Broadway Threat

Broadway Threat

Step into the dazzling world of Broadway with ‘Broadway Threat’ – a sizzling gay sex story that intertwines desire, ambition, and backstage drama. Follow the passionate encounters and thrilling escapades of characters who risk it all for love and lust in the spotlight. Dive into this captivating tale where the stage isn’t the only thing that’s hot!

Tess O-Meter — Green.

You can dip in and out of this unexpected series, but for a richer read and character development they are best when read in the order of writing. Broadway Lust Story, Broadway Love Story, Broadway Luck Story, Broadway Beginnings, Broadway Bust, Broadway to Vegas, Broadway Betrayal, Broadway Battle, Broadway Break and Broadway Threat.


The music was blaring. Sweat was dripping.

The sound of pounding feet and hard breathing as they ran through the number for the sixth, maybe seventh time.

Ty had been on his feet since 7am. A team of five new dancers, and four of the current New York crew, all of them due to open the new ‘Engagement, San Francisco’ in six weeks’ time.

Fred was assisting. They were evaluating the new team members, and what they were capable of.

The first day of an intense four weeks in New York before they went back to San Francisco and brought in more team members over there. A lot of work prior to opening night, but even on this first day, Ty and Fred were in agreement so far regarding the talent that was currently on the stage.

However, it was gone 4pm and the evening performers were starting to arrive. Some in costume, some not, watching the action and waiting to come on stage and do their warm ups.

Anyway, Ty was exhausted and he had been switching off with Fred, getting a couple of breaks. The new guys must be about ready to drop.

As an obvious arousal pressed against his backside, and firm hands slid down his damp T-shirt. Over his chest and abs. At the last minute diverting away from the danger (you are about to be charged with sexual harassment) zone, to grip his hips. Ty admitted to himself that he was also distracted.

Very distracted.

With a final thrust, the music and the dance ended. The eight dancers framing the space in the middle of the stage where the singer would be during this number.

The new singing team would be learning the dances in San Fran. Ty and Fred had four weeks to train the core dancer team.

Taking a deep breath, Ty stepped forward, away from the strong embrace, he hoped casually, and threw a general smile at the group as a whole.

“That was great,” he told them and joined in when Fred walked forward clapping. The New York crew also clapped, cheered and whistled. A few calls of “Looks amazing.”

The dancers grinned and sagged. Energy draining. Cheering weakly when Fred confirmed they were done for the night.

Ty jumped from the stage and grabbed Fred’s scribbled updates. Absently nodding when people called good night and said they would see him in the morning. He took note of them gathering around the experienced New York team to ask questions and clarify things as they all headed for the showers.

And he took note that they waved and were friendly with the New York crew. For sure, Cal had found an enthusiastic and talented bunch for his new club. Although Ty already knew Cal was good at finding talent.

He and Fred grabbed a Pepsi and sat at the bar as people went through their warm ups. Going over their initial feelings and impressions. Planning the next day, and then the obligatory new pictures of Fred’s fast growing daughter playing with their new puppy.

No sooner did the phone come out than they were surrounded by glittering, in some cases half dressed, drag queens (or drag artists — depending), oohing and ahhing over the pictures. Until Frank came out and told them to get their arses in gear as the doors were opening in five. Before grabbing the phone and doing some oohing and ahhing of his own!

Confident that enough time had passed, Ty said good night and slipped behind the bar and towards the back stairs. Avoiding the main corridor and the dressing rooms.

He was just about the tap in the door code leading to the apartments when strong hands gripped his shoulders and spun him around. Caging him against the wall. A thigh pressing lightly against his thigh. He could just, only just, feel the tip of an erection flirting with his own.

Ty had closed his eyes in automatic defence, and he winced now as he felt the man lean in closer.

“So, Ty. Are we going to do anything about this or not?”

Ty groaned. His left hand coming up to rub over his forehead, “Ah, Gul.”

He stopped as his wrist was gently gripped. Opening his eyes to see Gul, who had three inches on his own six-three, frowning at his hand.

“Ty, are you married?”

Ty, his dark eyes on Gul, nodded.

“To a man or a woman?”

“A-,” Ty stopped and cleared his throat. “To a man. Tony. My husband’s name is Tony.”

Gul’s light blue eyes searched his, “Are you faithful?”

“Yes,” Ty’s voice was stronger now. “Yes, I’m faithful.”

Before he could continue, Gul hushed him. Freeing his wrist and cupping his face. “That’s a shame,” Gul whispered, as his thumb grazed Ty’s trembling lower lip. “I really wanted to kiss you.” Then he smiled and stepped back. “Still, I don’t poach so I guess we’ll just have to be friends.”

Ty let out a breath as Gul gave him some space.

Gul seemed concerned now. “I didn’t mean to upset you, Ty. I was distracted by you and trying to learn the dances, I didn’t see the ring or I would have asked first.” He stepped back further and lent against the opposite wall. “I’m not going to make things awkward,” he promised.

“They’re already awkward,” Ty complained unhappily.


“Because I want to kiss you too.”

Gul’s eyes darkened and he took a shaky breath. “Well, we’re big boys, Ty. I’m sure we can cope with a mutual attraction. It’s not the end of the world.”

“I have to talk to Tony,” Ty said.

“Why?” We haven’t done anything.”

“I,” Ty was confused. “I just need to talk to him.”

Gul shrugged, “Up to you. I’m sorry if this is a problem, but I’ll be back in San Francisco in four weeks, and I’m not going to make you fend me off the entire time.”

He pushed off the wall and moved a few paces away. “I want this gig, and I want the dance captain role. I hope we can be friends. Maybe you can think on it, but well, whatever, it’s up to you. Have a good evening, Ty. It was a good day.”

Ty nodded, grateful when Gul kept moving away, “Yea, it was a good day. Get some rest, Gul. Good night.” He watched Gul round the corner with a casual wave and let out another shaky breath. “Fuck!”

Then he turned and tapped in the code.


Tony arrived home just after 7pm, following his own long day of rehearsals, his eyes lighting up at the scents from the kitchen.

“Hey, Honey. I’m home,” he called and made Ty grin. The grin turning to a moan as Tony slipped up behind him, his hands sliding around Ty’s waist. Kissing his neck before nibbling at his lobe. “What’s for dinner?”

“My ear, apparently!”

“Well, it’s tasty,” Tony declared and nibbled some more.

Ty laughed and turned his face for a kiss. “Fajitas,” he said when his lips were released.

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