Can’t Hide the Truth Anymore

A gay story: Can’t Hide the Truth Anymore Gage’s POV

I heard the key in the lock and sighed; my roommate was back.So much for some private time,I thought and quickly slammed my laptop shut. The last thing I needed was for Devin to catch me looking at gay porn. Well, not really porn… although I probably would have gotten there at some point tonight. Right now I was just browsing pictures of naked men. Hot and sexy naked men. Hot and sexy naked men that looked like my roommate. Damn! I really needed to get off.

The door opened and in walked the very reason of my perpetually aroused state. God, Devin was hot. 6’5″, lean, but still solidly built with broad shoulders, long, lean thighs and big, strong hands. He had dark brown wavy hair that he kept short on the sides and fuller on top, allowing it to fall across his forehead. Thick, dark lashes framed those gorgeous deep chocolate brown eyes that could make me shudder with just one look. Even the crooked nose in the center of his face was perfect. He always seemed to have just the shadow of a beard, even though I knew he shaved morning and evening. And those full lips… I ached to taste them just once! Yeah, I’ve got it pretty bad.

Devin walked in and shot me his trademark grin; the kind of smile you only see in a toothpaste commercial. Seriously, his teeth could light the way for Santa and his reindeer. I had to bite back a groan as my cock twitched and sprang to life.

“Hi,” I said, as nonchalantly as I could, as if the sight of him didn’t make my heart race and my blood run south.

Devin’s eyes twinkled; they always twinkled. “Hey! I thought you were going to be out tonight! Weren’t you and Sam headed out to that new sci-fi movie you’ve been going on and on about?”

“Yeah, we were,” I frowned a little. “Sam texted a little while ago. His parents decided to surprise him and showed up on campus for a weekend visit.”

“Ouch, for the whole weekend?”

I nodded.

“There goes Sam’s weekend, huh? That sucks,” he said as he flopped onto his bed, tossing his gym bag to the floor.

I agreed. I had been so pumped to go see it, too. Of course, who wouldn’t want to see Matt Damon on a 22′ tall screen? The fact that it was a sci-fi movie was just a bonus. I could wait a few more days, though. I had to. Sam was the only friend on campus I had that was into science fiction like I was.

Yes, it’s true. I am a sci-fi geek. I can argue the differences between Star Wars and Star Trek for hours. I have a favorite captain, a favorite ship, a Klingon to English dictionary hidden in my closet and a Star Trek poster on my dorm wall (although that was really more because it had actor Chris Pine on it). Okay, so I also have a Star Trek Next Generation captain’s uniform hidden in my closet. I’ve never had occasion to wear it, but someday I would make it to a convention, or participate in some cosplay. For now, it was just another secret desire to keep hidden.

“My plans fell through, too. I think I’m just going to hang in the dorm tonight.”

I slid my gaze back to Devin, furrowed my brow. Devin never ‘stayed in’. He was out with other basketball players, or cheerleaders or any of the many girls that hung on his every word. No doubt about it, I am not the only one on campus drooling over Devin.

I cleared my throat a little. “Cool.” Wow… that was all I had?Smooth, Gage,I told myself. Devin smiled back, completely unaware of my inner turmoil.

“Yeah, I need to relax. These mid-terms are kicking my ass. How do you think you did this week?” He grabbed his pillow and punched it some before tucking it under his head.

Devin seemed genuinely interested in my response. This was just one of the things I loved about him. He was so real; he never acted like he was better than anyone else. It didn’t matter that he was a great basketball player and was considered BMOC. He made time to get to know you and make you feel important.

“Um… I think I did well, but my mid-term in Statistics class was hard. Not sure I pulled off more than a B. What about you?”

“I think I did okay, but I’m just wiped out. All this studying is going to seriously damage my brain!” He laughed as he tossed a nerf basketball into the mini hoop he had over his dresser before getting up and heading into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

I wasn’t sure what to do. Stay in? Go out? God, I am losing my mind. Just a couple of months ago my life was plodding along just fine. Well, not fine… okay, my life kind of sucked, to be honest. Although the first day back on campus had started out great.

When I arrived back at college for my sophomore year I couldn’t believe my luck. I had not only been upgraded to a better dorm- one where I only had to share my bathroom with the room on the other side, but even better than that, my roommate from last year had transferred to another college at the last minute.

My freshman year had sucked. My roommate was a Neanderthal. He never picked up anything, left pizza boxes out for weeks and stole my towels all the time. He had also figured out that I was gay and made my life a living hell. He never told anyone, at least not that I was aware of, but he always threatened to. The only way to get him to stay quiet was for me to do most of his homework.

I came out to my family the year I graduated from high school, but I was still unsure if I was ready to tell the world. To be honest, I am a little shy to begin with and hate being the center of attention. I didn’t want to be the topic of conversation around campus and I often wondered why it mattered if I told anyone. But, deep down I knew it was important. Not being honest with people about myself could give the impression that I was ashamed or in denial, and nothing was further from the truth. I am proud of who I am. I knew when I was ready I would come out to my friends. So, I admired guys from afar and never dated my freshman year.

When the year came to a close, my roommate (who I now referred to privately asThe Ass), insisted we room together another year and keep our current “arrangement” about homework going. I reluctantly agreed.

Until I arrived back on campus this year, I had no idea thatThe Asswas not coming back this year. Upon hearing this wonderful news, I did a little celebration dance in my mind. That old song that my mom used to listen to byKool & the Gangplayed in my head:

Celebrate good times, come on! There’s a party goin’ on right here…

I was torn from the party in my head when I was informed I was in a different dorm this year and then the best news of all: no roommate for now! I was practically floating on air.

Ce-le-bra-ti-on…Let’s all celebrate and have a good time…

It’s a distinct possibility that I was also humming along with the song in the elevator at the new dorm, as I finally noticed several people looking funny at me. For once, I didn’t care. I was free ofThe Assand had my own room; I was going to celebrate!

Unfortunately, my private celebration didn’t last long. The next morning I awoke to a knock on my door and I reluctantly pulled myself from my bed and padded over the door to open it and ask who the hell was interrupting my beauty sleep. Except that when I did open that door, the sexiest man I had seen in my entire life was smiling down at me, which was enough to break through my sleepy haze.

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