Surprise Encounter Ch. 03

I was just finishing pouring Deb’s wine when they came around the island, so I tried to distract them by handing them their glasses. Debra wasn’t fooled, though. “Oh, look Ceil. They aren’t pointing at the ceiling anymore. She set her glass on the counter and reached out to caress my partially erect cock.

Celia checked me out and said, “You’re right! She followed Deb’s lead and ran her fingers under Jim’s dick. We both immediately sprang back to attention.

“OK, pour your drinks and let’s all go back in there and sit and hear the story. I’m sure this is gonna be good!”

Jim picked up the bourbon bottle I had set out, opened it, and poured our drinks. Debra grabbed my stiffly waving handle and pulled me back to the sofa.

You know, I keep calling this thing a sofa but it isn’t really; it’s really a Lazyboy loveseat recliner. It is pretty roomy, though. Deb pulled me to it and said, “Might be a tight fit, but I think we can all fit on this. Guys, you are in the middle.” Deb sat at one end and pulled me down next to her. Celia came around, also pulling Jim by his ‘handle’ and, grinning hugely, sat at the other end and patted the seat beside her.

Jim shrugged and sat down. It was a tight fit but not physically uncomfortable. But Jim and I were definitely in each other’s personal space, hip and thigh to hip and thigh and shoulder to shoulder. We were both nude, too, while the women were still dressed in street clothes. Awkward, to say the least. We were both blushing again and trying in vain not to touch each other. Impossible, since we were tightly pressed together, four people in a space designed to be roomy only for two. The worst was that we couldn’t figure out what to do with our shoulders.

Jim and I were engaged in a seated dance which wasn’t funny at the time but upon later reflection I’m sure was hilarious. Debra finally said, “OK guys, lean back and put your arms behind each other. Jim and I looked at each other and I shrugged with my eyebrows and placed an arm behind him and one around Deb. Jim leaned back and awkwardly followed suit. We tried hard not to touch each other more than absolutely necessary, of course.

Debra leaned forward slightly and took my softening erection in her hand and stroked it enough to start it rising again. She looked up at Celia and said, “Don’t let it get all soft and useless.” Celia started stroking Jim softly and he responded as quickly as I had.

“Now,” Debra said briskly, “from that nice little tableau that you two presented for our enjoyment, I infer that you already done the deed Celia and I have been suggesting, lo, all these months, at least once? I can’t imagine that you guys just talked about it and then decided to do it out of the blue with no, uh, rehearsal, so to speak. Something very interesting must have happened.”

I felt a hot flush of guilt, excitement, and, I suppose, shame rise up my body into my face and start my ears radiating very high in the infrared. The temperature of the room went up twenty degrees. I nodded, unable to find my voice. I suppose Jim did the same, though I was looking at Deb, whose eyes held mine firmly.

“So tell…the long version, don’t leave anything out.”

“Um.” I squeaked, and tilted my head towards Jim and Celia, so near.


“Uh, some of it is pretty…uh…”

“Kinky? Embarrassing?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Well, I’m sure Jim must know most of it and since he is going to have to tell Celia later anyway, you might as well just tell us all now; don’t you think?”



“Well, it is all really your fault, you know, when you didn’t bother to tell me that Jim was expecting me to go fishing with him.”

“So I accidentally did that right!”

“Depends on how you describe doing it right! I was sure caught by surprise and embarrassed no end!”

We grinned at each other. Debra waved for me to continue.

“So…when you went out of town I decided to do a, uh, a major masturbation session…” I glanced towards Celia and felt my face get hotter. I told it long but little purpose would be achieved were I to repeat it here. If you’d like to go through it again, feel free to go back to the point in the previous chapter where I talked to Debra on the phone the first night she was gone and reread it!

Yep, that’s right. If she was going to make me tell the whole sordid story the least I could do was describe our phone sex episode in full, discussing Debra’s enjoyment of her powerful little eroscillator and her loud sex music as she came. Oh, and that the story I was reading when she came was one about a couple who made love while three other couples, who were fully dressed, watched. I described that, too.

Debra was blushing beautifully and Celia was fanning herself by the time I got to my preparations of the next night. Last night, that is. When I got to the point where I fell asleep with the panties down and woke up to Jim’s question Jim suddenly jumped in and took over the narration.

“So he didn’t seem to want to get out of bed. He kept trying to get me to go start the coffeepot. I was going, too, but he started snoring again so I went back to be sure he got up.

“I did NOT snore, either! I sighed!”

“Sigh, schmigh, it sounded like a snore to me. So I went back and this guy tries to get me to go anyway. He had the nerve to tell me that he wasn’t wearing pajamas! After all these years of running around nude all over the place. Can you imagine?”

Our wives were grinning so big I began to be afraid that the corners of their mouths would meet in the back and the tops of their heads would fall off.

“So I threw the covers off of him. And he was right! He wasn’t wearing pajamas, either! Oh, no! Not pajamas at all!”

The women laughed hysterically at that. When they finally ran down Jim picked up the narrative again.

“I was shocked! I almost bolted. He tried to kick me out, but I realized that he was in a pretty vulnerable position. It also made me pretty, uh, well, horny, if you know what I mean, especially with those panties pulled down below his uh, his uh…butt.” Jim blushed as furiously as I had earlier. I could feel my ears getting a bit warm again, too.

“So I figured, what the hell. I might as well see if any of the stuff Ceil has been telling me all this time was true. So I spanked him…”

“Aannd…” Celia waved in a drawing out more info motion.

“And we uh…we uh.”

“You fucked my husband up the ass?” Debra asked bluntly.

“Well, yeah.” We both blushed again and this time the temperature of the room must have approached ignition. I noticed that though neither wife had her hands on either of us, we were both very hard again. They noticed, too. Celia was still fanning herself. Debra started fanning, too.

“Well, tell us more! How did it happen? How did it go? It mustn’t have been bad or you wouldn’t be doing this right now. I, uh, have a swamp in my panties!” Celia blurted and it was her turn to blush.

“Um…um.” Both Jim and I were blushing and hemming and hawing, unable to go on with the still emotionally highly charged details.

Debra jumped in. “I have a better idea. Show us as nearly as you can how it went. A picture is worth a million words. Instant replay? At least a bazillion! Especially in this case! I think that’s where this was going anyway?”

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