Implanted by The_Technician

A little after one am, Donna began rounding up her “horde of whores.” They didn’t like that term, but it was what they were and occasionally Donna needed to remind them of that. By two, everyone was accounted for and in their limos for their rides home. Donna told her security detail that they could take the night off, but they replied– in unison– “We’re paid to protect you twenty-four hours a day, ma’am. We’ll sleep in the car… or wherever… and be here for you in the morning.”

Molly laughed and said, “They can stay in the room above the garage,” and called over one of her servants to show them where to go.

Donna looked around at the many people cleaning up. “Don’t worry about any of that,” Molly said. “I have executive assistants who have executive assistants. They will take care of everything.” She ran a hand down Donna’s arm and said, “Let’s go upstairs and take care of each other.”

The bed had already been turned down when they got upstairs. Molly pointed at doors on opposite walls and said, “The architect who designed the house envisioned his and hers bathrooms to avoid a lot of marital strife. They are identical and there is no his, so we can both clean up before we… retire for the evening.”

Donna smiled. Ten years of professional experience kept her from laughing as Molly turned a bright shade of pink. In grade school they had called her “Spot Light” because of the way she blushed so deeply. The implant should have corrected that… unless Molly had unconsciously wanted Donna to see her blush.

“I’ll take a quick shower and join you in bed,” Donna said with a smile. She really wanted to wash all traces of William Martin from her body before embracing Molly. William was business. Molly would be pleasure.

Molly was already in bed when Donna came out of the bathroom. There was a scent of lilacs in the air and Molly’s already very white skin seemed to be even more subdued. She had obviously used a scented body powder of some sort. From the very natural smell that did not assail the nostrils, it was probably expensive. Donna herself rarely used perfumes. Despite what the ad agencies for the perfume companies tell you, most men prefer a natural smell. And the smells that many men like are actually female pheremones that only men can perceive.

Donna hurried across the mattress and wrapped her arms around Molly. The kiss was long, deep, and mutual. After they finally broke the kiss, Molly said breathily, “It’s been a long time since I-Day.”

“And an even longer time since that hotel in Fiji,” Donna replied. That was the last time that they had made love.

“Let me take you high,” Molly said, starting to run her hands down Donna’s body. “Just kiss me while I…” Donna cut her off by again clamping her mouth over Molly’s.

Neither woman knew what the record was for a kiss like that, but they kept their lips pressed together for three orgasms… two for Molly and one for Donna. After her second orgasm, Molly broke the kiss and flung her arms around Donna pulling her in tight. “Hold me,” she said. “Just hold me.”

Donna wrapped her arms around Molly and pulled her even more tightly against herself. They fell asleep side by side, facing each other, tightly wound in each other’s arms.

Sometime in the night their grips relaxed. They awoke, still side by side, still with each other’s arms around them, but they were no longer pulled so desperately together.

Someone was knocking on the bedroom door. “Yes, Marie,” Molly called out, “I am awake. I will be downstairs shortly.”

She turned to Molly and said, “I have time for a quick breakfast. Will you stay?”

A much heavier knock and a gruff voice saying, “We are running late, Miss Reynolds. They will be waiting for us.” provided the answer to that question.

“I have to leave,” Donna said softly as she gave Molly one last kiss.

Molly looked longingly into Donna’s eyes and asked, “Are you happy?”

“Every day is a joy,” Donna replied flatly. “Don’t you remember? The second implant prepares you for your perfect position in Elite society. Isn’t that what the brochures promised all those years ago?”

“But why did it choose this life for me and a life in the pleasure industry for you?” Molly replied. “You were so very good with numbers, And you had a way of convincing people to do things for you. I was sure the Network would choose you for a management position like mine or even greater.”

Donna suddenly became very serious. She leaned in and kissed Molly lightly on the lips and asked in a voice just above a whisper, “But are you happy?”

Molly didn’t answer. She remained silent as she sat on the bed watching as Donna pulled the sequin and diamond accented black dress up over her body and pressed the shoulder snaps in place. In the bright sunlight coming in the bedroom windows, it was even more obvious that there was nothing but Donna beneath that dress.

“Are you happy?” Donna repeated, standing at the door of the bedroom.

Molly took in a deep breath and held it for a long, long time. Finally she let it out, slumped her shoulders and said, “No. Not really. Are you… are you happy? … really happy?”

“I will tell you a secret that your implant will never let you tell others,” Donna said quietly, “because no one else has ever done it and the Network doesn’t want people to know it is possible. Your implant will probably erase it from your mind as soon as I leave.”

She walked back over to the bed and put one knee on the mattress so she could lean in very close to Molly’s ear as she whispered, “I never went back for the second implant. I guide my own life. This is what I have always wanted to be. I am doing what I always wanted to do. I am not controlled by the Network. So, yes, I am happy. I am very, very happy.”

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NOTE: The bot which checks stories automatically replaces the word s-c-r-i-p-t and the word s-e-l-e-c-t with ******. To make the story more readable, I use a CAPITAL I (i) in place of the l in seIect, and use a q in place of the p in scriqt. Those are NOT errors, so don’t send me private messages about them. They are intentional work-arounds to defeat the stupid bots that check the stories.

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