The Curse of the Romani by Gryffindor

“How do you know my name, Gypsy?” Stefan’s voice was cold even though his body trembled at being so close to Ian. He refused the Ian’s hand, but it wasn’t out of anger. Stefan was afraid he wouldn’t be able to control himself if he felt the Gypsy’s warm flesh. Something clicked in Stefan’s brain though. “What did you say your name was?”

“I know your name because of my Gypsy heritage.” Ian lied through his teeth. There was no way he was going to admit his dreams to Stefan. “I said my name is Ian. Why?”

“That is very interesting.” Stefan trembled as Ian confirmed what he thought was said. Memories long pushed away surfaced and drifted through his mind. “I once had a lover named Ian.”

“The Merripen boy’s name was Ian?” Shock rocked through Ian’s body. Was he named after his ancestor or was Stefan just toying with him?

“You do not know your family history?” Stefan spat at him. It was easier to be mean to the man because otherwise he would be pulling Ian’s body against his own. The blonde Gypsy looked nothing like the man he was named after, but it seemed his effect on Stefan was the same. “I thought the Gypsies were so proud of their heritage.”

“Why don’t you tell me?” Ian argued back. “Gypsy blood runs through your veins as well.”

Stefan could not control himself as he pulled Ian into the darkness of the trees. He slammed Ian up against a rather large tree trunk. Stefan’s face was inches away from Ian’s. Ian felt fear course through his body as he was pinned against the tree.

“The blood that runs through my veins is the blood of the poor people I am forced to drink from.” Stefan growled. “It was your family that forced this on me.”

“Don’t blame me for the sins of my ancestors.” Ian’s voice was soft but strong. “I understand that you had no choice in who you have become, but realize that I had no choice either. You also realize that I could kill you right now. You’ve watched me hunt before, Stefan Renaldi.”

Hearing his name roll off of Ian’s tongue did something strange to Stefan. There was something almost familiar in the way Ian said his name. He knew very well that Ian could kill him at any moment, but for some reason he trusted Ian. It scared him that he could so easily trust someone he did not know, especially when that someone is a Gypsy hunter.

“You will not kill me, Ian Merripen.” Stefan quietly responded.

Images and pictures began flashing through Ian’s mind as he heard Stefan say his name. The Merripen name had not been used in a very long time since there was no male child to carry on the name. Ian saw images of himself with Stefan. The two of them walking through the woods, lying next to each on a blanket under the stars, and finally their naked bodies locked together.

“Stefan…” Ian felt like he was in a trance.

His fingers reached out with a will of their own and ran gently down the dark haired man’s cheek. Ian expected the skin to be cool, but it was far from cool. In fact the skin was hot and smooth. The heat from Stefan’s cheek seemed to slide down Ian’s arm and into his body. Ian couldn’t stop himself as he leaned forward and kissed Stefan. Stefan stiffened at first at the suddenness of the kiss. He could feel the moist heat of Ian’s tongue against his lips seeking permission to enter.

Stefan allowed his lips to open and Ian’s tongue plunged in. His head spun from the sensation of the man’s tongue as it dominated his mouth. Stefan released his hold on Ian’s shoulders as he gave into the passion of the kiss. He was used to being the aggressor in such situations, but there was something familiar about Ian Merripen that caused Stefan to give in. A low moan rumbled in Ian’s throat as he felt Stefan’s tongue slid against his own.

Ian’s hand reached out and grabbed onto the back of Stefan’s neck, pulling the man deeper in to the kiss. His free arm wrapped around the man’s waist and pulled their bodies together. In some part of Ian’s mind it registered that he was kissing a vampire, but he felt no fear whatsoever. For one of the first times in his life he felt safe, free. It felt natural for Ian to be holding Stefan in his arms, to be kissing him.

Stefan’s hands roamed over Ian’s broad, muscular body. His fingertips moved on their own accord as if they already knew every inch of the man in front of him. The sighs and groans that slipped from Ian’s lips only urged Stefan on. A voice called out in his head that he was with a Romani hunter, but his heart ignored the plea. Stefan knew deep within himself that no harm would come to him from Ian. How he knew that he had no clue.

Stefan finally broke this kiss. Their chests rubbed against each other as they gasped for breath. Their eyes locked together and that magical pull seemed to appear again. Stefan realized that Ian was slightly taller than he was as he leaned forward to suck on Ian’s earlobe. Ian arched against Stefan as he felt the moist pressure on his ear. Stefan slowly moved down until he was gently sucking on Ian’s neck.

Ian stiffened for a moment, and Stefan immediately pulled back. He berated himself for doing something so foolish. Of course Ian would be wary to have a vampire lick and suck at his neck. Stefan opened his mouth to apologize, but Ian’s intense gaze stopped whatever words he was going to say. After a few tense moments Ian tilted his head slightly. Stefan’s eyes bulged as shock coursed through his body. This beautiful man had just offered Stefan his bare neck. He realized that Ian was offering his trust to him.

Something stirred deep in Stefan’s heart at the gesture. Feelings he had thought he would never feel again after the curse suddenly blossomed into existence. Instead of returning to Ian’s neck he crushed his lips against Ian in a deep, passionate kiss. Ian literally felt his breath being sucked out of him. He grabbed Stefan’s hips and pulled the man against him. Ian could easily feel Stefan’s arousal as it rubbed across his own aching member.

The sound of a dog barking caught Ian’s attention. He glanced around and suddenly realized just how close to the path they were. Ian gently pulled away from Stefan. He grinned reassuring at the confused look on Stefan’s face. Ian glanced over his shoulder and looked into the woods behind him. An idea sprung into his mind and he felt compelled to follow it. Ian leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Stefan’s lips.

“Think you can catch me.” He breathed into Stefan’s ear.

With a small chuckle Ian took of into the dark woods. He was sure that Stefan would follow him, though he had no clue why he was so certain. Stefan stood completely still for a moment as Ian’s words slammed into his brain. Century year old memories flooded into his mind. It would not be the first time he had chased a Merripen through the woods. Stefan’s heart pounded in his chest as he remembered the first time a Merripen said those words to him.

Ian’s ancestor, the one he was named after, had said the exact same thing to him hundreds of years ago. Stefan had chased the beautiful man through the woods. His cock throbbed as memories of what happened after Stefan caught him came to mind. Would that happen again? Stefan mused there was only one way to find out. He took off after Ian and hoped his vampire senses would aid him.

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