Help! – The full story by WebCam


“What are you so happy about?” Danny questioned, grinning foolishly at his lover.

“I have some good news” Jake replied vibrantly.

“Oh yes?” Danny responded intrigued as the nurse left the room.

“Yeah baby!” he had such a cute grin.

There was a slight pause as they both smiled stupidly at each other.

“Well? … Go on then!” Danny chuckled.

“Well I have just been speaking to your doctor, you know the guy who is in charge of all the patients in this part of the hospital?”

“Yeah I know of him why?” Danny answered eager to hear the good news.

“Well he was telling me how amazed he is at how quickly you’re recovering from the operation. He said he’s never seen anything like it! He…”

“Jake!” Danny interrupted with a bit of a giggle, “What are you trying to tell me?”

“You’re allowed to go home baby!”

Danny smiled broadly back at Jake, overjoyed with the news, but then, the smile disappeared as he gloomily asked; “where is home?”

Danny hadn’t heard from his dad since the night he and Jake had been caught making out in front of a movie. That suited Danny just fine, as far as he was concerned, it was fine if he never heard from that horrible, evil animal ever again! He hated that man, no matter how hard he tried, he knew that he could never forgive him for what he had done! His own father meant nothing to him anymore! If he could do something like this to him, then he didn’t even deserve to be thought about! However, now that he had lost contact with his dad, he had also lost his home, along with the rest of his family. His father had always very much been the head of the family and what he wanted everyone to do was what everyone would do! It was strict, hard at times but everyone always went along with it because of the power which he had over them. They were scared of him. Of course in front of other people, he didn’t act like that at all. Jake for example, in all the years he had known him, would never have thought of him as that kind of man. Danny had tried to tell Jake that his father wouldn’t understand the fact that he was gay, but because Jake didn’t know what kind of man he really was, Jake didn’t understand what Danny was talking about. That’s why they had fallen out with each other after their experience at the abandoned farm. That’s why Danny had run away from Jake, and that’s why he had broken his arm diving out of the way of the truck! Basically, in one way or another, all of the recent bad events were his dad’s fault! Danny knew that his father would probably not want any member of the family to be involved with him after what happened. This made him sad, but it was just something which he was going to have to get used to. Then, the element of sadness faded and was replaced with joy and warmth as Jake spoke;

“Don’t be stupid Danny, you know that I didn’t mean that! I would never expect you to go back there after what that monster did to you! If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t even be here right now! You are moving in with me at my parent’s house.”

“What? Really?” Danny asked a little taken back by the statement. “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a pain. I mean, what do your parents think? I bet they…”

“Danny relax! I’ve already spoken with them about it and there is plenty of space. You are practically part of the family anyway! Everything is sorted. They know about us and they’re fine with everything. It’s totally fine! I’ve even arranged for us to get your stuff from your dad’s house. It’s gonna be alright I promise! Maybe one day soon, we can even get our own place!” he smiled, and kissed Danny passionately on the lips.

“Oh my god, this is a surprise! I hadn’t even thought about this yet. Thank you Jake, I really mean it! You have been so kind and thoughtful. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I’m gonna have to do something pretty special to make it up to you!” he laughed.

“Danny really, it’s fine! I will always be here for you and you know it!”

“So when can we go?” Danny asked a little startled at how sudden this had been.

“As soon as you’re ready baby!”.

“Wow,” Danny remarked, “I can’t believe it, I love you so much Jake!”.

“I love you too baby” Jake winked.

That wink was becoming something of a trademark of his. It always sent a shiver up Danny’s spine. He just couldn’t get enough of it and Jake knew it!

“Fuck I wanna kiss you!” Danny stated in a seductive tone.

“Just a kiss?” Jake asked sarcastically, “Is that all I get for all that you’ve put me through?”

“You’re such a big fool!” Danny giggled, “We’ll have to wait and see what we get up to when we get home. Maybe I can thank you in some other way!”

This time, it was Danny’s turn to wink at Jake and Jake found that it made him just as crazy as it made Danny when he did it. They smiled at each other and lost themselves in the depths of each other’s eyes like they always did.

“I guess something good did come out of all this shit after all” Danny suggested.

“Yeah?” Jake asked, “What’s that?”

“We get to live together…”


“And sleep together…”


“In the same bed, every night!” Danny hinted suggestively.

Jake responded with another loving kiss and said with a laugh; “I guess this officially makes us boyfriends!”. Danny laughed back before Jake continued; “come on boyfriend, let’s go home!”



Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to tell me what you thought of it by leaving a comment and rating it. Thank you. 🙂



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