Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Ch. 1 by worldender

“Yeah, this seems like one of the main entrances to their nest.” Adam spoke without taking his eyes off of the monitor. “I’ve been seeing flying ones like you described come in and out in droves for a while now.”

“It certainly looks like hive behavior,” Sarah mused. She about to look away at some of the other screens when suddenly her eyes lit up. “Wait! I… I think that’s her!” Adam scrambled to press some buttons that extended the metro feed to all the other monitors, where they could more easily see the creature that had just crawled into view. The tentacles on its stomach suddenly retracted and an Asian teenager with long black hair flopped down into the sticky ooze below. Sarah and Adam could only watch in horror at what came next. But it was their duty to pay attention. For science.


Splat! Diana suddenly saw light for the first time since she had been standing in the yard with her friends. She remembered looking across the road when something big hit her from behind and then her world became a dark cage of writhing slime and tentacles. She was shaking like a leaf in the wind after her half hour ordeal. She was so sure that she was going to be killed and eaten. Or worse, eaten without being killed first. Where were the others? Was Zoey okay? Where was she? What was going to happen to her? Countless questions swam through her head at lightning speed as she attempted to get to her feet.

She appeared to be in some sort of tunnel, but the walls and floor were entirely covered in some sort of living tissue. The slippery mucus all over her and the ground made it impossible to stand, and she slipped backwards onto her butt with a disgusting squelching sound. Her eyes began to adjust to the dim, flickering lights and she realized she was in a metro station… only something was very wrong with it.

Suddenly, she felt a gust of wind and heard a loud humming sound. Looking up, she was startled to see the giant, fleshy dragonfly monster, presumably the one that had abducted her, start to rise into the air and head off into the tunnels. She sat blinking on the ground. Was she free? Why had it spared her…? It wasn’t until she heard a muffled scream from behind her that she slid around to look at the far wall.

“Fuck! Oh god, fuck no!!” She cried, fruitlessly attempting to stand again. What greeted her eyes was what could only be described as an alien breeding ground. Dozens of people, all completely naked, were plastered to the oozing walls, with their limbs held by a crystalline orange ichor. Men and women of all races, ranging from older teens to the elderly, were trapped with their genitals obscenely on display in front of the Asian teen’s eyes. Some were held in the spread eagle position, others had their knees drawn up over their shoulders, and others simply seemed to be hanging out of the wall like a ship’s figurehead. The one thing they all had in common was that they were being feverishly molested by the innumerable tentacles that grew from every corrupted surface.

She saw an old man in his seventies having his prostate worked over by a meaty appendage that endlessly pumped some sort of slime into his gaping hole. The slightly overweight thirty-year old woman next to him was moaning in delight as three sucker tentacles happily played with her exposed tits and clitty. A young man was having his throbbing cock licked and stoked by several small tendrils, causing him to grunt as he shot his load into the air. The hot cum spattered onto the supple tits of the eighteen year-old girl partially absorbed into the ground below him. Some got into her open mouth.

“Oh, oh, oh!” She exclaimed repeatedly.

The source of her pleasure was clearly the gigantic tentacle, nearly the size of a leg, stuffing itself in and out of her wet pussy. Her stomach bulged from the intrusion and the partially dried semen all over her body, apparently from the many men above her, caught the light. Her pubes were matted down with spunk and only continued to get messier as the thick tentacle cock inside of her suddenly filled her with its alien cream, gushing out to cover her juicy lips and lower abdomen. Everywhere Diana turned, people were getting fucked in countless different ways and their lustful moans and cries echoed in her head.

She had seen enough to know that she did NOT want to be here any longer. She desperately began to crawl away on the slippery floor, shuffling her hands and knees in a frantic attempt to locate the exit. She looked up at a gooey pillar as she passed by but soon wished she hadn’t.

“Hel…me…help…pl…” It was a girl Diana recognized from school; one of the upperclassmen that had done a presentation in class on the first week of lectures. Now, the redhead was right next to her with her legs up over her freckled face. Several squirming tentacles covering her eyes and ears. The girl continued to blindly beg for help until a tentacle filled her mouth and began to pump in and out of her throat, quickly filling her cheeks with its thick orange cream.

This seemed to have an immediate effect on the girl. Her exposed ass began to violently shake up and down as the tentacles stuffing her anus and cunt squirmed and writhed inside. Suddenly she let out a “Mmrphhh!!” and her hips bucked one last time before squirting a fountain of pussy juice mixed with alien cum all over Diana’s horrified face.

Blinded and surprised, Diana rolled on the ground yelling. She rubbed her eyes in an effort to clean them, but her hands were already covered in the mucus from the floor and it only smeared it more. Suddenly, she felt a powerful grip on both her ankles.

“No, no, no please, no, God, Noooooooooo!” She screamed as she was violently dragged deeper into the tunnel, sliding along the slick ground. The friction, slight as it was, was enough to pull her stained blouse up, exposing her toned stomach. She felt another tentacle wrap itself around her midsection and she shuddered at the warm, slimy touch. She was lifted off of the ground and continued to struggle until several more appendages lashed out and held her limbs tightly in place.

One also carefully, but firmly, wrapped around her neck. It didn’t quite choke her, but it gave the impression that it would if she didn’t behave. Her arms were held up over her head and her legs were forcefully yanked apart before she felt herself being bent backwards in an arch. She couldn’t move a muscle as the tentacles began their terrible work. She clenched her eyes as the dick emerging from the wall next to her upside down face suddenly blasted her with a hot bath of semen. It ran down her mouth and up into her nose and eyes, filling her nostrils with the pungent scent of jizz.

Due to her position and the all of the juices on her face, she was unable to see the array of tentacles worming up towards her helpless form. Some split in four parts at the end to reveal tendril-filled suckers. Others began to rapidly vibrate. Some were ridged and looked very similar to a man’s dick. There were tentacles with brushes, tassels, and tubes of all sizes that slowly approached the tightly bound teenager. However, as they made contact with her body, they realized some fabric blocked their path. They didn’t delay in taking care of that problem though.

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