Taking My Daughter Sabine Ch. 7 by Eric the Red

Taking My Daughter Sabine Ch. 7 by Eric the Red

Explore Chapter 7 of 'Taking My Daughter Sabine' by Eric the Red—an intriguing gay erotic sex story that combines passion, adventure, and complex relationships. Delve into the captivating journey and discover the depths of desire. Perfect for fans of engaging LGBTQ+ narratives!<br/>

Now that our hero has decided upon his goal he has to go through Sabine’s team to get there.

Chapter 7

“Goddamn it Dad, you fucking pervert!” Sabine screamed after slamming the front door when she got home.

I had been dozing on the sofa, but stuck my head up and said sarcastically, “Nice to see you too sweetheart.”

She charged over, shaking with rage as she cried, “Why did you have to fuck Mary-Beth?!”

“She came on to me!” I countered innocently. “What was I supposed to tell her? Sabine wouldn’t like it?!”

“I’m your coach! It’s inappropriate!” she insisted angrily, slurring her speech slightly. “Whatever you like, but you didn’t have to fuck her!”

“Are you drunk?!” I demanded.

“No way!” she wailed. “You don’t get to lecture me after you fucked Mary-Beth!”

“Okay, fair dues.” I replied with a sigh. “But she would have just kept running girls at me until I gave it to one of you. Tell me I’m wrong.”

“Well, I…” she trailed off because she knew I was right.

“What if she’d sent you after me?” I asked pointedly. “Would you have preferred that?”

She was just drunk enough that she couldn’t entirely hide her true feelings so she looked at me longingly for a moment, biting her bottom lip before shaking her head and insisting, “No! Of course not! I mean ew, gross.”

But it wasn’t very convincing.

It was now obvious to me that my little girl wanted Daddy’s cock, and I decided right there that I was going to do whatever had to do to give it to her.

I probably should’ve been worried about Sabine turning me in, telling her mum, or something, but I wasn’t.

She was smart enough to know the consequences of that wouldn’t be good for anyone.

Besides she also knew, probably better than me, that Mary-Beth was a slapper.

She was definitely the kind of girl who was used to getting any cock she wanted, and if she’d wanted mine it wasn’t entirely my fault.

Suddenly I found myself wondering if Sabine had been jealous of Mary-Beth for getting fucked by me, or jealous of me for being with Mary-Beth.

“I can’t even look at you right now!” she finally said in a huff, storming off to her bedroom and slamming the door.

“That went well.” I said out loud to nobody in particular, rolling my eyes.

Truthfully that had gone as well as could be expected, and realistically it put my one step closer to achieving my goal.

Mary-Beth and the team however would prove to be even more instrumental to getting my cock into my daughter’s sweet pussy.

Of course Mary-Beth and I had many more “strategy meetings” and besides pumping my cock into her juicy pussy I also pumped her for information.

Of course I asked about their “team building exercises” and despite what I already knew about her I was still surprised at how cleverly she’d manipulated her team into bonds of loyalty.

They were practically a cult.

She used shared experiences that she’d engineered with drink, drugs, petty crime, and of course sex.

Besides being an unusually horny young girl who clearly reveled in her own sexuality she also clearly regarded it as a tool to achieve her aims.

The more I got to know her the more I couldn’t help but admire her.

She had the perfect combination of imagination and pragmatism that I knew would take her far in life.

I couldn’t ask directly about Sabine because for the moment I didn’t want her to know my plans.

She could be extremely protective of “her girls” and I didn’t want to raise any alarms bells until I was sure she would be on board.

She was amazingly open with me about how she’d built her team, how she’d dealt with the previous coaches, everything.

She had this way of making you feel privileged to be taken into her confidence, but I think she’d also been wanting someone like me for a long time.

There was a great deal of pride in her as she listed her accomplishments and I slowly realized she’d been dying to tell someone about it all for a long time.

I don’t think that she’d even realized how much she’d wanted to brag until I came along.

It was about our fourth “meeting” when she finally got to Sabine transferring and joining the team, since she’d been recounting all this information chronologically.

Turned out that cracking Sabine and bringing her into the fold had taken some delicacy of finesse on Mary-Beth’s part, but she considered worth the effort the first time she saw Sabine on the field.

“She’s a great player.” she told me at one point. “But Goddamn is that girl sexually repressed!”

It took a lot of effort not to laugh when she said that, and it was impossible not to appreciate that in many ways Mary-Beth was the polar opposite of my daughter.

In social situations where Sabine would be shy and demure Mary-Beth would be bold and opinionated.

Sabine was the type to go along for a good time, but Mary-Beth was the type to make a good time and bring all her friends along.

When she got to the game of truth or dare the Sabine had previously drunkenly told me about my ears really perked up.

Tuned out Alice had dared Sabine to lick Mary-Beth’s pussy, but Mary-Beth had put her up to it in the first place.

When I expressed surprise that she was so willing to engage in sexual activity with Sabine she looked at me like I was nuts.

“Have you seen the girl!?” she asked, flabbergasted. “She gorgeous! Who wouldn’t want a crack at that bit of tail?”

I could help experiencing a swell of pride hearing that other people found my little girl to be as beautiful as I did.

But then she kind of threw me off balance.

She regarded me with a sly smile and said, “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you checking her out coach.”

‘Shit!’ I thought, realizing that Mary-Beth just might be a little too observant for my own good, but then she surprised me yet again.

She explained that before I’d taken over the team had made a bet.

Mary-Beth had proposed that if they won the championship that year they’d all fuck the coach.

Apparently in a burst of drunken enthusiasm Sabine had said that she’d be the first.

“No shit!” I responded, unable to conceal my surprise.

“Right?” she agreed.

In any case the default assumption was that since they’d changed coaches the bet was off, but Mary-Beth was confident she could hold them all to it, but there were a couple of hitches.

“Convincing the Jenny and Alice to go along will be a piece of piss since you’re way more fit than the last guy, and Jenny’s already sampled the goods.” she explained thoughtfully. “But Sarah is gonna need a more private persuasion.”

“A strategy meeting?” I suggested.

“She won’t do anything on campus, believe me I’ve tried. No, it’ll have to be somewhere else.” she replied, thinking for a moment before asking, “Can we come ’round yours?”

I sucked in a hissing breath and sighed, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Are you married?!” Mary-Beth asked excitedly, like the possibility had just occurred to her.

There was an almost hopeful tone to her inquiry, as if that would add another delicious layer of debauchery to our already illicit affair.

I didn’t want to let her down so I told her the truth, just not the whole truth.

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