Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Ch. 1 by worldender

They carefully made their way up the street, dodging a few more of the hybrid creatures by slipping through yards and behind fences. No one spoke a word. They were too occupied with mentally replaying the impossible images they had just witnessed. Until finally,

“This is it,” Zoey croaked, looking up at the fancy house next to them. The small mansion would have been gorgeous if not for the gaping hole in the side. The shattered timbers and pipes hung loosely and debris littered the grass. The group stepped over the destroyed poles of an iron fence and moved to hide behind a garden shed. “D-do you think it’s safe to call him…?” Zoey asked the others. Diana and Sarah looked around opposite sides of the neighborhood. Everything seemed clear.

“Do it,” Sarah nodded. “But be quick. We don’t know when more of those things might show up.”

“I’ll keep a look out over here,” Diana whispered, slinking to the other side of the yard where she hunkered behind a precisely-trimmed shrub. This gave her visuals on Sarah’s blind spots. Sarah regretted having mentally labeled the girl as somewhat of a lost cause before all this started. It was clear that she had wits and a calm mind when needed. If only she had applied those to her studies. Sarah sighed as she watched Zoey call her brother again. He picked up quickly.

“Z-Zo?” Sarah could hear a guy’s voice coming through the phone. “What are you doing? Didn’t I tell you not to contact me until we were sure it was safe? Those things that took mom and dad could still be out there!”

“Yeah, well, we’re here outside and it sure looks safe enough to me,” said Zoey, rolling her eyes.

“What do you mean, ‘here’!? Don’t tell me you put yourself in danger to -” A face suddenly appeared at one of the upstairs windows and looked down at them. “What were you thinking!?” He chastised. “And who are you with!? Is that Diana? God, Zo, you need to think before you act one of these days!”

“Shut up!” She spat back. “Get your butt down here! Now isn’t the time for one of your little power trips! We need to get back to the shelter!”

“Shelter? What are you talking about?”

“I’ll explain on the way, just hurry up!” Zoey did little to hide the annoyance in her voice. Seemingly shaken by the tone of his usually timid sister, Steven relented.

“Y-yeah. Of course! I’ll be right there. Just let me grab a few things.”

“Things? Stevie we don’t have time for… aaaand he hung up,” Zoey grunted in frustration. “I really don’t know how to handle him sometimes. God, it makes you wonder which of us is really the older sibling.” Sarah wasn’t too sure what she meant by this, having assumed that “Stevie” was a younger brother seeing as he still lived at home. A few minutes later though, the front door slowly swung open to reveal the truth.

Zoey’s brother came out of the house, ducking down while slinging a stuffed backpack over his shoulder and carrying a large, black rectangular case at his side. He was clearly at least several years older than Zoey, with a slightly patchy attempt at a beard and dark bags under his eyes. He wore bleached-white skinny jeans and a zipped hoodie sporting some logo that Sarah wasn’t familiar with.

Despite his tired appearance, he wasn’t unattractive. He shared Zoey’s golden blonde hair – done up into a style popular with the boys these days – along with her striking blue eyes. His body was lean and his face was well-cut, giving him a somewhat nerdy, yet cute appearance. Dang some people have all the luck, Sarah complained in her head. Born into money and good genes. She was pretty confident in her own appearance, but she spent a lot of her free time working out to maintain that figure.

“You brought that with you!?” Zoey said in an exasperated voice as she gestured at the unmarked case her brother carried. “What are you thinking!?”

“I’m thinking it’s always best to be prepared with several options,” he replied, matter-of-factly. “Stop griping and let’s go. You were the one who was telling me to hustle. Anyway, who’s this hot babe?” He said, glancing over at Sarah who was still crouched next to Zoey. She was taken aback at the straightforwardness of his words and dumbly watched as Zoey smacked him over the head. “Ow! What was that for!?”

“This WOMAN is professor Cassidy. She happens to be my favorite professor from school, dickhead. So show her some respect!” Zoey angrily growled, raising her hand as if threatening to slap him again. Sarah continued to be nonplussed. She was shocked to hear Zoey use that sort of language and also touched to learn that she was her favorite teacher. She cleared her throat and held out a hand to him.

“No worries,” she smiled at Steven. “I know we’re going through quite a bit of stress right now, so emotions can run a tad high.” He meekly took her hand and shook it.

“Steven,” he said. “A pleasure. Hopefully this young one hasn’t been causing too much trouble in your class.” Zoey rolled her eyes yet again.

“We can save the detailed introductions for when we are safely back in the bunker.” Sarah replied, getting to her feet.

“Oh yeah, you mentioned something about that. A bunker, huh?” Steven scratched his disorderly whiskers. “Who would have thought someone around here would have something like that? Especially a lady like you.”

“Uh, no, it’s not mine,” Sarah corrected him. “It was made by another professor at the university.”

“Cool,” he nodded approvingly. “Can’t wait to see it. Let’s get a move on, then!”

“Yeah, yeah, just quiet down, would you?” Zoey hissed at him. “There are… things out here that we don’t want finding us.”

“Y-you mean things like that!?” He stammered, falling over onto his rear and pointing over the shed behind the two women.

“Eh…?” Sarah began to turn around and saw Diana sprinting towards them from across the yard.

“Run run run! It knows you’re there! Go!” She waved her arms as she ran towards them. “I tried to warn you quietly but you didn’t notice! Fuck!”

As realization struck, Sarah and Zoey dove away from the shed just as a large pillar of tentacles smashed it to pieces, sending Steven tumbling backwards. Over the top of the shrubs surrounding the yard, the same female-hybrid from earlier could be seen extending its disgusting arm towards them.

This time, it appeared that the two people it had captured had also been assimilated into the humanoid form, as the naked bodies of the couple were now squeezed in next to the original woman and being milked and fucked in the same manner. All three of them moaned and jerked in place, pressing their slippery nude bodies together as they shared countless orgasms.

The creature seemed larger than before and had formed additional arms, as if growing more powerful. In addition, it now sported a couple of those clear sacs on its back, which were quickly being filled with a whitish fluid that lazily dripped down into it from attached tentacles. Sarah had a couple guesses as to what that fluid was.

The man was positioned between the two women, having his ass sloppily stuffed. His twitching erection almost constantly ejaculated, causing his member to wave around in the air and cover the ample, jiggling titties of the women next to him. Tongue-shaped appendages quickly licked the coated breasts to absorb the seed.

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