The Curse of the Romani by Gryffindor

The two men enjoyed themselves for hours getting reacquainted with each other’s body and mind. Their bodies never seemed to tire as they took turns claiming each other over and over again. The only thing that could separate the two lovers was the approaching sunrise. They carefully cleaned off as best as they could and enjoyed dressing each other. Kisses of promises and love were shared over and over again.

“I can not wait until the next sunset to see you again, my love.” Stefan hugged Ian close. “I thank God for bringing you back to me.”

“No, Stefan.” Ian gently ran his fingers over Stefan’s cheek. “Devlesa avilan.”

Stefan wasn’t sure who was more shocked at Ian’s speaking of the old Romani tongue, Ian or himself.

“I was not aware you knew the language of the Gypsies.” Stefan murmured.

“I don’t.” Ian’s heart beat wildly in his chest.

He had no idea where the words had come from. They had just suddenly appeared in his mind. Somehow how though, Ian knew what the words meant. Devlesa avilan was Romani for “it is God who brought you”. Ian knew that a visit to his grandmother was definitely in order.

“I hate to leave, Ian, but I have less than an hour until the sun rises.” Stefan pressed his lips to Ian’s one last time. “I will look for you after sunset tomorrow.”

“I look forward it to, Stefan.” Ian smiled and hugged the man tightly against him.

They shared a few more kisses before finally parting ways in different directions to get to their respective homes. Both men were lost in revelations that night had provided to them. If it weren’t for the thousands of thoughts that ran through their heads they might have noticed the shadowy figure that had watched them from a distance. A figure that was carefully and cautiously following Stefan.


Ian grumbled in frustration as he looked at his watch. He had forgotten that the following day was a Monday, and that he would have to go back to work. The important talk with his grandmother would have to wait until early that evening. He sighed as his eyes roamed over the aisles of books the library held. It wasn’t the best paying job in the world, but it was something at least.

Thankfully the Soulcrest library was fairly empty, and Ian didn’t really have to deal with anyone that day. That was a blessing in disguise because his mind was everywhere but work. His body still tingled from the amazing sex he had with Stefan the previous night. Some of his muscles were sore from the all the moving and thrusting of their nocturnal activity.

The day continued to drag on until it was finally time for Ian to close up for the day. He quickly made his rounds through the building to make sure there were no stragglers. Ian turned off all the lights and then locked up for the night. Luckily, his grandmother only lived a few blocks away so it didn’t take long to walk there. He took the front steps two at a time and entered the house. Ian found his grandmother sitting in her living room reading a book.

“Why hello, dear heart.” Irina said as Ian leaned down to kiss her cheek. “I’m so glad you’ve come back today. Your father was a pain in the ass as always.”

“I need you to tell me what is going on.” Ian blurted. He needed answers, and he hoped that his grandmother had them.

“The memories are appearing aren’t they, child?” His grandmother motioned for him to sit down. Ian quickly nodded his head. “Well that can only mean one thing. You have found Stefan again.”

“How do you know that?” Ian felt the blood rush to his face.

“I do not know exactly what has happened, child. So don’t you worry.” Irina playfully patted Ian’s knee. “Though I can tell a few things from your reaction.”

“My head is full of memories and things that aren’t mine, grandmother.” Ian explained. “Last night I even spoke in Romani, and you know that I was never taught that.”

“I need to finish telling you the story, my sweet child.” Irina gave him a gentle smile. “Your father had rudely interrupted me yesterday when we were talking about your destiny.”

“What about it?” Ian asked.

“Stefan has probably already made you aware of the fact that your ancestor that cast the curse was the man you were named after.” Irina continued after Ian nodded his head. “Ian Merripen was heartbroken over the choice he had made. He knew in his heart that he should have chosen Stefan over his family. Before he died Ian used the Gypsy magic to place a spell on the Merripen family. One that would allow him a second chance with Stefan when fate would allow it.”

“What type of spell?” Ian was still shocked about everything that was happening to him.

“He cast a spell that no male children would be born in the family line until his soul was ready for reincarnation.” Irina kept a careful eye on Ian. She was worried about how he would take the news. “The spell would allow his ancestor to remember his life and the mistakes he made. It would allow his love for Stefan to last over time.”

“So what I’m feeling isn’t real?” Ian couldn’t believe it. His feelings for Stefan ran so deep in his heart that he knew that they had to be true.

“What you are feeling is very real, my child.” Irina paused and gathered her thoughts. “Forgive me, Ian. I’m not explaining this very well. Your love of Stefan is real and true because even though you are a different person than the original Ian Merripen, the two of you are still the same because it is the same soul. Stefan is your soul mate. Though this has to be very weird for you, Ian. You are Ian Merripen reincarnated.”

“That’s why I was having the nightmares.” Pieces of the mysterious puzzle were slowly sliding into place for Ian. “That’s why I felt like I knew Stefan when I saw him. I had seen him before in my dreams. And when we were together last night, our souls touched. I felt it.” Ian’s face was bright with happiness. “That’s why I knew the Romani language. Stefan opened the gate in my mind, and allowed my original memories to come to the surface.”

“You are correct.” Irina hated what she had to say next. “But you must also realize the danger you will be in. The danger you both will be in.”

“Danger?” Ian gazed into his grandmother’s eyes. The last piece of the puzzle slid into place. “My father. The family knew about the spell that was cast. That’s why everyone was so freaked out when I came out of the closet. They are afraid history is going to repeat itself.”

“I see you have been educating my son about the family history.” Lela Sanders, Ian’s mother, walked gracefully into the room.

“Mom!” Ian rushed over to hug his mother, but stopped short when he saw the look of fury on her face.

“Do not let her fill your head with lies, my son.” Lela slowly ran a hand down her son’s face. “You must avoid the Renaldi family at all costs. They want revenge on our blood for the justice we gave them.”

“Justice?” Ian stepped back in horror. “There was no justice. They forced me to choose between my love and my family. Actually, that’s not true.” Ian’s blood boiled in anger. “I was threatened with death if I did not abandon my lover. To top everything else off they were too pathetic and weak to do anything themselves. They forced me to perform the curse. They were spineless cowards!”

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