Broadway Threat

“Um, okay!” Eino followed, looking slightly scared.

Ty chuckled and clapped Steve’s shoulder, “Good call, man.”

Steve nodded. “I think so. Best get to it. One hour ladies, to doors open.” He nodded at Billy and left, leaving a general scattering of panic behind him, as several people headed for the dressing rooms.

Pip, who was already in full costume and make up, continued placidly working on Billy’s nails. Now adding a delicate scattering of what looked like sliver star dust, over the dark gold.

“It’s pretty,” Ty said to Billy, as he took Lulu’s vacated space. Billy beamed at him.

“Billy brought new polish for his date with Adam, but he’s going to throw it out, aren’t you?” Pip suggested.

“Yea, I hate it. I don’t want it.”

“Didn’t suit you anyway,” Pip confirmed.

Billy turned to Ty. “Frank said me and Adam have to stay again tonight. But he said we would eat with you and Tony?”

“That’s cool. What do you fancy?”

“Do you think it’s okay?” Billy looked worried.

Ty laughed and gave him a half hug. “You’ve been Frank-adopted now, Billy. He won’t let you go until he’s sure you’re well.”

“Oh,” Billy beamed at Pip and Ty again, his eyes shining. “That’s really nice.”


Billy had bounced back to his normal self, which turned out to be less quiet emotion and more exuberant enthusiasm for literally everything, after around forty-eight hours.

That second night, after Ty had caught up with Fred and the day’s practise, he had helped Ty prepare a grilled chicken salad for dinner and had slept in their spare room with Adam, as Frank had decided to pay a visit to Better’s that evening.

Reporting back over breakfast, that the young man, Luc, or in fact Luciano, was also wiped out from the drugs, but being well looked after and hadn’t been fired at all.

Tony had been very quiet over dinner, and clingy the second Ty had locked up and joined him in the bedroom.

Ty had guessed why. “You googled that guy in New Mexico, didn’t you?”

“Did you?” Tony asked, his beautiful hazel eyes wide and damp.

“Wish I hadn’t. Jesus, Baby. I wish you hadn’t.”

“It’s terrible,” Tony had climbed onto Ty’s lap for comfort. Tales of horror, swimming in his eyes.

“Shhh,” Ty soothed, even though he felt slightly sick himself at the reports he had read. “Let’s make it go away, huh?” He pulled Tony’s lips to his and tasted softly.

Shifting his hands to Tony’s waist when he gripped Ty’s hair, took the kiss deeper, and begged, “Please.”

Ty ran his hands up and down, slipping under Tony’s top to find warm smooth flesh, as Tony made his head spin. Surprised when Tony suddenly grabbed his shirt and pushed it up and off, fixing his lips on Ty’s neck and starting to suck and nip his way down.

“What do you want tonight, Baby?” Ty asked.

Tony was breathless already. Still straddling him and taking mini — licky bites over Ty’s chest, even as he fumbled with his waistband. “I wanna taste you.”

“That’s what you need?”

“Please, Ty.”

Grinning, Ty stood, setting Tony on his feet, before pushing his jeans down and away. Sitting back on the bed and shifting to the middle.

Tony let his clothes land on the floor and crawled onto the bed, licking his lips as he observed Ty, lazily stroking his cock. “God, you’re beautiful.”

“You always say that,” Ty smiled, his eyes half closed as he watched Tony’s lean body move closer.

“All this bronze skin, just for me,” Tony swept his hands from Ty’s hips to his chest and back. Letting his fingers caress the ridges and trembling muscles as Ty moaned and his hands fisted in the covers.

“Don’t tease. Lips. On. Me,” Ty demanded. Already half-crazy from lust and lack of sleep.

“Sure,” Tony agreed easily. His bangs tickling Ty’s pecs as he lowered his lips to a nipple.

“Fuck, Tony!”

Tony slid a hand down to gently squeeze and tug Ty’s balls, as he moved, leaving a deliberately wet trail across Ty’s chest, to the other nipple, nipping gently.

His mind was already settling. Focused on Ty’s pleasure.

As Ty’s hand slipped into his hair to grip and push him down, he chuckled slightly. Ty wasn’t lasting long tonight.

It wasn’t often that Ty took control of a blow-job, but he was already desperate as he guided Tony down. Tony pressed a hand against Ty’s flat abdomen, his other gripping the base of his cock and took him as deep as he could. Ty’s hand falling weakly away with a muttered curse he couldn’t make out.

A couple of minutes later, Tony shifted to sit on Ty’s thighs. Holding him still as he worked his cock and balls and after warning Ty to be quiet (Adam and Billy were next door, after all), he swallowed him down again and sent him gasping to heaven.

Smug and satisfied, Tony lifted his head and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Ty was sprawled under him. Stomach heaving, damp with sweat and a big smile on his face.

“Oh, you liked that, huh?”

“Get up here.”


“Get up here, Tony.”

Tony shifted himself up Ty’s flushed body, until he was straddling his chest and shoulders. Leaning forward to grip the headboard, he guided his dripping cock to Ty’s mouth.

“This what you want?” he asked as he slid between Ty’s lips. Gazing into eyes, dark as night, and lust-filled on his.

He rocked gently, not wanting to explain a choking fit to their overnight guests, as Ty licked and sucked, and swallowed him down. Tensing and quivering when he flooded down Ty’s throat.

“Fuck, Shit,” he grunted as quietly as he could. Grateful when Ty’s hands gripped his waist and stopped him from collapsing. Instead, gently lowering him down until he was draped across Ty’s still heaving body.

They had lain like that. Sweat cooling, breath quieting. Until Tony had rolled to the side and managed to drag the sheet up over them both. Giving in to the pull of sleep.


Four weeks passed in a flash.

Ty woke on the morning he was due to fly with the new team to San Francisco, and was disappointed to find Tony already gone.

Tony was only three weeks away from his own opening night, so unable to join him. Ty was taking the first week of intense dancer training with the extra dancers Cal had recruited, and getting singers and team coordinated.

After that, it was down to Gul, who had been given the dance captain role in the San Francisco team.

Tony and Ty had burned up the sheets for most of the night, and part of Ty was dreading the flight, he was pretty sore. But that didn’t mean Tony could just disappear.

He sat up scowling and saw the note. ‘Had an idea. I’m downstairs.’

Quick shower and taking his coffee and small case with him, Ty walked into Engagement, nearly tripping over the cases and bags, to see the dance team on stage with Tony.

They were part way through one of the new numbers, and as he watched, Tony (playing the part of the singer), shifted into a fast, flirty tap sequence with Gul, before being swept back into an embrace and then released for the final two lines.

Which he sang with gusto and totally off-key, making everyone wince and complain.

Tony laughed and jumped from the front of the stage. “What do you think?” he asked Ty. “I thought it would work, do you like it?”

“You a choreographer now?” Ty asked rudely. Glaring when Tony stopped in front of him and gave him an exaggerated pout. Then he laughed and kissed Tony soundly. “I love it. It’s genius. How come we didn’t think of that?” he asked Fred.

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