Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Ch. 1 by worldender

Sarah had no idea how he was managing to produce such levels of seminal fluid. It went against everything she knew about human anatomy; but now was not the time to ponder biological mysteries.

Steven tried to stand up but his heavy backpack caused him to lose balance and precious seconds. One of the tentacles shot out and wrapped around his ankle, dragging him kicking and yelling up into the air. He started trying to beat at it with the case in his hand, but it was too awkward and eventually it slipped from his grasp.

“STEVEN!” Zoey shouted, shakily getting to her feet. She sprinted towards her flailing brother.

“Zoey, NO!” Sarah tried to grab her arm to stop her but missed. She wasn’t sure what Zoey’s plan was, or if she even had one, but it obviously didn’t work regardless and another tentacle swept in and grabbed her by the waist. She was quickly hoisted up next to her brother, causing her glasses to go flying off her face and land on the grass next to Sarah.

The familiar tendrils began to split off from the main tentacle arm and wind their way towards the struggling siblings. Sarah knew what would happen next and that there was no time to think. Just as a slimy tentacle was starting to slither down the front of Zoey’s loose hoodie, she shouted, “CLOSE YOUR EYES!” And fired the flare gun directly at the thick tentacle arm with a loud “BANG”! She had considered firing at the main body, but it was too far to get a clear shot and she worried about hitting the exposed skin of the drooling captives.

She wasn’t sure what she expected to happen, but certainly not what did. The flare hit the side of the tentacle appendage with little fanfare, simply getting absorbed into the pulsating mass without causing any apparent harm. But then the flare’s secondary stage went off. A sparkling explosion of bright red light suddenly ripped through the fleshy tentacles as they fell away from the impact site. They didn’t just burn; they disintegrated as they hit the ground.

Sarah saw spots and squinted at the spectacle as the still-burning flare dropped out of what was left of the arm. The structural integrity of the appendage had been severely compromised and it broke off from the main body. The siblings fell down on top of the writhing pile of displaced tentacles below them, which now seemed more focused on getting away from the blinding light than recapturing their prey.

“We need to get out of here!” Diana stated the obvious as she ran to help the two of them up, getting some goo on herself in the process. Zoey gratefully took her hand and wiped the slime from her body as she stumbled over the fleeing tentacles, Steven and Diana close behind.

Sarah started to run after them, rubbing her singed eyes, which reminded her of something. She looked down and saw Zoey’s lost glasses nearby, so she scooped them up as she passed over them. It was critical that all members of the group be able to keep watch for danger, so the seconds spent gathering up the glasses were worth it.

She caught up with the rest of them and wordlessly tapped Zoey’s arm as they ran. Zoey turned to look at her with strained eyes and gratefully took the glasses presented to her. She slipped them on without missing a beat.

“Th-thanks!” She gasped. “For this… and for back there…”

“Of course! Now, less talking, more running,” Sarah replied, picking up the pace a little. Looking back, she saw that the flare had died out and the tentacles were starting to reform the missing arm. The creature was “looking” in their direction. It already seemed to be making four new spaces next to the three endlessly-cumming humans already inside of it. Sarah felt her face whiten.

“More of them over there! Faster! Faster!” Diana yelled, gesturing towards a side street where several more of the creatures were slowly but surely ambling in their direction. They ran as fast as they could back the way they came, but Steven lagged behind quite a bit due to the weight of whatever it was he was carrying. Sarah noticed he had that big case with him again. Apparently it was important enough to have grabbed it out of the pile of burning tentacles before escaping.

Though there were almost a dozen of the hybrid creatures around, they were slow. Some of them attempted to reach out their long tentacled arms to grab at the group, but each time they were just barely out of range. It was only a matter of time, however, as the fleeing humans’ stamina wouldn’t last forever. True, things weren’t looking so good; but they were now only one block away from Adam’s house.

“We’re leading them right back to the shelter!” Zoey yelled. “We need to lose them!”

“I don’t know about that…!” Sarah called up to her. “It seems like these things might only be attracted to noise! It’s a gamble, but as long as we can get there and be quiet, we might be fine!” Sarah was 100% not sure about this. But she wasn’t confident that she could run much longer in order to shake their pursuers. Even though she was pretty fit, sprinting for nearly five minutes straight was more than she could handle.

Her lungs burned in her chest and the stitch in her side stabbed into her like a hot knife. Her feet pounded painfully against the pavement, sending shocks up into her thighs that felt like they were turning to jelly. She relied entirely on her muscle memory for running, for if she thought about her own coordination for even a moment, she was sure that she would stumble and fall over her numb legs.

The others didn’t look much better off either, especially Steven, who was gasping and sweating profusely as he lagged even further behind the group. The grasping tentacles were only a few feet behind him now.

“Steven! Just drop it! You’re not going to make it like that, you idiot!” Zoey yelled back at her struggling brother. He didn’t even have the breath to respond. With a defeated look on his face, he shrugged the backpack off but kept a hold on the bulky case.

“I’m not…” he huffed. “Leaving my baby behind!” He cried. Be it either the reduced weight or a fire being lit inside him, his pace quickened and he began to close the distance with the rest of the group. The continued to run and turned down the next block.

“Get ready to hide!” Sarah wheezed, having noticed that they had put some good distance between themselves and the pursuing creatures. “There!” She gestured to the others and they all followed her off of the street and into the yard opposite Adam’s, taking cover in a child’s playhouse. They had to squeeze in and hunker over in order to fit.

“Shhh… shhh” She held her finger up to her mouth to quiet the group. Everyone did their best to remain as still and silent as possible, but their heavy breathing, rapidly beating hearts, and pumping adrenaline made it extremely difficult. Sarah hugged her legs close to her chest to stop them from shaking. They all looked just as scared, exhausted, and generally miserable.

After a couple of minutes, the mushy sounds of large tentacled footsteps could be heard outside on the street, with the gagged moans of the captives getting closer with each one. Sarah peeked out a small window in the playhouse and saw a sliver of one of the creatures that was passing by. This one had two men inside of it and both had cocks that were now inhumanly large – almost a foot and a half long and three inches thick. Both of them had their knees drawn up to their shoulders, fully exposing their huge, bulging genitals.

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