Broadway Threat

Frank had been having a discussion with Better’s owner, who he knew quite well. Also the police, who had spoken to the doctor and Frank, and decided to start their face to face at the other bar.

“Rohypnol,” confirmed the doctor, returning from the bathroom and moving to re-examine Billy. “I suspect an extremely high dose. It’s a good job he was ill. He might have gone into respiratory depression.” So saying, he listened for another long while to Billy’s chest.

As he sat back, Adam and Tony rushed in.

“Billy? Oh Christ, is he okay. Billy?” Adam rushed over and knelt on the bed, cradling Billy’s cheek.

Billy was too out of it to open his eyes, but his hand reached blindly and Adam grasped it, pressing a kiss to his palm and squeezing. “I’m here. I’m here, sweetheart. What’s that?” he leaned in as Billy’s slurred sleepily.

“Ty took care of me.”

Adam smiled wetly. “Of course he did. You’re safe, don’t you worry.” He looked up with concern as Billy’s hand fell back to the bed. “Is he okay?”

“He just needs to sleep,” the doctor said and quickly introduced himself. Explaining that Billy needed to sleep but would need to be watched in case he was ill again, but couldn’t wake.

Frank stepped forward when Adam claimed he would watch him.

“Adam, you’ve just done two shows and a ten hour day. You need to get at least a few hours sleep.” He held up a hand, imperious when Adam tried to speak. “Tony. Go and find something for Adam to sleep in. I’ll watch for an hour, then Ty will swap with me, and we’ll wake you up in a few hours to take over, Adam. We can’t risk you falling asleep while you’re watching him,” Frank ended sternly.

Adam had given in, and twenty minutes later having showered, Ty shifted a boneless Billy and settled him into Adam’s arms.

“Thanks, Ty,” Adam briefly gripped his hand, his voice cracking slightly.

Ty squeezed reassuringly, “Grab a couple of hours sleep, you’re gonna need it.” He ruffled Adam’s hair fondly, before smoothing Billy’s back. “Pretty stuck on him, huh?”

Adam could only blink and nod, pressing a kiss to the back of Billy’s head.

Ty turned the light down and moved to the door, pulling Tony, who was watching with damp eyes, with him.

Frank came in, having changed into comfortable jeans. He spoke quietly, looking at his watch. “Come and relieve me about three? Is that okay? Fred can cover you in the morning, you can sleep in.”

Ty nodded and winked. He had known that Frank would never let Adam sleep only a couple of hours.

“I just sent the doctor over to Better’s,” Frank told them quietly. “They got the guy. The asshole went back to try again.”

“Who the hell is he?” Tony whispered.

“Guess we’ll find out. Go get some sleep, Ty.” Frank kissed both their cheeks and dismissed them.

Ty and Tony tumbled into bed a few minutes later, Tony having sniffled through brushing his teeth.

Ty pulled him close and nuzzled into his neck. “The Doc wouldn’t have left if he was really concerned,” he reassured.

“I know, he just looked so vulnerable and scared. I’ve only met him a few times, I can’t believe he came looking for me for help, and I wasn’t here.”

“It’s fine, because I was.” Ty ran his hand over Tony’s chest, to soothe.

Tony let out a heavy sigh. “Do you want me to come down with you later?”

“No, I’ll try not to disturb you.”

“Get some sleep then,” Tony rolled to his side and snuggled closer, as they both relaxed.

It had been a long day. Starting at nine when they had walked into Engagement and both been accosted by Gull, offering sincere apologies and charming the pants off Tony.

At least it had cleared the air. Tony leaving with a wink and a careless, “Be good you two.”

Gul had laughed and patted Ty’s shoulder, “Okay, yea. I see now I wouldn’t have stood a chance.”

Ty hadn’t stopped smiling for three hours.

He smiled again now and snuggled closer to Tony, who was already asleep. Whispering, “I love you,” and sure he saw Tony’s lips curve slightly.


It didn’t feel like over two hours later. But just after three, having gently kissed a stirring Tony back to sleep, Ty yawned and pushed open the door to Cal and Frank’s spare room.

Frank smiled, then glared at the mug he carried. “That better not be coffee!” he whispered.

Ty laughed softly, “It’s coco.” He passed it over, then kissed Frank’s cheek. “Now you go get some sleep.”

Frank sipped and hummed slightly in appreciation. “Thanks, Ty. Neither of them have moved.”

Ty nodded and settled down with his coffee and e-reader, as the door clicked closed. He was far too weary to try and work.

He sipped coffee and eyed the two men snuggled in the bed for a few moments. Searching his emotions to see if there was even a hint of jealousy. He and Adam had practically lived together for a while, after all.

But no. He smirked and dropped his eyes back to the book. Adam was one of his closest friends, and thankfully also one of Tony’s. He wouldn’t have pegged Billy as his type, but maybe that’s why it was working so well. Adam had certainly never looked at him the same way he looked at Billy.

About an hour later, he saw movement and looked up to see Billy frowning in his sleep and mumbling slightly. Ty placed his book to one side and crouched down closer. Seeing wetness on Billy’s cheeks, he smoothed his hair back and spoke gently. “Billy, it’s okay. You’re dreaming.”

His eyes popped open and he stared at Ty. “You’re dreaming,” Ty said again. Relieved when the fear cleared and Billy recognized him.

“I feel sick,” he whispered.

Ty nodded and eased him out of Adam’s arms. Helping him balance on the edge of the bed, an empty garbage can nearby. After a few deep breaths and some water, Billy admitted. “Actually, I think I need the bathroom.”

Ty glanced at his watch. It was gone five in the morning now. Not too bad. “I’m going to wake Adam. We can help you, and he can stay with you.”

Billy nodded. He was shaky and felt ill.

Ty gripped Adam’s hip and rubbed. “Wake up sleeping beauty.”

Adam mumbled and rolled before shooting straight up in the bed, “Billy?”

“Calm down,” Ty patted his ankle. “He’s doing okay, needs help to the bathroom. Can you give us a hand?”

“Sure,” Adam glanced at his watch before shooting a dark look at Ty as he dragged his pants on. “Frank was supposed to wake me at two.”

“We switched at three,” Ty admitted as they helped Billy stand. “You can’t work on two hours sleep.”

“I’m not leaving Billy today.”

“Adam,” Ty gripped his shoulder as Billy balanced carefully. “He’ll be safe here with us. You know we’ll take care of him.” Ignoring Adam’s frown (it’s not like he stood a chance against Frank), Ty left them to it. “Call me when you need me.”

Fifteen minutes later Billy was curled up in Adam’s lap sleeping again as Adam and Ty talked quietly.

Half an hour after that, Adam had drifted back to sleep as well.

Ty went for more coffee and settled back to his book. Billy seemed fine, but better safe than sorry.

When they both roused again an hour later, Ty helped Adam get Billy into the shower and then left them to it. Wandering out to start the coffee proper and cracking his jaw with his yawn.

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