Surprise Encounter Ch. 03

Surprise Encounter Ch. 03 – An Erotic and Unforgettable Gay Sex Story

A gay story: Surprise Encounter Ch. 03 So while we were fishing Jim and I puzzled over what and how we would tell our wives about our totally unexpected, uh…adventure. We also slowly came to the conclusion that while we definitely were not interested in chasing men, we also definitely were up for a rematch and whatever label that put on us was OK.

By the end of the day I also told Jim that I thought I had the glimmering of a plan for telling our women that would also keep him out of hot water for not letting Celia know all about it right away. We were both concerned that our wives would be furious with us if we waited too long to tell them and that there was no way we wanted to try to hide something they would think to be as important as this.

He pumped me for info but I stalled him, saying I wanted to think through various aspects of the plan first. But I agreed that we would need to have something worked out before Debra got home the next evening. We made arrangements to meet the next morning. We’d discuss it while we felled a couple of troubling trees near our house. I hated to take them down but they were partially hollow and a windstorm could put one or both on the roof, the deck, or the spa.

By the end of the day, we’d caught several keepers and Jim and Celia insisted that I stay to help eat them since Debra was not home. Deb called me on my cell phone as we were triple teaming the after supper clean up. I told her where I was and that I’d call her back in a few minutes, after I got back home. Jim ran me through the woods on his ATV and we grinned at each other and said goodnight.

I went in and immediately called Deb.

“Hey, babe, guess who.”

“Uh, Santa Claus?”

“Nope. Strike one.”

“The sandman, who brings sleepy time orgasms to good little girls?”

“Closer. Strike two.”

“Hmm. Then it must be my hubby, who reads dirty stories to me and brings me the very best of sleepy time orgasms.”

“Base hit.”

“Base hit?”

“Just a base hit tonight. He probably isn’t bringing any orgasms or reading about anyone’s naughty doings.”


“Nope. In fact I recommend abstinence tonight because I have some very big plans for you tomorrow night and you wouldn’t want to be off your game.”

“Oh, then what shall we talk about? Tomorrow night?”

“Nope. Tomorrow night will be a total surprise.”

Getting into the game she said, “Oh, GOODY! I love surprises…I think. Will I love this surprise?”

“I hope so. I’m pretty sure you will.”

Oh, boy! I can hardly wait.”

“Oh, by the way, thanks for telling me about Jim’s plan to go fishing. You did tell me, right?”

“Oh…Sorry. No I didn’t. I forgot. Is everything OK?”

“Sure. It worked out well, though it might have been very embarrassing to a certain husband who was too tired to do his own thing last night, if you know what I mean, and had ended up waiting until this morning to start doing it.”

“Ooops. What happened? Did he catch you in flagrante de… dedick in hando?”

“Not quite. I’ll tell you all about it during surprise time tomorrow.”

“Now you have me very curious. But I’m really sorry that I forgot to tell you.”

“No huhu. So what’s the plan for tomorrow?

“Well, we finish up this whing ding at 3:00 PM, so we’ll stop for supper somewhere on the way home. Can you pick me up at the park and ride? I’ll call when we know about when we expect to get there. That way Jane won’t have to drive all the way out to our place and then double back to get home.”

Click! The last piece of my still somewhat nebulous plan dropped into place and the whole picture suddenly became clear.

“Yeah, that will be fine.”

We stayed on the line for a bit longer but you probably don’t want to know the mushy and not necessarily erotic details so I’ll just skip over it, though I did remind her “no diddling.”

“Yessir. I’m saving myself for you!”

“I will eat supper before you get here, but I’m definitely saving dessert for homecoming.”

“Ha. Home…Coming. Punny, in a sucky sort of way.”

“Sucky. Good idea. I’ll do some of that, too.”

When Jim arrived on his ATV the next morning, I already had the chainsaws gassed up, a safety rope, though I didn’t expect to need it, my ATV and a couple of logging chains to drag off the tree parts once they were down.

I won’t go into the boring details of cutting down and removing the trees, but when we were done the only way you could tell that trees had been taken out on the bank above the house were two short stumps and some patches of sawdust and an occasional leaf here and there in the yard. The two of us had made pretty short work of cutting them up into bits just small enough for the ATVs to drag them down to my log and brush pile in the woods.

Jim and I discussed my plan and tweaked it until we thought it would work. I had been nervous that Jim might not want to do it this way, but he agreed that anything else might be harder and it should also keep him out of trouble for not telling Celia earlier. He admitted that he’d had no better idea.

We were gleeful and nervous, laughing and carrying on even more than our usual. Jim was home in time for lunch with the job completely done.

Debra called at 3:00 PM and told me they had left about 15 minutes ago and she would call after they had supper to let me know her ETA.

At 6:30 PM I called Jim and asked if he could come and help with a ‘plumbing’ problem that had cropped up. They had just finished with supper.

The ‘plumbing’ issue had been one of his contributions to the plan and we had both laughed at the appropriateness of it. Plumbing of some sort should be happening later.

I also asked Celia if she could pick Debra up from the park and ride when she got back since I needed to get this ‘problem’ fixed. She said ‘sure’ but she was watching something on TV and would just leave from home when the time came. No reason for her to hang around men at work.

I told her I’d call when Debra called me to let me know when she expected to get there. Then she put Jim back on the line and I told him I’d just ride my ATV over and pick him up so he could ride back home with Celia when she brought Debra home. They agreed that it sounded like a good idea.

After we got back to our house, Jim and I nervously paced the floor and wondered what might go wrong with the plan right up until the time Debra called. I told her about the ‘plumbing’ issue and that Celia would pick her up and take Jim home from our place when we finished up.

She hoped that it wouldn’t be too long but wasn’t willing to be more specific with her co-workers listening. I heard between the lines and assured her that we should be ready for some hanky panky by the time she arrived at the house. Jim was listening and trying not to laugh out loud and let her know he was in the room.

“Hanky panky!” He laughed when the call ended. “As soon as she gets home! Little does she know!”

We both laughed and then went back to pacing. Interestingly we were both still fully dressed from our trip through the woods. We were nervous and not quite ready to be that naked. We kept reassuring each other that this would be fun and the women would love it.

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