Implanted by The_Technician

If you decided to become a Skilled Worker, government counselors would assist you in finding the proper training and job experience. If you chose to be implanted, the implant itself would “find your perfect position in Elite society.” At least, that is what the section in the brochure about the implant promised. The back of the brochures also showed an image of a government ID with SKILLED in the classification blank and another image of an ID with no classification at all on it. Only the Elites had IDs with no classification. There wasn’t even a space for classification on an Elite’s ID.

Becoming implanted had many great advantages. There were actually two implants done several days apart. The first implant changed your body so that you aged very slowly and were immune from almost all diseases. The second locked you into your perfect career.

Being implanted guaranteed wealth and success. That was primarily because you became a part of the Elite Network. All of the implants were interconnected. Any one individual person was not truly aware of the giant network of brains, but it was there. The first implant connected you to the Elite Network, and that Network could sense your true skills and ambitions. From the information gathered by the first implant, the second implant was created specifically for you.

Once you received the second implant, your brain was modified by the Elite Network to optimize you for what you were born to be. Information that once was learned in Fourth Level schooling was simply downloaded into your brain. Changes in your personality and ways of thinking that once required years of experience were made automatically by the implant. In just a few hours, what had once taken decades to acquire was accomplished and in place. By the time you left the implant machine for the second time, you were ready to begin your long life as an Elite.

All of the great leaders of business and the military were implanted. Politicians were also implanted, but there was less control over a politician’s brain and very few became truly great leaders.

Not normally spoken about were those people whose skill and purpose were primarily to support others. The wives of powerful men and the husbands of powerful women were also Elites. But the interconnected Elite Network had determined that their skills and desires were best suited for the role of supporting spouse– whether that be a same-gender spouse or a mixed-gender spouse– and that is what they became. Some were also seIected to be high level personal secretaries or administrative assistants.

Also not spoken about or mentioned in the brochures was the risk you took when being implanted. All the graduates knew about it, but no one talked about it. The risk– the big risk in being implanted– was that what you would become was not known to you until after the second implant was in place. And then it was too late. That risk was why the government– actually the hidden Elite Network which ran the governments of the world– allowed the seIected young graduates from Level Three one year to decide whether they wanted to become a Skilled Worker or become an implanted Elite and risk having to fit into the Elite Network wherever it thought was best.

Donna had used her year to travel the world. Maybe she should have spent less time on the beaches and in the clubs, but she still experienced many various businesses and observed the governments of many nations. After eleven months and fourteen days, she returned home, apparently ready to make her decision.

Finally on I-Day, Donna nervously approached the door to the local Office of Implant Supervision. Everyone in her class had already made their decisions. She and her best friend were going to come down together, but her friend’s parents made her report the day before, so Donna was all alone.

She stood in front of the door for several minutes trying to make her final decision. Did she go in here or walk the short distance down the hallway to the Office of Skilled Worker Supervision? Her conscious mind was still switching back and forth between yes and no when her knuckles rapped sharply on the door. Her decision had been made.

Three months later:

Donna parked her shiny new company vehicle in the parking deck and rode the elevator up to the second from the top floor. She confidently strode into the spacious office and walked swiftly up to the administrative assistant– an Elite– who guarded the door of the Senior Manager of Apex Industries. Donna stood there in her tailored blue suitcoat with a slightly frilled, pale tangerine blouse and a pencil skirt that color-coordinated with both the blouse and the coat. It was obviously a very expensive outfit, but she could afford it.

“My name is Donna Reynolds” she said crisply once the assistant looked up at her, “I have an appointment with Mister Martin.”

The woman made a big show of running her finger down the front of her display screen as she looked at an electronic calendar program of some sort. “Ah, yes,” she replied dryly, “he has blocked out an hour for your meeting.” She then looked back up at Donna and said, “Make your presentation brief. Remember, he does have other meetings today.”

“I will remember that,” Donna said as she side-stepped around the desk and walked toward the highly-polished oaken door. The door opened just as she reached for the handle.

“Donna!” a cheerful voice called out, “I remember you from Third Level. You were in sub-level Nine when I was in sub-level Twelve.”

“I’m glad you remember, Mister Martin,” she replied, “or should I call you Bill?”

“I think it should remain, Mister Martin,” he answered, “just to help us both remember that this is a business meeting.”

“As you wish, Mister Martin,” she said as she walked over to the small couch and set down her coat. She then turned and said, “Where shall we begin?”

“I think you should finish what you started,” he replied.

“As you wish, Mister Martin,” she answered, unbuttoning her blouse and setting it on top of her coat. Her pert breasts, kept firm by the programming in the implant, needed no bra for support.

She stepped out of her heels and then opened the long zipper on the side of the pencil skirt, allowing it to slide unimpeded to the floor where it formed a small circle around her feet. Clients usually liked that effect, and Bill Martin was no different. She was naked beneath her clothes.

“Now, where shall we begin?.. … Mister Martin,” she repeated smiling at Bill and looking directly into his eyes.

“You were the best cocksucker in town when you were in school,” he said. “Let’s see if you have improved on perfection. And then I want to bend you over my desk and fuck you senseless from behind.”

“The customer is always right,” she said sweetly as she stepped out of her shoes, padded naked across the deep carpet, and knelt between Bill Martin’s legs. As promised, the implant had found the perfect position for Donna Reynolds.

Ten Years Later:

The party had been going on for hours. It had begun at seven with a social hour followed by an elaborate meal served in courses. Actually, it had truly begun in the morning with a picnic for all local employees. There were games and prizes for the children and free beer for the Workers. A noon meal was provided and following the meal, Molly Fairchild, the recently-promoted Assistant Senior Supervising Manager of Apex Industries had presented various achievement certificates and rewards to Workers for attendance or productivity or having been with Apex for ten, twenty, or thirty years.

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