The Hand of the Handyman (Pt. 02)

Mr. Harris came to my rescue stating that I took my studies seriously and I had future goals that were important to me. He then emptied his beer and, setting the glass down, smiled at me and said: “Ok, Mike, let’s give it a try.”

He picked up his shot glass and, with a nod of his head, indicated that I should do the same. “Now, Mike, the secret is to down it in one swallow. It may sting at first but then you will feel a nice sensation throughout your body.” With that Mr. Harris raised his glass and, with a sly smile, winked at me. “Cheers, Mike” he said and then emptied the whiskey down his throat. I took a breath and did the same. It felt like I had swallowed fire! My throat burned and my eyes filled with tears. Sandy laughed at seeing my distress and said: “Looks like you’ve got yourself a virgin drinker, Jack. Cheap date at least.”

Mr. Harris laughed at her comment and rubbed my back saying: “Good job, sport!”

Moments later, the cheesburgers arrived and I was happy to get some food into my stomach. As we ate them, Mr. Harris ordered another beer for us but I was only able to finish half of mine. As I sat at the bar I was feeling quite relaxed and also a bit unsteady. Clearly, the beer and the whiskey were having an effect on me but I didn’t want to seem like a “newbie” to my host.

We finished our meal and Mr. Harris paid the bill leaving a most generous tip for Sandy. The sexy bartender leaned over the bar and gave Mr. Harris a kiss on his lips. I got off of the bar stool and held on to the bar for a moment as I got my barings. Mr. Harris noticed my situation and chuckled saying: “Com’on, Mike. Better get you back home.” I told him that I was fine and we exited Conner’s Corner Bar.

Fortunately we only had to walk two blocks because my path on the sidewalk was definitely not a straight one. Mr. Harris would grab my shoulder from time to time to help me stay on the walkway and I was glad when we finally reached his small house.

When we stepped inside, I removed my shoes, and I pointed to the sofa in the living room and said: “I’ll just crash there for tonight.”

But Mr. Harris had other plans. He turned me toward his bedroom and said: “There’s plenty of room in my bed for the two of us. That old sofa will not provide you with a good night’s sleep.”

We entered the dark bedroom. The only light coming into the room was from a lamp in the nearby hallway. Mr. Harris led me to the bed and standing behind me put his hands on my shoulders. “I take it you are not used to liquor. Is that right, Mike?” I simply nodded my head in agreement feeling both a bit embarrassed as well as a little excited to feel his big hands rubbing my shoulders.

Moving his hands down to my waist he freed my shirt from my jeans and lifted it over my head tossing it onto the nearby chair. He moved his body closer, and I could feel his breath on my neck. His hands massaged my back and soon rested on my waist. Silently he undid my belt buckle and unzipped my jeans. Gravity took over and they fell to my ankles. “Step out of your pants, Mike” spoke Mr. Harris in a soft yet somewhat authoritative voice. I did as he instructed and now stood there in just my white briefs.

I was excited yet a bit scared and I think that Mr. Harris picked up on both of these emotions. “Relax, Mike” he whispered as his large hands rubbed my chest and stomach. His right hand moved around to my butt and he gently cupped my right cheek. He ran his hand slowly over the fabric of the briefs and inserted a finger under the elastic leg band. The sensations were making my knees weak and definitely awakening my flacid dick.

“You’re a handsome young man,” whispered Mr. Harris. My face blushed and I felt incapable of forming the words to simply say thanks. He sensed my nervousness and drew me close to his body. His crotch now nestled my brief covered butt. Putting his arms around my waist he kissed the back of my neck and said: “Try not to be nervous. I would never do anything to hurt you. In fact, perhaps I can even teach you a few lessons tonight.”

“Teach…teach me?” I said as my voice haltered a bit. “Tonight?” I said in a barely inaudible voice.

He drew me in closer and pressed his crotch firmly against my butt. “Yes, Mike. But I need you to trust me. Tonight will be about trust. Can you trust me, Mike?” spoke Mr. Harris. Then in a low almost gravelly voice he said: “Will you trust me, Mike?”

As his hands rubbed my bare chest I nodded and indicated that I was placing my trust in him. He kissed the back of my neck and I felt his fingers slowly drift down my body until they found the elastic waistband of the jockey shorts. He playfully snapped the back of the waistband and chuckled. Then with his thumbs inserted on the sides he slowly lowered the back of my shorts. I closed my eyes as I felt the night air dancing on my now exposed ass.

His hands now moved to the front of my body and he gave a slight tug on the front of the shorts but the fabric stopped. His hand gave my exposed rear a slight slap and he whispered: “It appears that your briefs are caught on something.” Before I could respond, his left hand came around and grabbed my growing penis. It was caught in the folds of the briefs and he gripped it saying: “Wow. Seems you are a bit excited, Mike. You must like my hands on your body.” As he spoke he freed my dick from the confines of the shorts pushing them past my knees. His fingers gently stroked the head of my erection and my knees startled to buckle under this most pleasureable sensation. But the strong arms of Mr. Harris steadied me as his fingers examined my growing dick.

As he held me close to his body, my briefs finished their descent and soon rested on the floor below my ankles. “Now, we don’t want your clean, new briefs on the floor do we, Mike?” inquired Mr. Harris. As he spoke he reached down and instructed me to lift one leg at a time. He then held my new Hanes briefs in his hand as if he held a prize. Carefully, he placed them on the bedpost of the bed and then turned me around so I was facing him.

In the semi-darkness of the room I could see the slightest of smiles on his face as he drew me in against his body. My chest met his and my erection, now pointing upward, pressed against his own firm crotch. The large hands encircled my waist and I felt completely helpless in his grasp. His nose playfully rubbed against mine and then he kissed me gently on the lips. I closed my eyes and thought that perhaps this must be what heaven is like. “Did you like that?” whispered Mr. Harris. He smiled again and I felt his right hand move down my butt as his long index finger traced the crack of my cheeks. “Such a nice ass, Mike. It’s firm from all of that running you do but it also has a nice little jiggle as well.” Drawing me in even tighter against his body, he patted my left cheek as he spoke.

It was not lost on me that Mr. Harris was, with the exception of his shoes, completely dressed as I stood naked in his arms. Perhaps that was why I was a whirlwind of emotions. Nervous but also incredibly aroused. Ny nakedness gave me a sense of powerlessness especially as he had me wrapped in his big, powerful arms. I kept repeating, in my head, the word ‘trust’ and I knew that tonight, I had to go with my gut and maybe experience some pleasures that I had long denined myself.

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