Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Ch. 1 by worldender

One of the men was upside down and positioned directly below his partner in a way that pressed their engorged manhoods together. A single, large tentacle was busy stroking them both at the same time. The large cocks rubbed and swirled around each other inside the translucent appendage and they both came at the same time. They shot out an impossible amount of man juice, coating each other’s tortured glans and gushing out onto their gently kissing swollen balls.

It took Sarah a second to register that the tentacle coming out of the bottom man’s mouth wasn’t seemingly connected to anything, before she realized what must be happening. The tentacle going into the upper man’s mouth had passed entirely though his body and pushed its way out through his anus. She could see a pulsating tentacle directly connecting the two men’s holes, and came to the conclusion that it was all one tentacle working its way through both men. Judging by how they were still groaning, it didn’t seem like they were suffocating somehow, but still, that couldn’t be pleasant.

Sarah noticed that the rest of the group was also watching this display out of other openings in the house. Their expressions ranged from Diana’s slight fear and arousal to Steven’s utter shock and disgust. He opened his mouth as if to say something but Zoey covered his mouth, shaking her head.

They all held their breaths as the creatures crept closer, now only separated by a wooden fence and the flimsy walls of the playhouse. The monstrosities stopped moving and began to gesture around. Sarah spied smaller tentacles beginning to snake away from the creatures’ legs and start to probe the area. They didn’t seem to be coming their way, however.

“So far so good,” Sarah thought. Immediately cursing under her breath for jinxing it.

Sure enough, Zoey suddenly let out a tiny gasp and gestured to the window next to Steven. One of the tentacles was curiously inspecting the four small square holes that made up the window and the “frame”. Before it could enter, Steven very slowly lifted his case up to the window, blocking the holes.

After a tense couple of seconds that felt like hours, the tentacle stopped prodding at the blocked window and seemed to lose interest. It slithered off across the grass and back towards the main body, which was starting to move away with the rest of the creatures.

They huddled silently in the cramped playhouse for almost half an hour before Diana whispered,

“Okay… it looks pretty clear.” They all peered out of the small windows, trying to take in as much information as they could from the limited vantage point. Diana slowly opened the small door and crawled out onto the lawn. She carefully stood and looked up and down the street while beckoning to the rest of the group. Sarah moved to follow her, keeping an eye out for any tentacles in the grass.

“I don’t see them at all!” Diana laughed in relief. “The professor’s house is just across the road too! I can’t believe we made-” Sarah didn’t see what happened; it was so fast. One moment Diana was standing in the yard smiling and the next minute she was gone, only the rustling grass and trees nearby gave any sort of presence away. Sarah blinked in confusion.

“D-Di…?” Zoey stammered, frantically crawling out of the playhouse and looking around for her friend. “Where did she go!?” She began to panic and suddenly they heard a scream from high above them. They all craned their necks up to look into the sky.

The case fell from Steven’s hands with a thump. They could clearly make out the retreating form of what looked like a giant dragonfly, composed of the same fleshy tentacles as the other creatures they had encountered today. It had thin, membranous wings that were beating at an incredible speed as it soared through the air. Completely wrapped up in several thick tentacles below its abdomen was a struggling human form. Sarah could still make out several long strands of dark hair, spilling out from between the tentacles and fluttering in the wind.

“DIANAAA!” Zoey shrieked, starting to run after her as if somehow hoping to be able to jump up and save her. Sarah heard distant buzzing behind them and turned to see a cloud of hundreds more of the flying creatures rocketing towards their neighborhood from the city. It was regrettable, but there was really nothing they could do for poor Diana.

“ZOEY WE HAVE TO MOVE” Sarah yelled, yanking the teenager’s arm painfully back as she continued to try and run down the street. “More are coming and we can’t help anybody if we get caught too! GO! TO THE BUNKER!” Steven saw where she was pointing and started running towards the shed in Adam’s yard. He grabbed Zoey’s other arm on the way and they both half-carried half-dragged her protesting body towards the door. The buzzing was getting louder and louder as Sarah used her free arm to attempt to open the shed door. It was locked. She tried again, but still it didn’t budge.

“ADAM YOU FUCKER!” Sarah screamed. “OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!” She desperately banged on the door, looking over her shoulder to see the swarm of creatures starting to fill the sky a few blocks down.

“Open the door… OPEN IT!” Steven shouted in a desperate voice, still holding back his struggling sister.

Just when Sarah was about to clench her eyes closed and cover her face, a mechanical buzzing sound was heard from within the doorframe and the entrance swung open. Without wasting a second, the three of them piled into the shed and slammed the door closed.

Sarah quickly unsealed the ground hatch with shaking arms and practically pushed the siblings down the hole before following after them. She reached up and yanked the hatch shut just as the light filtering in through the shed window darkened. She slid down the ladder, colliding with the other two and they all stood there panting.

The loud sounds of thudding and rending metal could be heard from above and Sarah kept her eyes firmly locked on the hatchway, ready to defend herself in any way possible. But the need never arose. After several seconds, the din became more distant until eventually a nervous silence greeted them. They listened to each other’s haggard breaths as Sarah collapsed to the floor on her knees.

“What the hell happened!?” Adam’s voice rang into their ears as it echoed down the narrow metal hallway. “Where’s Diana!?” He ran over and helped Sarah to her feet.

“G-gone…” Zoey groaned through sobs. “Th-they took her! Some flying abomination took her! And I couldn’t do anything!” She broke down into tears and slumped to the floor as Steven eased her down.

“We… we were so focused on the creatures walking around that we forgot they have the capability of flight,” Sarah said in a distant voice. “They were… so fast… I-I…” She trailed off. “Why did it take you so long to open the goddamn door!?” She suddenly jerked away from Adam’s assisting arms and glared at him accusatorily.

“I-I’m sorry!” He stammered, clearly shaken. “I was away from the monitoring room to go put some more fuel in the generator! I ran to unlock it as soon as I heard you banging away over the loud noise it makes! Oh… oh god… it’s because of me that Diana…” He pressed has hand to his brown in distress.

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