The Hand of the Handyman (Pt. 02)

I started to undress and Mr. Harris took each piece of clothing from me as I took it off. As I got to my white jockey shorts he said that he would do a small load of whites in the morning. I removed them and handed them to him. Once again, I stood buck naked in front of Mr. Harris. With my clothes in hand he headed to the small laundry room across the hall.

Walking into his bathroom I was amazed at how clean it was. While a small space, he did have a rather deep shower with no door or curtain. I assumed that because of its deepness there was no need for one. Stepping in I turned the water on and stood there letting it run all over my body. It felt great!

As I washed my hair I heard Mr. Harris’s voice. He told me he was going to shave first and then shower when I was done. I rinsed the shampoo from my hair and looked out the side of the deep shower stall to let him know that I would be finished soon. As I did so I was both stunned and pleasantly surprised to see a naked Mr. Harris standing at the sink, his face covered in shaving cream as he carefully moved the razor over it.

His physique was breathtaking! The muscular chest was covered with dark hair and it tapered down to a very narrow waist. His legs were solid and thick but the hair on them was a bit lighter in color and not as much as the chest hair. But the center of gravity was his magnificent ass. Round and curved, it seemed to be the one hairless part of his body. For a brief moment, in the large mirror in front of the sink, I caught sight of his penis and testicles. However, suddenly I realized that I was staring, brief as my gaze was.

I disappeared back into the safety of the shower and reflected on what I had just seen. My own dick had started to respond and I took some deep breaths as I did not want Mr. Harris to see me with an erection. I also took comfort in the knowledge that I did hold one card that my host did not. He may have the muscles but I had a far bigger cock. As I held it in my hand I smiled at the knowledge that I was bigger than him. From what I had viewed, Mr. Harris was sporting rather large balls, had a somewhat small pecker. I looked down at my own manhood and smiled. There would be no need to be embarrassed about that fact!

As I was about to turn off the water, Mr. Harris stood at the entrance of the shower in all of his naked glory. Smiling he said: “All clean there, sport?” Trying desperately not to stare, I simply nodded my head. He handed me the towel and I exited the shower barely fitting in the narrow opening left by the naked hulk of a man and the wall. “My turn.” he chimed as he turned on the water. I stole one more glimpse of his muscled back and perfect ass and continued drying off.

As I stood in front of the mirror combing my hair, Mr. Harris called out from the shower instructing me to put on a new pair of the white Jockey shorts. “I want to make certain that they fit you properly.” he said.

I located the package of briefs and tore open the top. Taking a pair out I held it out so I could admire it for a moment. I just could not remember the last time I was able to put on NEW underwear. Hearing the water to the shower go off, I stepped into the white briefs and adjusted my own “package”. At that moment, Mr. Harris emerged from the bathroom drying himself. “Let’s have a look,” he chimed. I turned to face him and his face broke out into a wide smile. “Well, well,” he chuckled. “It appears that I got you the right size.”

“Yes.” I stammered, still a bit flummoxed by the entire situation. “I mean, yes, sir. They are great. I mean…sir…I…well…it’s been….I mean.” I could feel my face turning red as I struggle to find the words.

Tossing his towel onto the bed, the handsome and quite naked painter approached me and said: “Turn around for me, Mike. I want to check the fit in the back.”

I did as instructed. I could feel his naked body standing close behind me and then I felt his fingers inside the waistband. I froze in place. He tugged on the waistband a bit and then ran a finger over the left leg band. Again his fingers reached into the waistband and this time I felt him pull back on it a bit exposing the top part of my ass. He held it there for what seemed like an eternity but then gently released it back in place. As he did so his hand gently patted me on the center of my rear. “Looks like they fit you quite well.” he declared.

“Thanks again, Mr. Harris,” I said as I turned around. He smiled, collected his wet towel from the bed and headed back to the bathroom. Flustered and just a little bit excited, I grabbed the paper bag with my clothes and quickly put on my jeans. I finished dressing and, as much as I wanted to sit and gaze at his incredible physique, I decided instead to go into the kitchen to wait there.

Minutes later Mr. Harris emerged from the bedroom dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. The t-shirt accented his magnificent chest and tapered waist. He smiled at me and said: “Ready for dinner, Mike?” I nodded and off we went.

It was a short walk to the bar that sat on the corner two streets down from Mr. Harris’ house. We found two seats at the bar and a very attractive woman, in a tight blue shirt, came over and said: “Well hello there Jack. Who’s your cute friend?”

I blushed hard and tried to smile. Mr. Harris laughed. Then leaning over the bar he gave the bartender a friendly kiss on her cheek. “Well, Sandy, I don’t know about ‘cute’ but this is Mike. Mike, this is Sandy. She’s the queen here at Conner’s Corner Bar.” He continued “Mike is a graduate student at the university and, since classes have not yet started, he has been helping me with a painting project. He’s a good worker so I’m buying him dinner. But, first, we both need a cold beer.”

Sandy roared in laughter at the word ‘queen’ and then told me that it was nice to meet me. As she filled two tall chilled glasses with beer I whispered to Mr. Harris that I did not really drink alcohol. He patted me on the back and suggested that I try the beer as it was cold, tasty and would help me relax.

Sandy put the beers down in front of us and Mr. Harris ordered the Conner cheesburger plate for both of us. I then watched as he emptied half of his beer in what seemed like a single gulp. He noticed my gaze and laughed. “Go on. Mike. Give it a taste. It will be good for you.”

I picked up the glass and took a long swallow. The cold brew felt good on the warm day and I had to admit that I really liked the taste too. “It’s good!” I exclaimed to Mr. Harris. He chuckled and rubbed the top of my head.

Sandy came back over and she and Mr. Harris chatted for a moment. Then Mr. Harris said: “I think that Mike and I each need a shot before those burgers arrive.”

Sandy put two shot glasses on the bar and then grabbed a bottle of whiskey. She filled them to the brim and I sat watching the entire process wondering what whiskey would taste like. She smiled at me and said: “Cheers, handsome.” I looked at her a bit bewildered and then explained that I had never tasted whiskey in my entire life. She looked at Mr. Harris and then they both started to laugh. “Are you serious, honey?” she asked. “What do they teach you at that university?” Sandy pondered. “I thought that all of you college boys had a taste for booze.”

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