He’s a fucking pornstar. As if he’s got any right to dictate who I can sleep with,” Jay replied. “He knows I’m here, and he knows I’m into you.”

Britney was breathless. “And I’m so fucking into you too,” she replied. She led him towards her bed, expecting and hoping, in Rio’s words, to have her brains fucked out.

She kissed him, and he moved down to her neck. She’d often dreamed of bringing Jay back to her room. He was about to slowly traverse the distance from Britney’s neck to her cunt before he remembered what he’d brought with him.

“Where’s your laptop, Britz?” he asked.

They could still hear the faint rumblings of Naomi’s video game through the wall.

Britney fumbled in the darkness for her computer.

“Turn it on. Hey, do you think she’s winning out there?” Jay joked.

“I don’t even think she knows herself,” Britney replied, as she booted up and the light from her laptop screen illuminated her room. “She looks pretty stoned out there. But why am I powering up my computer when we were just about to fuck?”

Jay grinned. “Because I want to show you something first.”

“What is it?”

“The scene. I’ve got the link. You wanna watch?”

Britney knew what he was referring to. She braced herself to shoot starbeams out of her asshole. “Yes,” she whispered. They lay face down with her laptop at the head of her bed, preparing to watch.

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