Help! – The full story by WebCam



Meanwhile back at Jake’s house, Jake’s parents were worried sick. Jake was still missing and they hadn’t seen their son now for nearly two days. Not only that but they had just received the news that Daniel was missing now as well. They felt awful! They didn’t have a clue where they’re son or Daniel was and they knew that there was nothing they could do to help. They could only wait. They had no idea about the situation Daniel had gotten himself into and it was still a total mystery where Jake was.

In fact, Jake was staying at a just friend’s house just around the corner from his house. He just needed to get away from things for a while, he was confused and needed to think. He was feeling much better now and was thinking much more clearly. He had thought about nothing and no one other than Daniel for the past 2 nights and had calmed down by now. He had realised that he didn’t care that Daniel was gay, he was his best friend and he would stand by him and do everything he could to help him get through the torture which he knew that Daniel must be going through in his head. He was just shocked at first that was all and he was a little angry that Daniel, being his best friend, hadn’t told him sooner. On the other hand, there was also the fact that Daniel was “in love” with Jake, and it was that which he was still unsure about. He didn’t know what he was going to do, say, or how things were going to change between them in the future.

“Hey bro thanks for letting me stay over” Jake said appreciatively to his and Daniels friend Darren, who’s house he had stayed at, “It’s been a really big help to me and I’ll never forget it”.

“No problem mate, anytime” Darren replied, “You know I’d do anything for you, you’re a good friend”.

“Alright mate, I should probably get back home, who knows what my parents are thinking?” Jake explained looking back at Darren who was stood outside his front door.

“Yeah, I bet they’re worried out of their minds!” replied Darren thoughtfully.

They said goodbye and Jake began to make his way home. He started to run as he longed to speak to his parents and let them know he was ok, but more importantly, he longed more than anything else to talk to his best friend who he hadn’t seen since that night in the alley. He had to let Daniel know that he was still his friend, and that he was there for him and always would be.

He reached his house and slowly, carefully opened the door, not knowing what to expect. His parents leapt for the door as they heard it close and to their relief, there stood their son, safe and unharmed.

“Oh Jake hunny your ok!” his mother cried out with relief as she grabbed her precious son tightly and squeezed him into a loving hug.

“Where have you been Jake? Your mother and I have been worried out of our minds!” his dad exclaimed, placing his hand on Jake’s shoulder.

“I’m ok” Jake said, “I just needed to think that’s all. I was staying at Darren’s house”.

“Well we’re just relieved that your alright” his mother said as she released him from her hugging grip.

“Yeah, I’m sorry guys I should have told you where I was” Jake claimed with a contemplative face. “I’m gonna take a shower and then I need to go and talk to Danny”.

There was an awkward silence which filled the room as the atmosphere changed.

“What?” Jake questioned as his face dropped.

“You may want to sit down son” his dad said in a serious tone.

“Oh god, it’s Danny isn’t it” Jake asked panicking “what’s he done?”

“Well, to be honest, we… we don’t know. The truth is, well… nobody knows. He’s just disappeared.” Jakes dad answered sympathetically.

Without hesitation, Jake grabbed his coat and ran out of the door. He ran to Daniels house to see if maybe he was back and that maybe he just hadn’t told anyone yet. No luck! He sprinted around the town checking every place he could think of. He tried the park, the wishing well, the club, everywhere. He was exhausted by now and was trembling and worrying like mad. Daniel was nowhere to be seen! He stopped and sat on a bench near the library. He needed to catch his breath and it gave the young man an opportunity to think. Jake ran through a list of all the places he had checked. “That’s it, that’s just about everywhere in town” he thought helplessly to himself. Then it sunk in. There was one last place, one last place which wasn’t in town, one last place which gave him hope, this wasn’t over yet!


Daniel had now been stuck in the horrible, old, smelly barn for what seemed to him like an absolute age! He was tired, he was hungry and felt like the whole world was against him, but above all he was lonely. The memories of the past week were all Daniel could think about as he sat alone in the middle of his vast, empty prison, thinking, thinking, thinking. Wondering if he was ever going to make it out!

“You what Danny, come on you can tell me”.


Those two ominous sentences kept repeating themselves over and over in his mind. He felt like he was going crazy!

“Danny, I don’t quite know how to tell you this but … Jake is missing”.

The memory of Jake’s dad informing him of his best friend’s disappearance, all because of something he had done. Daniel quivered as he acknowledged the scale of the mess he was in. He worried about Jake, he prayed that he was alright. Whatever happened to himself, he just wanted Jake to be safe. His heart bled as he began to sob uncontrollably into his hands as he curled himself up into a ball on the cold, hard floor of the barn.

Then, out of nowhere, footsteps! Footsteps which grabbed Daniels attention like gunfire in a crowded place! This was his chance, possibly his only chance for help! He cried out;

“Help!” as he struggled to raise his voice to its highest volume!

“Help I’m trapped in here!” He screamed desperately as the footsteps got closer!

“Danny”! he heard call back to him, “Danny can you hear me buddy, are you there?”.

Daniel’s breath picked up and his heart raced as he immediately identified the panicked voice of the man he was in love with!

“Jake!” he yelled, “Jake I’m in here, please help me!” he burst into tears.

“Danny I hear you, I’m coming!” Jake replied emotionally as he listened to the panicked, upset words blaring from the barn.

“Ja-a-a-ake!!” he sobbed as the tears streamed down his scratched face from is swollen, tired eyes.

Jake ran up to the barn as fast as he could and grabbed the mighty wooden door. He pulled with all his strength and to the relief of the two worn down boys, the enormous, heavy wooden door swung open releasing Daniel from his prison!

Danny ran into the brilliant sunlight, relieved! He was free! More importantly, Jake was safe. He latched onto his best friend and Jake hugged him back with a tight grip as they both cried into the others shoulder.

“I’m so glad you’re ok” Jake wept as he tried to calm his very emotional friend!

“Oh Jake” Daniel cried “I thought I was a goner”!

“Well it’s alright now buddy, your safe, I’m here” Jake replied in a soft, calming tone.

Danny said nothing. He just clutched Jake tightly with his arms as the sun beat down upon them. Jake hugged back and began to run Daniel’s back to comfort him. Daniel’s heart beat slowed as he melted into the embrace and he began to relax. He felt safe in Jake’s arms and didn’t want the moment to ever end. Jake sensed the panic drain from the other boys body as silence fell over them.


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