Broadway Threat

“Y-Yes, Sir.”

Tony pulled at Leo’s arm. “You’re the only two straight guys in the room, so prepare to be hugged. Congratulations,” he enthused, pulling Leo in.

Finally, after everyone had given Leo a hug, or in the case of Cal and Ty, a semi-hug/back slap, Frank took charge and thanking David and Leo, sent them on their way for now.

Cal went down to check on the rehearsals, which they had left Fred in charge of, and Tony and Adam were sent off to work. Frank taking no nonsense from Adam who wanted to stay with Billy.

“He’s going to sleep,” Frank insisted. “In fact, I’m going to tuck him and Ty up together for a few hours. Be gone with you,” he finished dramatically.

Finally there was quiet and Frank led a subdued Billy, and an exhausted Ty, back to the spare room.

“Ty will be here if you wake up scared,” Frank told Billy. “And I’ll be right outside, okay?”

“Thanks, Frank.”

Ty thought Billy has slipped straight to sleep, but just before he drifted off, he heard the quiet sniffle.

“You wanna hold my hand, Billy?”

“Yes please,” Ty smiled as Billy squiggled over and literally cuddled his arm, falling quickly to sleep, before he gratefully went under himself.


When Ty’s eyes opened, he was groggy but underneath it more rested, he looked straight into Billy’s eyes.

“Hey,” Ty growled, his voice like gravel.


“Did you sleep some?”

Billy nodded. “Yea, I still feel a bit funky though.”


“No, just slow and swimmy.”

Ty pushed up in the bed. They were both fully dressed. “I think that’s expected. What’s the time?”

“Nearly two.”

Ty pulled a face. “Probably as good as it’s gonna get today.” He glanced over at a light tap and the door opened.

“How are my boys feeling?” Frank asked, coming in.

“Need a shower,” Ty grumbled. Looking up he saw Frank bending to kiss Billy’s hair, and the look of total puppy love in Billy’s eyes. Awwwww. Sweet.

“Go jump in the shower then, everything’s fine downstairs. How are you sweet boy?” he asked Billy.

“Better,” Billy offered.

“He’s swimmy and exhausted and half in love with his new Fairy Godfather,” Ty teased. Laughing when Frank mimed waving a wand and bopping him on the head with it.

“He needs to hydrate and a change of scenery,” Frank declared. “You come with me, cutie. Ty will be less grumpy after a shower.”

“Don’t count on it,” Ty mumbled, before dragging himself up to his own apartment and standing under the hot spray for fifteen glorious minutes.

Half hour later he wandered down to Engagement, slurping on an oversized mug of coffee, and spotting Billy surrounded by a colourful group of drag queens and dancers in various states of dress, or undress.

“My boyfriend was spiked,” Pip was saying. “Before we were together. Thankfully the guy he was with realized what was wrong and took him to emergency. Scared him though.”

“Happened to my ex-wife’s sister,” Gul told them. “She can’t remember much, but the police did some tests, and well,” he shrugged awkwardly.

“Oh no, was she raped?” Miss Tasha asked.

“Yea,” Gul admitted sadly.

“How’s she doing?” Pip asked.

“It was four years ago now. Took a while, but she just got engaged and her guy’s really great, so she’s doing okay, I guess. Not sure you ever get past something like that though, not really.”

“Bastards,” Lulu commented, to a chorus of “Oh yea,” and “For sure.”

“Gul. You were married? Are you bi or pan?” Miss Tasha asked, with her usual disregard for other people’s privacy. Ty, from his half hidden position, snorted quietly into his coffee.

“Well now, I’m not one for labels, but let’s just say I like a full menu,” Gul drawled.

“Is that right?” Miss Tasha asked, fluttering over-sized, heavy gold eyelashes.

“Well, darling. As an example, if I were to ask you for a drink, and you were to say yes, that would sure make my day.”

Miss Tasha flushed a little at the teasing from the crowd, but then she leaned forward. “But we all thought you had your eye on Ty?”

Gul laughed good naturedly as the teasing turned on him. “Well, I’m not going to deny I may have been a little bit infatuated for the first twenty-four hours, but have you seen his husband?” he blew out a breath. “No one stands a chance against that. Those eyes. Plus I get the feeling they’re like a link forged in a chain made of titanium.”

“You’d be right,” Miss Tasha smiled. “No one’s getting between those two. And I’d love to have a drink with you. Oh, Hey Ty!”

Gul laughed again. “Sure, like I’m falling for that.” Then nearly fell off his chair when Ty snapped.

“What’s going on here?”


Miss Tasha giggled.

“It’s a break, Ty. They’ve been working hard all day,” Pip told him.

Ty moved to see him properly and could now see that Billy was sat between Lulu and Pip. Pip’s leg was cocked on the bench, Billy’s hand on Pip’s stockinged knee, his nails half painted.

He was looking slightly dazed, at the sheer variety of people and colour surrounding him, but didn’t appear upset.

Even so. “What are you doing there, Pip?”

“We decided on antique gold,” Pip declared, concentrating as he expertly brushed polish over Billy’s middle nail. “Then we’re going to accent it with some silver glitter, just a little. It will work with Billy’s hair colour.” Finishing the nail he reached up and brushed Billy’s hair back tenderly, and then started on the next nail.

“And did Billy want his nails done?” Ty asked, a little bluntly. Pip just rolled his eyes.

“Billy already had polish on,” Lulu explained, her arm around Billy’s waist. “But it had to go, didn’t it, honey.”

Billy nodded, “I’m never wearing that again.”

Lulu nodded and squeezed him. “It’s gone. Not to worry. Billy doesn’t want to see it again.”

Ty relented, he hadn’t noticed Billy’s polish but he seemed content, being mother-hen’d by the team.

He glanced over when their head of security came in, followed by the new guy he had met last night.

“Hi, Steve.”

“Hey, Ty. You look like shit,” he grinned when Ty just grunted. “Eino wanted to check on your friend. Oh there you are,” he added, spotting Billy in the glittering crowd.

Billy shyly waved the hand that had already been painted.

“Hey, Billy. Are you feeling okay?” Eino asked.

“I’m okay. Tired. Thank you so much for last night, I’m sorry I barfed on you.”

Ty sniggered again. Billy’s brain and tongue hadn’t fully re-engaged as yet.

Eino simply smiled. “Probably won’t be the last time if I get the job. Don’t worry about it.”

“You don’t work here?”

“I’m on trial,” Eino confirmed, laughing a little at the low murmur of disapproval from all around him.

“All right, ladies and those of us who are dressed like ladies,” Frank looked Ty up and down, clearly finding him wanting. Ty just grinned, stuck his free hand in the pocket of his jeans and sipped his coffee.

“And gentleman,” Frank continued, giving Steve and Eino the lusty eye. Knowing neither would take him seriously. “You’re not on trial, Eino. You’re one of us now.”

There was a loud cheer.

“Seriously? I only worked one night.”

“Yea, but you were good through training,” Steve confirmed.

“Wow. Thanks.”

“Come with me and we’ll go through the permanent contract and benefits,” Frank turned and shot a look over his shoulder, flipping the (red tonight) wig back. “Follow the glittery red heels,” he instructed as he clicked away.

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