Surprise Encounter Ch. 03

She jumped up from the sofa, turned and pulled me up. Celia and Jim got up more slowly.

Debra captured my eyes with hers again and said, “I believe you had some clothing on when it all started.” It was not a question. “Go put it all on and crawl into the bed just like you were when Jim got here. Jim, go with him. When you are ready Jim can come and get us. Celia and I will have some more wine while you get ready.

Now I was super nervous and hot and horny at the same time. I killed my drink in one big gulp and Jim did the same before we headed for the master bedroom. When we arrived I pushed the door closed and said, “Well, what you think?”

“Actually, I think this might be easier than telling that part of the story in some ways. How about we just do exactly what Debra suggested and do a re-enactment, as closely as we can. That way we don’t have to try to figure out what to do when the…uh, when the time comes.”

“Best idea I’ve heard since we came up with this crazy plan!”

“OK, so where’s the stuff?”

I went to the closet and got out the toy box. Jim looked on with interest while I fished out the gallon ziplock bag that held the lingerie. I also grabbed the dildos that had been out on Jim’s earlier visit and put them on the bathroom counter where they had been that morning.

“For accuracy.” I said as I got the bottle of lube out of the nightstand drawer and put it on top. “Might as well set everything up just as it was.”

“Um, yeah.” After checking out the dildos, Jim was clearly more interested in what else was in that box. But I closed it up and said, “You can look some other time.” Instead of putting it back on the shelf, I left it sitting on the closet floor just as it had been that day. I asked Jim to go collect the paddles from the end table in the other room.

“OK! I’ll hold you to that look into the box later!” and he went to retrieve the paddles.

When he got back he said, “They are in there whispering and giggling. They are obviously having a good time! At our expense, I think.”

“OK, that’s what I’m going to try to do, too. I hope I’m not too nervous to enjoy it as much as I did the first time. It’ll be pretty weird having my wife watch me get spanked and screwed by my best guy friend. But I guess I was pretty nervous then, too.”

“Yeah, me too. All of it.”

I had gotten Deb’s black panties for the bra stuffing out while Jim was out of the room. I dumped the paddles he’d brought on top of the box rather than in it so they’d be easier to grab when the time came.

“Uh, if we can’t remember exactly how it went, ad lib and cue each other?”

“Um. Good idea.” I put the garter belt on and then sat down on the edge of the bed and started rolling on the stockings. I swear, those things make me feel so sexy every time I do it in spite of the fact that I look absolutely silly in them. Jim watched. I noticed that his cock was so hard it was dancing. Mine too. I reached out and took his softly in my hand, then leaned forward and plunged my mouth onto it, swirling my tongue underneath it.

“Careful! Or there’ll be nothing to show.”

I let him slide out of my mouth. I could hear our wives giggling in the other room. I put the bra on and started stuffing the cups. Jim knelt at the edge of the bed and took me into his mouth the same way I had just done to him.


He looked up at me and stopped the tongue action but kept me in his mouth for a moment longer, clearly enjoying the experience. He let me slide out with a pop and stood.

“I recall that I was dressed to go fishing when I arrived. I’m going to get dressed before I blow it all over the place in here.”

I went into the bathroom to use the mirror to make sure everything was straight while Jim put his jeans and T-shirt on.

When I came back Jim was ready so I pulled the panties down and slid into the bed. I stroked myself a couple of times and said, “I really shouldn’t do that or I might cum before we get to the main event.” I pulled up the covers, rolled over onto my stomach and grabbed the pillow in a hug.

“Yeah, me too.” Jim was running his fingers along the length of his cock outside his cutoffs. He dropped his hand and said, “I guess I’ll go get the women. Just like it happened, right? I’ll come in and wake you up and the whole nine yards.”

“Yeah, just like before.”

“-K.” I heard soft giggles again from the other end of the house when Jim opened the door.

He came back carrying a dining chair with Celia and Debra in tow. There is a wooden rocker already in the bedroom so only one chair was necessary. The women were nude. Debra pulled a couple of throws out of the closet, nearly tripping on the toy box in the process, and threw them over the wooden chairs and sat down on the rocker, gesturing for Celia to sit on the dining chair.

Jim fumbled around for a moment, then finally said, “Um. So I knocked on the door and there was no answer. I poked my head in and called but still nothing so I came back here. He was sound asleep and it was hard to get him awake.”

He stepped to the side of the bed and said, “What are you still doing in bed?”

We woodenly stumbled through the beginning, whispering cues to each other and generally screwing it up but the women remained silent.

When it got to the point where Jim threw the covers back, I screwed up my line but he hit his perfectly.

“I gotta admit; you definitely aren’t wearing pajamas! Ooooo, and your panties are in the naughty position, too!

Debra and Celia giggled.

We missed the part where I tried to send him out, but nobody ever claimed we were actors. Jim just leaned on me like he had before and talked in my ear like he had before and suddenly we were back there again. He caressed my behind and I responded again and it wasn’t acting. He told me he was checking out something he’d been told and spanked me and I responded just as before. I was hard as a rock and it wasn’t morning wood this time. I wanted this again.

We ran through it again, if not totally accurately, then at least enthusiastically. I forgot to object when he started spanking, but I did squirm and he told me to hold still. I crawled over his lap again, trembling with excitement and Jim wrapped his legs around mine to lock me in and gave me a warm up similar to the first one.

We repeated the discussion about the wives pushing for this and they both laughed again, and then again when Jim asked about jeopardizing our relationship and my “not really”.

We skipped the part where I went to the bathroom when I whispered that I didn’t have to go but Jim was quick and asked about the paddles so I got up to get them, shucking the panties on the way to the closet. I had to move Celia’s chair to get into the walk-in closet but both women were standing so they could see better. I could see that Celia’s crotch was dewy, the first time I’d ever seen her obviously excited. I couldn’t see Debra’s but I recognized other signs of excitement. She was flushed and her nipples were hard little knots.

When I got back Jim examined each implement just as if he had never done it before but he was careful to hold them up where Celia could see them, too. He asked about the favorites and I picked them out, really for Celia’s benefit, I guess.

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