Broadway Threat

“We headed for Better’s as we knew that Billy wouldn’t be able to speak with us for a while. Headed in and reviewed the security footage with the owner, who was spitting mad.”

Frank nodded. “I know Connor a little. I can’t believe one of his bar staff handed over a drink that had been left unattended. It’s a total no-no.”

“Yea, pretty sure that guy’s not going to be working behind the bar again. He had another new barman there. I actually carded him, because he looked about seventeen. Kid thought it was funny. Mr O’Nally did not!”

“Connor runs a good bar,” Frank confirmed.

“Well, as we’re watching the footage back, this kid speaks up, ‘He’s back!’ He watching their live screen and dammit if he’s not right. The bastard came back to try again.”

“He needed a hit,” Frank said thoughtfully. “He must have been desperate for a final hit before he went to jail. That’s so sloppy.”

Cal laughed softly when David looked at Frank, his eyes narrowed. “My husband, the ex-cop,” he said fondly.

“Oh,” David’s face cleared. “Yea. I think you’re right. It was pure desperation. But this kid at the bar. He just whipped off his work top and pulled a shirt out of his bag, saying how this guy had a type and it’s him, let’s nail him. Shoved a couple of bracelets on, and is suddenly transformed from employee to cute guy looking to get lucky.”

Leo had finished eating at this point. “Mr O’Nally is just going, ‘No. No Luc,’ but we were a little slow.”

“Slow. My God, it was crazy. This kid, Luc, he runs his hands through his hair just grins and says, ‘Okay, I’m not blonde, but I’m a’ what did he say?” David looked at Leo.

“I’m not blonde, but I’m a twink, let’s nail the bastard.”

“Yea, that’s it. Whatever a twink is?”

“I’m not sure it’s totally appropriate to be honest, Sir,” Leo admitted.

“A twink is an obviously gay man who has a slender build, and looks really young. Like me, I get carded all the time, despite the fact I’m twenty-seven. Twink’s are sometimes, not always, a little bit submissive as well, and.” Billy’s slightly dreamy explanation stopped when Adam, chuckling, kissed his neck.

“I think that’s enough detail for now,” he sniggered.

“Oh, sorry,” Billy gave them all a sweet wide-eyed smile.

“Thanks, Billy,” Leo patted his knee kindly, smirking at David’s flush.

“Right,” David managed. “So yea, a type. Anyhow, this Luc, walking out which is when I realized what he was thinking. Mr O’Nally’s yelling, ‘get your ass back in here,’ and he just flings a grin over his shoulder, ‘Come serve me then,’ and he’s gone.”

“What happened?” Ty asked, fascinated.

“Mr O’Nally glares at us, but we needed back up, so he marches out to the bar and is the worst barman in history as he pulls the other guy out of there and serves Luc himself.”

“Remembered to card him though, that was pretty awesome,” Leo laughed.

“It was fucking dangerous,” David complained, but then allowed a smile. “Oh, hell. The two of them could have been born for undercover work. Kid orders a scotch, throws it back, then orders another, with water. Perp’s on him like a rash trying to buy the drink, but Luc buys him a drink instead. Clever,” he admitted grudgingly.

“We’re listening on my phone,” Leo added. “Mr O’Nally called my line before he went out to be the world’s grumpiest bar tender. Luc’s moaning about being stood up, then when the perp suggests his date may just be late, he complains he waited forty-five minutes at some other bar, then gave up and came here. Then he asks him to watch his drink while he goes to the bathroom. It was a thing of beauty.”

“I couldn’t have planned a better sting if I’d had two days and actual back-up,” David admitted. “I thought O’Nally was gonna blow it, but he turned his back, took some glasses back and that drug was in the glass. So fast.”

“Rohypnol again?” Cal asked.

“Yea, another massive dose. Enough to kill two men Ty’s size. Sorry,” David added when Billy gasped audibly.

“So you arrested him?” Frank asked.

“We were still waiting on back up,” David protested. “He might have been armed.”

“Luc came back, cool as anything, picked up that drink and took a drink. Not a small one either,” there was a note of wonder in Leo’s voice.

“O’Nally’s glaring at the security camera, telling us to get our asses in there. Christ,” David half laughed and rubbed his forehead. “Finally two uniforms turn up. This one,” he jerked a thumb at Leo.” Has already hidden half his uniform under a big sweater he borrowed. The original server, we gloved him up and told him to move the glass to safety, only once the perp was secure. At least he did what he was told. So we snuggled up and weaved out there as if we’d been making out in the corner. Perp barely glanced at first.”

“It was lovely snuggling with you, Sir,” Leo cooed, making everyone including Billy laugh.

David was grinning, “We were nearly on him before he smelled cop. God knows how.”

“I think it was my shoes,” Leo admitted.

David nodded. “Doesn’t matter, we were close enough. Got him down and cuffed. O’Nally was over the bar in a flash, grabbed the kid, spitting fire at everyone.”

“You told us, Mr Delaney. About the dose. That’s why we asked you to send the doctor. We weren’t sure how much Luc had ingested, and he’s even smaller than Billy.”

“Frank, honey. Was he okay?”

“Apart from Mr O’Nally firing him, he was fine. Just sleepy. He hadn’t taken much in.”

Frank’s face was slightly terrifying. “Connor fired that brave boy. That’s not right. Cal, we have to do something.”

“Calm down,” Cal soothed and pointed at David, who was grinning.

“To be fair, Mr O’Nally had the kid cuddled on his lap and was berating us, him and the doctor when he fired him. I suspect his job is safe. Just scared the boss, that’s all.”

Franked huffed, only half mollified. Tony and Ty shared an amused look. Connor O’Nally was going to be getting a ‘visit’ today that was for sure. They pitied him if Frank didn’t like what he heard.

“So he’s done?” Cal asked.

“Done and gone and good riddance,” David confirmed.

They sat for a few moments, mulling over the situation, before Tony changed the subject. “So Ziggy got promoted, are you getting a new partner?”

“Yea,” David stood and stretched, before helping Tony and Frank collect plates. “That’s what this morning’s meeting was about. Captain’s been dragging his feet on a decision. He wanted me to pick someone with more experience. But sometimes you gotta go with your gut ya know?”

“Sure,” Tony agreed. Even though he didn’t really know, and could only imagine facing down bad guys day in, day out.

“Speaking of,” David dumped plates in the sink and turned to Leo, leaning casually on the counter. “I don’t insist on suits and ties, but I assume you do have some tidy clothes. We’ll go past your place so you can change.”


“I’m guessing you’ll want to get out of that uniform, Detective Manners? Oh, and congratulations, partner!”

There was a raucous cheer and then laughing as Leo fumbled to his feet. “Me?”

“God help me,” David fake moaned, and then strode over and pulled his shocked new partner into a bear hug. “I got your back now, kid. You got mine?”

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