Danny didn’t answer. Instead he lowered himself down and pecked Jake lightly on the lips, then his neck. He placed his hand under Jake’s t-shirt, feeling his tight abs. He pushed his hand upwards towards his mid-torso and up towards his hard, smooth chest, unveiling the gorgeous sculpted body as the t-shirt was pushed upward. Jake reached down and grabbed the bottom of his top, wrenching it up over his head leaving him led topless on the sofa. Danny wasted no time getting to work on the stunning piece of art which lay before him, immediately circling Jake’s hardening nipples with his wet tongue.
“Oh yeah!” Jake moaned enjoying the feeling.
“You like that baby?” Danny asked quickly.
“Yeeeaaaaaahhh!” came the reply.
“How about this?” Danny asked before biting down gently on Jake’s left nipple causing Jake’s body to jump and shudder.
“Ah!” he flinched, “oh god, do that again!”.
Danny complied, nibbling gently once more on his left love lump. Jake felt waves of ecstasy flow through him as the sharp pain faded into pure bliss. Danny flicked his tongue over the nipple one last time before kissing it, then, slowly, kissing his way down Jake’s hot, beating chest down to the top of his perfect abs. Each kiss was laced with love and lust as he made his way flirtatiously down to his navel, which he kissed before diving into it with his tongue. This made Jake squirm. His cock was now so hard, he thought his trousers were going to rip under the immense force.
“And you said I was a tease” Jake managed to say through his heavy breath.
Suddenly, the atmosphere changed, reality returning unexpectedly and uninvited. They both froze, looking each other coldly in the eyes, panic written on their faces!
“Oh…my…god!” came a voice. “What the hell is going on in here?”.
The level of raw shock was so high that neither Danny nor Jake could move, never mind manage an answer. After a few more seconds of frozen silence, Danny, still straddling Jake’s legs with his head just above his crotch, managed to hesitantly turn his head to look at the figure which stood in the doorway behind him. It was Danny’s dad. Danny just stared fearfully at his dad, waiting to see how he would react to what he’d walked in on. He gazed into his dad’s hate-filled green eyes as they drifted to the TV, and the gay kissing scene which dominated the screen.
“Danny…?” Jake said in a low, questioning voice. There was no reply so he tried again. “Danny who is it?”
“It’s umm…it’s my dad” Danny responded awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
“Oh fuck!” Jake blurted out .
“Oh fuck indeed!” Danny’s dad bellowed, anger, hurt and confusion laced in his response.
Danny shakily began to move himself up off of Jake’s legs, releasing his no longer secret lover from underneath him. Jake pulled his legs up towards his torso and then swung them round onto the floor, reaching for his t-shirt as he stood up. Danny also stood up and moved backwards to stand at his lover’s side for moral support. Jake put his t-shirt on and the boys just stood there looking awkwardly at Danny’s father.
“Daniel…” his father said in that voice which only an angry father can produce, “what the fuck are you boy’s doing in my living room?!”
His voice wasn’t at all loud or harsh or loud. It was simple, lacking any emotion. Danny looked at Jake, unable to speak and Jake saw the emotion, he saw the pressure building within Danny’s eyes. He grabbed Danny’s hand for reassurance. It was shaking and sweaty.
“Well…” Danny explained hesitantly, “me and Jake…umm…well…see, the thing is…”.
“SPIT IT OUT BOY!” His dad yelled, pure rage now in his voice and body language.
Danny’s hand tightened around Jake’s and his whole body started to shake. Tears welled up in his emotional pressure filled brown eyes and he felt pure fear, not for the first time in his recent life.
“It’s ok Danny.” Jake stated bravely.
“NO!” screamed Daniel’s dad, “NO IT ISN’T FUCKING OK! Who do you think you are anyway Jake?! You come here to my house, uninvited, then when I get back I find you watching a gay movie and making out with my son. AND YOU THINK THAT’S OK?!!!”
Jake felt angry, he didn’t like being pushed and intimidated like this, causing him to courageously fight back. “YES! As a matter of fact I do think that’s ok, if he was with a girl you wouldn’t react so ridiculously! Just because you can’t handle the fact that your son is gay, doesn’t make that his fault, or mine! It’s your problem, NOT OURS!”
Danny looked at Jake, amazed at what he had just said to the much stronger, bigger, more powerful man before them. His jaw actually dropped slightly. He stared at Jake. He was now more in love with him than ever! He felt slightly less scared but the feeling of security was short lived!
“How dare you!” remarked the older man who yelled punishingly loudly. “How FUCKING DARE YOU! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!”
“Never!” Jake yelled, standing his ground, “I would never leave Danny alone with someone in your state … ever! You’re crazy!”
“I said…get out!” he this time in a regular, fairly calm voice and he pointed at the door.
Jake turned to face Danny.
“Come on Daniel” Jake said, “I want you to come home with me, I’m not leaving you here with him!”
Danny hesitated, unsure of what he should do. He knew what he wanted to do, he wanted to go with Jake of course, but he knew that if he did, he would risk losing everything he had, apart from Jake of course, but if he left, he knew he would never be allowed back into that house ever again, and that scared him! He was angry and hurt by his dad’s reaction, but he was still his dad, and Danny didn’t want to lose him, or his mother.
“…Danny?” Jake questioned breaking the thought process.
“I don’t know Jake” Danny responded blandly.
“What don’t you know Daniel?!” Jake responded aggressively, “Are you telling me that you want to stay here with him?!”
“NO DAD!” Daniel finally responded triumphantly. “NO! I’m not a kid anymore! You don’t control me. I can make my own decisions!”.
With that, Danny squeezed Jake’s hand and said, “Come on babe let’s get out of here”.
Jake smiled and looked into Danny’s eyes, relieved at what he just said, but it was wiped straight off again!
Jake hit the floor!
“OH MY GOD!” Danny screeched! “WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE!”
He charged at his dad, anger getting the better of him!
“I HATE YOU!” he bellowed at the top of his voice!
He tried to hit his father but the older man was too strong for him, pushing his back causing him to fly backwards across the room!
“Aahhhhhhh!!!” he yelped as he landed on his broken arm. “FUCK! Aaaahhhaaaaahhh!” he was in complete agony, pain took over his whole body. He cried and screamed repeatedly but nobody could help him!
His father approached him. He had been pushed over the limit, Daniel’s father was beyond the point of no return! He wasn’t himself, fury had taken all control away from him, mind and soul!