Rio Ex-Pornstar Pt. 16

“Thanks, Britz,” he replied. “I wish it was a little bigger.”

“It fills me up nice and good,” she replied. She pressed play.

She watched as Rio wrecked Flower’s fat ass. He nutted all over it as Jay continued masturbating. She watched as Flower demanded her ‘husband’ clean her ass up.

She watched Jay slurping up the poolboy’s nut. “Did it taste good?” Britney asked. As soon as she asked the question, she knew how dumb it was.

“Look at the expression on my face, Britz. I’m eating Flower’s ass and Rio’s semen at the same time. I’m not surprised at what happens next.”

Britney’s eyes were fixed on the screen.

“This next part was completely unplanned,” Jay explained, “and I don’t know what came over me.” Britney watched her co-librarian climb onto Flower’s back, dick hard and ready to burst. She watched as Jay sank his cock into Flower’s freshly-destroyed anus, and she heard him growl as he unloaded inside her. The whole event took about half a minute.

Britney came again. Her bedsheets were soaked. She closed her laptop, sneakily making sure she kept the webpage open. She wanted to watch it again, and again, and again. “It’s your turn now, Jay. I want to make you cum.”

Jay kissed her kips, forcing his tongue down her throat. “I want you to make me cum in your mouth.”

Britney swallowed Jay’s cock. “You taste so fucking good.” She frantically bobbed up and down, stroking his wet shaft, hungry for his sperm.

It had been a hyper-charged evening for Jay, right from the moment he and Britney left work, and he knew he couldn’t last long. He’d been erect for most of the evening, and his balls had been boiling for hours. “Fuck, Britz, I’m gonna nut…”

Her mouth flooded with a pent-up load of rich, sticky semen. She moaned as she swallowed. Not a single drop spilled from her lips.

“You like that?” she teased, kissing Jay on the cheek.

“Fucking loved it,” he replied.

They talked for a while before slowly drifting off to sleep. The sound of videogames pulsed through Britney’s bedroom door.


Jay arrived back home around lunch time on Saturday. Rio was wearing his reading glasses, typing away at his laptop. He heard the front door open and close. “Hey, Jay,” he said.

“Hey, Rio. Wait a second, let me get changed.”

Rio continued typing. Jay and his new wardrobe walked across toward him. “What you doing?” Jay asked.

“Speakin’ my truth,” Rio replied. “Or, at least, that’s what I’m tryna do, but the words ain’t comin’ out right. By the way, did you have a good night last night?”

“Thanks for sharing the URL and password for the scene. We had an awesome night. I’ll tell you all about it later.” Jay turned his attention to Rio’s task. “Can I read what you’ve written?” Rio swivelled the laptop screen in Jay’s direction. He read what Rio had typed. It wasn’t great. It read like a badly written legal statement, devoid of any emotion or drive. “I could help, if you want me to.”

Rio was grateful.

“Send me what you’ve got so far,” Jay said, “and I’ll work on it this afternoon.”

“You don’t know how much I appreciate this, Jay.”

Jay disappeared to concentrate.


Two hours later, Jay returned. “Here’s what I’ve got so far, Rio. Read it and tell me what you think? I’ve tried to write it in your ‘voice’… if that makes sense.”

Rio put his reading glasses on, and Jay watched his eyes flicker from left to right as he absorbed the text. “I like that,” he said.

“You 100% sure? Read it again. Make sure you’re sure.”

Rio looked back at the screen and read the text closely. He nodded again. “Thanks, Jay. I think it’s good.”

There was a moment of silence.

“You certain you want to say this?” Jay asked.

“I am.”

“Then can I make one suggestion?”

Rio waited.

“Don’t upload the words to Onlyfans as text,” suggested Jay, “but say them and own them. Record them. Speak to your fans.”

Rio paced the room for a moment. This was a significant moment in his life.



Later that night, Rio prepared to deliver his monologue. He’d consumed two or three beers to try settle his nerves. He made sure to wear his Raiders cap.

He took a few deep breaths. He’d memorised as much of Jay’s speech as he could, but Jay observed that delivering it from memory would probably sound terse, robotic and unconvincing. Instead, Rio prepared to talk based on some prompts and notes which Jay had placed within his line of sight, just in case he lost his train of thought as he spoke.

Jay’s phone was mounted on a tripod, ready to record. Jay reminded Rio that he didn’t have to deliver his speech in a single take, and that they could edit it later, or even re-record the whole speech in entirety. Rio nodded in understanding.

“Wait,” said Jay.

“What’s the problem?”

“There’s no problem,” Jay replied, “I’m just getting you a fresh beer. Just in case your mouth goes dry while you’re talking, and you need something to drink.”

“Thanks, dude. Appreciate it.” Rio took a sip before resting the bottle on a nearby table.

“Breathe,” said Jay. “You fuckin’ got this. I believe in you. Let me know when you’re good to go. I’ll start the video, but I’ll leave the room so you can talk directly to your peeps with no distractions. Yell out when you’re done.”

“Thanks,” Rio nodded. Jay pressed record and tiptoed away.


“Hey, y’all. It’s ya boy, Rio. Hope y’all are havin’ a good night. Or afternoon, or morning; fuck, I don’t know what time it is where you are. But for me, I know exactly what time it is. It’s time for me to tell y’all something about me. And it ain’t easy to say this, but I been wrestlin’ with my conscience for so goddamn fuckin’ long.”

He took a slug of his beer.

“Sorry ’bout that. Mouth is a little dry right now. So anyway, as I was sayin, I got somethin’ I need to get off my chest with y’all.”

He took a deep breath.

“I ain’t straight. Well, not *completely* straight, that is. I mean, I ain’t completely 100% heterosexual. And if I can be as honest wit’ you as I’m being with myself, I ain’t been completely straight for some time.”

He paused for a second.

“When I first got into porn, all I cared about was sinkin’ this fat ass dick into the pussy and gettin’ paid for the privilege. That’s all I ever wanted. I had a string of girlfriends in my private life, but I never looked twice at no dude. Not ever. But as time went on, I found myself checking out the bodies of my male colleagues. I tried to deny it for a while. I told myself I was admiring the work they put in at the gym and on the track to build their frames, but the truth was a little more complicated than that, and the truth can’t be denied forever.”

He reached for his beer and took a chug.

“Here’s what I need to tell you. My daily life is spent with a dude. I share my apartment with my special bruh. We sleep in the same bed. So I can’t keep telling myself I’m completely straight, and I can’t keep pretending to you that I am either, because how can that be true if I share my bed with my bruh? If we’re all on a spectrum, then maybe I’m somewhere in the middle. I’ve spent far too much of my professional and personal life fixated on labels, but what I’ve come to accept is they don’t matter. Or, at least, they don’t matter to me. They once did, but not anymore. I’m trying hard to not let myself be defined by labels other peeps might pin on me. But if I had to apply a label that I’m personally comfortable with, then I guess I’m bisexual. I’m attracted to women and men. I mean, I’m always gonna be into women. I love the way they look, the way they move, the way they talk, the way they flirt, the way they feel, the way they think… and of course, I fuckin’ love the way they fuck. But at the same time, I’m livin’ with a dude.”

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