The Curse of the Romani by Gryffindor

Ian’s blood surged through Stefan’s body. It was a moment that would forever be burned into Stefan’s memory. The taste and feel of his love was intoxicating. Stefan had never tasted anything as sweet in all of his years. Energy poured through Stefan’s muscles and with a quick pull the ropes holding him snapped. Ian felt Stefan’s arms wrap around him.

Ian felt Stefan withdraw from his neck. Ian muttered some words to heal his wound right before his lover’s lips quickly claimed him and kissed him deeply. The taste of his own blood did not phase Ian in anyway. Ian’s heart leapt with joy. They were reminded of the seriousness of their situation as the sun crested the horizon and bathed them both in light. Ian pulled back suddenly to get Stefan out of the way. He was shocked to see his lover standing perfectly still watching the sunrise in complete awe. Ian took in the beauty of his lover’s face drenched in sunlight.

“But how?” Ian asked out loud. “I thought sunlight was deadly.”

“I have no clue, my love.” Stefan smiled at Ian once he realized he would not be bursting into flames.

“You have broken the curse, my child.”

The men spun around to find Irina standing at the edge of the woods along with the entire Renaldi family. Tears of joy were in all of their eyes as they saw the first sunrise in hundreds of years.

“Your ancestor was smarter than anyone had given him credit for, Ian.” Irina moved over and hugged both of them. “He knew that his soul would be reincarnated. So when he altered the curse he added a small loophole. The blood of a Merripen freely given out of love would break the curse. Unfortunately the Renaldi family will still need blood to survive. Ian was not able to alter that at all, but he was able to include something that would free them from the shadows.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Ian demanded. “I could have had him drink before now.”

“Because it was not for you to know, my child.” Irina calmly explained. “The curse could only be broken by true love. If you knew that you could break part of the curse then you may have done it for the sole purpose of doing it. The curse was cast in the first place because of love. Love is what started it, and it was love that would end it.”

“Then we were lucky that our family had come to this town.” Stefan wrapped his arms around Ian’s waist. “This may have never happened otherwise.”

“Luck had nothing to do with it, my Stefan.” Felicia stepped over towards them. “Many years ago I had a run in myself with a Gypsy hunter. She spared my life because she knew that I was different from the soulless. We shared stories of our histories. Once we found out the truth of the curse we decided to stay in contact. Once a male child was born to the Merripen line our family would be contacted.”

“So when you found out I was born, your family moved here in the hopes that one day I would run into Stefan again?” Ian asked. Ian saw a twinkle in his grandmother’s eyes. “Do I even need to ask who that Gypsy was?”

Irina and Felicia chuckled before going to talk to the rest of the Renaldi family. Stefan and Ian were left alone. The two men gazed into each other’s eyes again before their lips met in a loving kiss.

“I can not believe how stupid I was, my love. My stubbornness almost cost me my life.” Stefan murmured.

“You were just trying to protect me, and I love you even more for that.” Ian hugged Stefan closer to his body. “Though if you don’t mind, I don’t think you’ll need to look for willing donors anymore.”

“If you so choose to give me such a gift, my love, then how could I refuse?” Stefan leaned his forehead against Ian’s. “What about your family?”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Ian sighed. “Don’t you worry though, you’re not getting rid of me that easily. You’re stuck with me for a long, long time.”

“I was hoping you would say that.” Stefan grinned. “I love you, Ian Merripen.”

“I love you, Stefan Renaldi.” Ian leaned forward and captured Stefan’s mouth with his own.

The two men were oblivious to the people that still stood around them as they kissed. The bond between Stefan and Ian had become unbreakable that morning as they stood in the sunlight. Ian knew that there would be problems with his family, but he would not let them stop him from being happy. He knew that he would protect Stefan and his family until the day he died. Ian made a mental note to talk to his grandmother about a Gypsy spell for extending life. He knew in his heart that he had centuries of time that he had missed with Stefan, and Ian planned on having many, many years to look forward to in their future.

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