The Curse of the Romani by Gryffindor

“Yes, I do.” Ian immediately responded. “In the past my family forced my hand when it came to your son. They would have killed me if I left them to be with Stefan. I had no choice. It is something that I will regret for the rest of my life. Things could be so different now.” Ian paused and took a breath. “My mother came to me tonight and told me they had captured Stefan. Actually they told me that they killed him. I was told that if I don’t change my sexuality and marry a women and have children, then I would be killed.”

“Your family does not seem to want to stay out of your business, Ian Merripen.” Felicia gave him a small smile. “And what would you choose?”

“If I lose Stefan then I lose everything. I will die without him.” Ian’s voice was filled with his love for her son.

“If you were to save him, would you allow your family to come between you again?” Felicia asked the difficult question. She was not surprised to see the hurt look that appeared on Ian’s face. “Ian, I do not hold you responsible for what your family made you do. I only ask you this because I know that Stefan would rather die than go on again without you.”

“I will let nothing come between us. No matter the cost.” Ian’s voice was steady and strong. “My family will not interfere ever again.”

“That is what I was hoping you would say.” Felicia’s smile finally widened. “Quickly, come with me. We do not have much time. Take my hands.”

“Why?” Ian asked.

“You forget that the Renaldi family was once Gypsies as well.” She held her hands out to Ian. “Our family has its own kind of magic.”

Ian quickly gave Felicia his hands. As soon as their hands touched Ian felt a wave of heat wash over his body. He became dizzy and closed his eyes to regain his balance. When he opened his eyes he realized that they were no longer in front of his apartment. They were standing in the middle of the woods. Before Ian could move a group of people came out from behind the trees. Ian realized he was standing face to face with the entire Renaldi family.

“We ask that you move quickly and do whatever you can.” Felicia released his hands. “If you can free Stefan he will show you the way to our home. We can not stay any longer. The sun will be rising soon.” Felicia pointed to two of the trees on the edge of the forest. “That is where my son is. Good luck, Merripen.”

Ian nodded his head and quickly moved towards the trees. He didn’t have time to say anything to Felicia or her family. His mind was solely focused on saving Stefan. As he approached the two trees he could feel the air shimmer from the powerful magic. Ian felt like he walked through a wall of water as he reached the trees. Stefan suddenly appeared. Stefan’s arms were stretched out to his sides with rope that was connected to the two trees. Ian rushed over to him.

His head spun in shock as he saw that Stefan’s clothes were covered in blood. There was a long gash on both of his arms. Ian saw that Stefan’s eyes were closed, and he prayed he was not too late. A branch snapped under his foot as he approached Stefan.

“You will not break me, Romani.” Stefan’s voice sounded tired, but strong.

“I am not here to break you, my love.” Ian reached out and touched Stefan’s cheek. “We have to get you out of here.”

“Ian?” Stefan’s eyes shot open. “I can not believe you came. They told me that you thought I was a dead. I thought I would never see you again.”

“They told me that they killed you.” Ian kissed Stefan quickly on the lips. “I knew in my heart that it wasn’t true. Now, we need to get you out of here.”

Ian tried to untie the ropes that held Stefan captive, but he was unable to work the knots loose. Out of frustration Ian tried to use his magic to burn the ropes, but that also did nothing. Ian glanced over his shoulder and saw the sky above the horizon start to change colors. It was nearly sunrise.

“I can’t undo the ropes.” Fear filled Ian’s heart. “They must have cast some spell on them. You need to use your strength to break free.”

“I can not, my love.” Stefan glanced down at the gashes on his arms. “They drained me of nearly all my blood. I do not have the strength to release myself. Otherwise I would have done that already.” Stefan smiled gently at Ian. “I am glad I got to see you one last time though.”

“Don’t you dare give up on me!” Ian nearly yelled. “We will find a way out of this! I will NOT lose you!”

“There is no way you will be able to find a willing donor in enough time, Ian.” Stefan was resigned to his fate. “Blood must be given freely, otherwise I would lose my soul.”

“I don’t have to find anyone, Stefan.” Ian pressed himself against his lover. Stefan looked at him. Confusion was written all over his face. Ian tilted his head and offered his neck. “Drink.”

Images flashed of the previous night flashed through Stefan’s mind. The way Ian’s body tensed as Stefan licked at his neck and as some momentary fear had shuddered through Ian. Stefan could not do as Ian asked. He knew that if he were to drink from Ian, then his lover would forever be fearful that he might lose control and drink again. It saddened his heart to deny his lover’s request.

“I can not.” Stefan mumbled as he averted his gaze.

“What the fuck do you mean?” Ian demanded. “It is the only way for you to live. Drink from me.”

“My love, I will not allow you to be a part of this vicious cycle the curse has caused.” Tears welled up in Stefan’s eyes. “I will not take your blood. My feelings for you run too deep. I am afraid I would be pulled in and I would not be able to stop drinking.”

“I trust you, Stefan. I love you. I know you won’t do anything to harm me.” Ian looked over his shoulder again and he saw the edge of the sun peak over the horizon. He glanced up and saw the sunlight touch the treetops. “We don’t have much time. You HAVE to drink. If you don’t you’ll die. I know that you would lose your soul if you killed me. I know how important your soul is. You wouldn’t risk losing it.”

“But my sweet Ian, I have already lost my soul.” Stefan gazed lovingly into Ian’s eyes. “My soul was given to you the first time we met centuries ago, my love. I love you totally and completely, Ian Merripen.”

“This is not goodbye. I refuse to let you go. I made that mistake once before and I will NOT let it happen again.” Ian quickly looked up again and saw that the light was slowly making its way down the trees. An idea quickly formed in Ian’s head. Time was running out and he prayed that it would work. “I love you, Stefan.”

“What are you doing?” Stefan demanded as he watched Ian concentrate on his hand. Ian was mumbling words under his breath.

“Saving you.” Ian replied. A faint light had circled around Ian’s finger. He lifted his hand and ran his finger in a sharp line across his neck. Almost immediately the skin broke and blood dripped from the open wound. Ian yelped in pain as he felt the blood run onto his shoulder. He grabbed Stefan’s head and pushed it into his neck. “DRINK!”

Ian’s blood smeared across Stefan’s lips. Stefan used whatever strength he had left to force himself to not feed. Some of the blood had slipped into his mouth though, and Stefan’s strength was soon gone. Natural instinct took over as fangs broke through his gums. He carefully sunk his teeth into his lover’s wound. Ian cried out as he felt Stefan began to drink, but it was not a cry of pain, but of happiness.

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