The Hand of the Handyman (Pt. 02)

“That a boy,” he encouraged me. “You’re doing great. So damn tight. DAMN.” he exclaimed.

“I don’t….I just don’t think I can do it.” I whimpered.

“Naw,” said the invader. “You just need something to take your mind off of the initial pain.” With that he gave my right butt cheek a slap. I cried out at the swift and sudden pain brought on by the slap. Then another stinging slap landed on my rear. On the third slap he completed his entry, his big balls now pressed against my bare ass.

He was right. The sting of the slaps took my mind off of his true objective. He was all the way in and I was now consumed with new sensations. The pain had dissapaited and a sense of pleasure was beginning to take hold. I grabbed the sheets of the bed as he let me adjust to the feel of his erection deep inside of me.

“You did it, Mike,” he proclaimed almost proudly. “I knew if I could distract you, then I could get all the way in.” As he spoke he rubbed my right cheek and chuckled: “And don’t worry about this handprint. It’ll disappear soon. Now, Mike, you just relax and I’ll do the work. I promise to go slowly so you get used to it.” With that he gently moved his hips back ever so much and then forward. Back and then forward.

The sensation was delicious! I moaned my approval and soon I adopted a rhythm that mirrored his own. Back and forth. Back and forth feeling his dick massage my virgin tunnel. As he worked he reached around and grabbed my engorged shaft. He rubbed and stroked it much to my added pleasure.

“That is one big dick, Mike. BIG and thick,” he whispered.

Hearing those words just inspired me to increase the velocity of my movements.

“Easy boy!” said Mr. Harris. “You’re gonna make me cum too fast.”

“But, it feels INCREDIBLE,” I growled. “Just INCREDIBLE.”

Mr. Harris ceased his thrusts and slowly withdrew his dick. As soon as he was free of my ass, he put his arms under me and, in one smooth movement, flipped me onto my back. The look of surprise on my face was met with a mischievous smile on his. “It’s your first time and I want to see your face,” he said. As he spoke, he lifted my legs high into the air and then placed my calves on his broad shoulders. Placing both hands under my ass he pulled me forward until his cock was once again knocking at my back door. Putting his face close to mine he smiled and whispered: “Breathe, Mike. Breathe!”

I wanted to speak but my mouth could form no words. Instead, I closed my eyes as I felt the head of his penis once again enter me. This time he only paused for a moment. With a look of utter determination on his rugged face, he pushed on further until he was once again in to the hilt. I gasped with a bit of shock followed by an absolute sensation of delight. He then took the opportunity to lean forward and kiss me tenderly on the lips. I closed my eyes and wondered again if this what heaven might be like.

“I haven’t fucked a guy since I was in the Army,” he whispered in my ear as his gentle thrusts began. “But I just could not resist you, Mike. When I saw you this morning in those white briefs, I knew that I wanted to have those beautiful melons. You are one good looking guy and now I have you in my bed.” He kissed me again, but this time passionately, and his thrusts became longer and a bit faster.

I was reaching my limit and knew that soon I would explode. I put my arms around his muscular back and said: “Oh, Mr. Harris. I can’t stop it. I’m gonna cum!”

“Go ahead Mike,” he urged me. “Shoot it!” He kissed me again and that was the final stimulation I needed. My entire body began to convulse and I yelled: “Arghhh….Mr. Harris…” Then, like a hot flood, I ejaculated in a fast and fierce stream striking both me and him on our faces and chests. If felt like it was going to go on forever.

“Oh, Mike,” moaned Mr. Harris. “My turn, Mike. MY TURN!” He pushed his dick in to the hilt and then, as I held him close, I could feel the hot cream shooting into my ass. His face was contorted, and he grunted and moaned as he emptied his juice into me.

I lay there with my eyes closed and completely spent. Mr. Harris kissed me gently on the cheek and then slowly pulled his dick from my ass. He then rolled onto his back and sighed heavily.

We lay there motionless for a few minutes and then he got up off of the bed. A short time later I heard water running in the bathroom. He returned and sat next to me on the bed. Then I felt a warm washcloth begin to clean my face, chest and stomach. Next, he gently lifted my flaccid penis and carefully cleaned it.

I opened my eyes, and he smiled at me. “Ok, Mike. Turn over onto your stomach for me.” he said in a quiet and gentle voice. I did as he told me, and he parted my cheeks and thoroughly cleaned his sperm from my backside. When he finished, he dried me with a towel and then kissed each ass cheek.

A cool breeze had begun blowing in from the opened windows. Mr. Harris went into the hallway to turn off the light. When he returned, he climbed into the bed bringing the sheet up to cover us both. Putting his muscular arms around me he drew me in close to his hard body. “That was utterly amazing, Mike” he said in a low and sexy voice.

I smiled at him and hugged him tightly saying: “I guess I’m not a virgin anymore. It was wonderful!”

Mr. Harris smiled at me and said: “It’s true. Your virginity is now a thing of the past.” He continued: “I have heard it said that you always remember your first time. I hope that you will be able to remember tonight. I know that I will.”

I turned so that I was facing him, and he brought me in close. Our naked bodies pressed against each other with the cool breeze around us felt amazing. “I can tell you this Mr. Harris; I will always remember tonight. Always.”

He kissed me on my lips and said: “We have some work in the morning so now it’s time for a little shuteye.

With that, I put my head on his chest and, as I listened to the steady beat of his heart, I went to sleep.

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