It was like a movie scene as these two hot, sexy young studs stood together in the middle of the big, empty, lush, green field, one completely butt naked and the other topless with a raging boner, making a large tent in his crotch region. All the while the hot, bright sun beat down upon them.
They kissed passionately again, but the kiss was broken quickly as Jake got down on his knees. Jake undid the buckle on the front of Danny’s belt. He slid the 2 parts of the belt apart and moved onto the button. He sleekly and smoothly undid the button, and then slid the cold metal zipped down to its base. Daniels trousers fell to the ground when Jake let go of them and Danny eagerly stepped out of them. Danny couldn’t wait for Jake to make his next move. Feeling hungry, Danny grabbed his own boxers and pushed them down his legs.
“hahaha” Jake laughed with the biggest smile on his face, “getting impatient are we?”.
“I can’t help it, your making me sooo hot baby!” came the reply.
Jake could feel the hunger in the atmosphere which had formed thickly around them. Jake looked in awe as Danny’s cock stood up proudly in front of his face.
“wow” he commented, “Danny you dick is huge!”
Danny smiled down at him. His cock was a huge 9 ½ inches and he was very proud of it. He considered it to be the best part of his body, and now that Jake had seen it, he liked it as well. Jake was hungry! He really wanted to suck on the enormous instrument before him. The problem was, he had never done it before. Jake had always thought of himself as straight and he wasn’t entirely sure what to do. He just knelt there for a while and stared. Danny looked down at him, curious about the pause.
“What’s wrong babe?” Danny asked.
“Nothing, nothing it’s just, it’s just that umm…”
“What? Come on Jake there’s no need to be nervous” Danny said with sympathy in his voice.
“It’s just that, I’m new to this”.
“Haha, that’s ok, I guess I’ll have to show you how it’s done then” Danny chuckled flirtatiously as he winked.
Not wanting to wait, Danny went down to his knees so that he was at eye level with Jake. He looked lovingly into Jake’s eyes. Jake looked back at him but Danny couldn’t help but notice the nervousness in Jake’s lovable deep blue eyes. Danny smiled sweetly as Jake gazed back into his big brown eyes.
“Jake… if you don’t want to do this, we can stop. I love you and I don’t want to make you do anything that you don’t want to do.”
Jake paused for a second and thought. He looked sheepishly at the ground and Danny could see that he had doubts.
“It’s ok Jake; I can see that you are nervous. If you’re not ready then we can wait.”
“No…I…I want to but… I’m just nervous Danny. I’ve never done anything like this before.”
Danny smiled and kissed Jake on the cheek before saying “Jake you don’t have to be nervous, it’s ok, we all have to start somewhere, I understand. I had to go through it too and it’s hard. You know that you can trust me. You know me, and you know I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you Jake!”
“I love you too Danny” Jake replied, “I don’t even know why I’m nervous; I’m just being stupid that’s all!”
They stopped for a while and just let their eyes flicker between the other’s; admiring, enjoying, falling even more in love with each other. These two young men, within less than a week of Danny confessing to Jake that he loved him, were already here, at this stage, kissing, sitting naked before each other at the place, the abandoned farm, where they had so many memories, good and bad, from every stage of their lives so far. Danny couldn’t help but feel that maybe they were moving too fast in their relationship. Maybe Jake needed some time to think, adapt, and admit to himself that he was completely in love with his best friend.
Jake chuckled, “You look like you’re in deep thought there buddy”.
Danny smiled, still looking into Jake’s blue eyes, “I am. … Do you think that maybe… I don’t know … maybe we are moving too quickly with this? I mean, we’ve both had a lot to deal with lately, what with me going mad and running away,” he smiled slightly, “you having to chase me down every five minutes. Then you have to go through the confusion of finding out that I love you. I’ve put you through a lot haven’t I? I … I’m sorry Jake.”
Immediately Jake saw the sadness creep over Danny’s face and he replied as soon as he noticed, “Yes, yes Danny you have put me through a lot,” a pause, “but it’s alright! Let’s face it I didn’t exactly make life easy for you did I? My reaction to what you said the other night was pathetic! If anyone should be sorry it’s me. I’ve been a jerk about the whole thing Danny and I promise you, hand on heart, I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you!”
“Anything?” Danny responded suggestively.
Jake’s face lit up at that moment when the biggest smile crept across his gorgeous face. He loved the fact that Danny wanted him so badly. That’s when he realised that he wanted Danny too. He wanted Danny more than anything else. Right at that moment something clicked in his head and he knew that he didn’t need any more time. He knew what he wanted. He was 100% sure and nothing, NOTHING, was going to get in his way!
Surprise was what Danny felt next; he was taken completely by surprise as Jake’s hot wet tongue hit the tip of his now soft cock. Jake moved so quickly that Danny didn’t even see him as he somehow managed to get his head from where it was, to where Danny’s crotch was quicker than Danny could blink! Danny got the message. Jake was ready!
Jake’s hot wet tongue gently caressed the head of Daniel’s dick as it circled delicately around it. Danny moaned in pleasure as his body shuddered in ecstasy. His penis began to thicken rapidly as it was worked hungrily by the slippery tongue which proceeded to violate it. Jake knew that he must have been doing something well as his pretty blue eyes shifted up Danny’s toned body to his face. Danny looked lost in a different world as his head tilted backward. His eyes were closed tightly and his pink lips were wide open as if he was trying to speak but couldn’t bring the words to his lips. Jake’s concentration shifted back to the job at hand as his tongue went wild over the tip of the huge, now fully erect 9 ½ inch cock which stood proud before his youthful good looking face. He took a second to prepare himself for the next stage. Although this was a first time experience for him, he knew what to do. He had seen it done before when he had seen porn movies on the internet and he had received a blow job once from one of the girls that he hooked up with at the club where he and Danny would drink sometimes. The same club they were at on the night that Danny came out to him. Jake paused momentarily, but within no time at all he was ready. He wanted Danny’s cock so bad! Jake leaned in closer to Daniel’s enormous throbbing hard penis. The pleasure was immense for Danny as Jakes soft, moist lips slid sensually over the end of his rod!
“Ooooooooooooohhhhhh!!!!!” Danny moaned loudly.