Taking My Daughter Sabine Ch. 7 by Eric the Red

However she was also wearing kitty ears and appeared to have a furry tail hanging down from under her skirt.

After giving me a little curtsy she spun around, lifting her skirt to reveal that tail was plugged into her bum, and of course she wasn’t wearing panties.

She stepped back in line, as had Jenny, and then Sylvia stepped aside to reveal Sarah standing directly behind her.

“And for your pleasure my lord,” she said with a curtsy. “Lady Sarah Severnson.”

Sarah bent her knees, putting her hands out to do a little curtsy of her own.

As an aside I was really getting off on the curtsys.

The gesture added an air of class to the debauchery that was about to ensure.

Speaking of debauchery, Sarah couldn’t have been more perfectly garbed for her role as sacrificial lamb.

At first I did a double take because it was so similar to one of Sylvia’s outfits.

Whether Sylvi had bought it for her or it was from her own wardrobe I didn’t know, but neither would have surprised me.

Except for the shoes, those were definitely Sylvia’s red “Fuck me!” pumps.

Complimenting that she wore a red stocking and garter set similar to Sylvia’s but of a different style, not panties of course.

The red brassiere she had on wasn’t so much a bra as a device to cradle and show off her naked beasts.

My jaw dropped when the symbolic nature of all this suddenly dawned on me.

Jenny was the cheerleader the first one on the field to hype me up for the game, and on the team her position was left forward so she was to the right of me.

Mary-Beth to my left played center forward, and was that kinky little school girl we all dream of, but Sarah being in the center, and at the back was too perfect because she played the position of goalkeeper on the team, the last obstacle to achieving my goal, Sabine.

Part of me was almost sorry that I hadn’t had to go through the rest of the team to reach the goalkeeper, but realistically just these three had been plenty.

Even in my prime I’m not sure that I could’ve taken on the whole team, and I was hardly in my prime.

Eleven girls would be enough to kill a young man and I wasn’t that either.

“Lady’s, undress his lordship.” Sylvia commanded, clapping her hands twice.

I kicked off my shoes and spread out my arms as Mary-Beth and Jenny rushed forward to remove my clothing.

Once they’d stripped me they escorted me into the living room where Sylvia had a chaise lounge in the center of the room.

It was covered in towels so I presumed this would be our theater of operations.

I smiled when I saw that there was already a tiny wet spot on one of the towels.

That’s when I noticed something that I really should have noticed when I’d arrived.

The girls were already a little sweaty and disheveled.

Clearly they’d been warming up before I got there.

They gathered around me and Sylvia indicated to Mary-Beth who stepped forward.

She did a quick curtsy, rolling her eyes as she said, “My liege.”

I put my hand over my mouth to cover my chuckle.

She’d done it with the attitude of “okay, I said I’d do this stuff but I still think it’s dumb” and I tried to imagine the conversation where that happened.

“Okay, so this is how it’s gonna go down.” Mary-Beth began, getting down to business.

What she’d planned was actually ingenious in its simplicity.

After the game they’d break out the Champagne.

Although alcohol wasn’t normally allowed on campus I’d gotten dispensation from the administration on account of how good this win would be for the school.

They’d take a good long time to hit the locker room.

While the girls they were sending home would shower and leave one or two at a time the core group would keep Sabine busy with more Champagne.

Once it was down to those involved, and the school was pretty much empty, Sylvia would lock and guard the door while the girls hit the shower.

Once they were all naked they carry Sabine out and lay her on a bench, holding her down for me to ravish her.

She got herself, Sylvia, Jenny, and Sarah into position just to the side of the sitting room.

“There are only three of us so Sylvia is gonna have to hold her hands solo.” she instructed. “Sarah, be sure to fight back as soon as you realize what’s happening.”

Sarah nodded in the affirmative, shaking out her hands like she was preparing to go on stage, or out to the field to play, and I swallowed hard.

This wasn’t the “moment of truth” exactly, but it was the dress rehearsal, and I only had one chance to nail it, if you’ll pardon the pun.

As if it didn’t already feel like they were making a movie once the girls were in position holding Sarah, after checking that we were all ready, Mary-Beth called, “Action!”

Mary-Beth and Jenny were on either side of Sarah, holding her arms and pulling her into the room, Sylvia bringing up the rear.

At first Sarah was putting up token resistance, just good-naturidly going along, laughing and saying, “What are you guys doing.”

At first she was looking back and forth at them but looked straight at me, standing there stroking my cock.

Her jaw dropped and she stopped dead.

The girls were still pulling her along only now she was legitimately resisting.

She’d leaned back, planting her feet, and managed to halt progress for a moment, but then Sylvia pinned her arms behind her back while Jenny and Mary-Beth each grabbed a leg, picking up and carrying her.

Sarah began crying as she struggled against them.

“No, please, don’t!” she wept pathetically, trying her hardest to free herself.

They laid Sarah on the ottoman, Sylvia holding her arms over her head while Jenny and Mary-Beth held her legs.

Sarah was really turning in a BAFTA worthy performance, crying and begging as she struggled against her captors, looking terrified as I approached, stroking my cock.

She was so convincing that I hesitated for a moment, but then it clicked, and I knew what this was all about.

If it had been a question of my sexual skills Sarah would’ve just taken Jenny’s and Mary-Beth’s word on the subject, but she wanted to know something more.

This was a test of my nerve.

She had clearly thought about how this would work pragmatically, and if upon winning the championship they were to hold Sabine down for me to fuck her, how might she respond, and how would I react?

Did I have the bullocks to take it all the way?

When faced with tough opposition would I take it in and score the goal?

Now I knew exactly how to proceed, and I did.

I stepped forward, grasping a thigh in each hand, slipping then in towards the center, lightly rubbing her up her outer labia from her anus to her pubis as I chanted gently, “Sshh, it’s okay baby, don’t be afraid.”

“What are you doing to me coach?!” Sarah sobbed desperately.

“Coach is gonna teach you one more thing Sabine.” I said, acting as if I actually was addressing my daughter. “The sport of love.”

With that I dipped my head down and began kissing and licking her pussy.

I’d seen a lot of young pussy lately, each seemingly more beautiful than the last, and Sarah’s was no exception.

There was a quality that I couldn’t quite put his finger on at first that made her little pussy look amazing, and then he looked up at her face and realized what it was.

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